From that time for nearly six hundred years or more the Esthonians were practically reduced to a state of serfdom to the German landowners.
Serfdom was abolished in 1817 by Tsar Alexander I.
Serfdom and villenage, distinctive features of, i.
The difference lies only in the fact that serfdomwas a direct, definite slavery, while land-slavery is indirect and indefinite.
And not only is land-slavery as unjust and cruel a slavery as serfdom used to be, it is even harder on the slaves, and more criminal on the part of the slave-holders.
I, as a student of the "Nation," was not at all satisfied that an Irish mountain should be called by such a name, which spoke volumes for the state of serfdom into which the people had fallen.
Since then the Protestants have seen the Irish Catholic rising from the dust of serfdom and standing in the attitude of manhood.
Serfdom for rural labor and many limitations on the workman's freedom in the towns were the prevailing conditions in medieval Europe.
Serfdom was both a political and an economic relation.
Serfdom was not abolished until the first half of the nineteenth century in Austria and southeastern Europe, and not until the last half in Russia.
They had suffered a double loss by the abolition of serfdom and of the old laws regarding the Jewish inhabitants; but for the time they had to acquiesce.
The prediction of the reëstablishment of serfdom as a result aimed at in the present Polish struggle, is not only rash but preposterous, and has no foundation except in a fixed purpose to direct all sympathy toward Rossia.
In Poland, the serfdom of the peasants was never sanctioned by law, but existed in later times by reason of exception and abuse.
But the tiny seed of citizenship and independence there already was in the serfdom of the Dark Ages, had nothing to do with what nice things the lord might do to the serf.
It is quite true, of course, that in the days of slavery or of serfdom the needy were fenced by yet fiercer penalties from spoiling the hunting of the rich.
This law created and sustained the serfdom I have described, and is the direct cause of the modern land problem.
They are not servile, and even after two centuries of serfdom they are free in manner and bearing, yet without insolence, and not revengeful and not envious.
The whole effect on the public, of Rakitin’s speech, of his noble sentiments, of his attacks upon serfdom and the political disorder of Russia, was this time finally ruined.
There were even two or three outbreaks of applause when he spoke of serfdom and the distressed condition of Russia.
It was in the darkest days of serfdom at the beginning of the century, and long live the Liberator of the People!
He attributed the tragic crime to the habits that had become ingrained by ages of serfdom and the distressed condition of Russia, due to the lack of appropriate institutions.
A decree of 1487 practically established serfdom in Bohemia, where it had hitherto been almost unknown.
These have, in many places, constituted an intermediate step between serfdom and the free wage-system.
But the result of these impositions was that many of the Indians became discouraged and indicated a preference for returning to serfdom or slavery.
Wherever Rojas went on his tours of inspection and investigation, he heard of natives who had complaints to make, or petitions to offer, or who wished to be released from serfdom and to enter the free village.
From abject serfdom and pauperism he has risen to a plane far above the masses of any race of people.
Finally, when the growth of population has made land so dear that common laborers in freedom cannot save enough to buy farms, the occasion for slavery and serfdom lapses.
On the whole, instead of hampering migration, as serfdom would have done, the institution of slavery made the negro population much more responsive to new industrial opportunity than if it had been free.
Serfdom could hardly be seriously considered by the citizens of a new and sparsely settled country such as the South then was.
In view of the prevailing traits and the density of the population a general return whether to slavery or serfdom was economically unthinkable.
Only Kosovars welcomed them as liberators from Serb serfdom (as did Albanians in Macedonia to a lesser extent).
One thing led to another and military commanders transformed feudal lords administered serfdom to the population.
Whilst impatient his badges of serfdom to lose, Each Chinese without fail parts his head from his tail, And henceforth minds his toupees instead of his queues.
I think the tendency to establish a system of serfdom is the great danger to be guarded against.
Here is a safeguard against serfdom or enforced apprenticeship which seemed to the Committee of especial value.
There is another point, which ought not to be passed over in silence, arising from the just desire to protect the freedmen from any system of serfdom or enforced apprenticeship.
This infinite wrong must not be allowed to skulk in serfdom or compulsory labor.
No more slavery--serfdom was abolished--the muzhiks were free.
The reformers who had worked for the abolition of serfdom were still.
White, "The Development and Overthrow of Serfdomin Russia," Atlantic Monthly November 1862.
Has not advancing culture abolished serfdom in Russia?
Look at Russia, the land that so long retained serfdom and the knout,--even there the number of learned women is perceptibly increasing, and the Russian high schools do not reject female pupils.
And is the saddest of all serfdom--the serfdom of woman--to continue?
Serfdom as a status was hardly affected, but a thousand entries record the poverty and destitution which made it necessary to lighten the economic burdens of the serfs.
The pressure upon subsistence was felt while villainage was still in force, and the terms upon which serfdom dissolved were influenced by this fact to an extent which has hitherto not been recognized.
That serfdom should be abolished, "since Christ redeemed us all with His precious blood, the shepherd as well as the noble, the lowest as well as the highest, none being excepted.