On the other hand, according to a very authentic account that I have seen, Gordon on this occasion stated that the danger at Khartoum was exaggerated, and that he would be able to bring away the garrisons without difficulty.
So Mr. Stevenson in prose is responsible for a knot of ventriloquists who seem to speak with the authentic voice; the hands are the hands of Esau and the utterance is only not Esau's too.
The following authentic account of this disaster is from the newspaper of the day: "La Tribune was one of the finest frigates in His Majesty's service, mounted 44 guns and had been lately captured by Captain Williams in the Unicorn frigate.
The beer is being drunk off Cape Trafalgar to the health of Nelson, and introduces an authentic and appropriate anecdote of him.
The authentic part of the narrative concludes with his admission into a neighbouring convent (the Osservanza) where he was cleansed and fed.
Indeed we have repeatedly observed that the names of artists have been very frequently drawn, not from authentic writings, but from common report, which generally presents us with a worse account of what has been ill heard or understood.
I disclaim all belief then in this old artist until more authentic proofs are brought forward of his existence, and I shall be enabled to throw new light upon the subject before I conclude the present epoch.
The dread possibility of premature interment ever hangs like a gloomy sword of Damocles over all our heads, and fearful indeed is the authentic record of persons buried alive, who have recovered consciousness; too late, alas!
Suffice it, that many authentic historians attest the good faith of the prophets; and finally, with respect to the first of the Bourbon dynasty, Henry IV.
On this principle I make no apology to the reader for detaining him upon a short sketch of Kant's life and domestic habits, drawn from the authentic records of his friends and pupils.
His first authenticact is the storm and sacking of Peterborough in 1070, in company with outlaws and Danish invaders.
The only authentic extant work of Heraclitus is the [Greek: peri physeos].
Judging from the ruins of Persepolis, the Medes and Persians must have attained to a high degree of civilization in the time of Cyrus, but we have no authentic records concerning their civil architecture.
It is to retrace with broad strokes by means of the reproductions of diagrams and authentic monuments the stages of human genius.
Mexico, authentic existing materials for forming an opinion on the ancient state of, i.
Causes of the absence of authentic information respecting the early history of, 303.
But the fullest account of the enormities committed by these barbarians, is in Wodrow's great work, collected from authentic and official documents.
In the meantime, the authentic as well as the spurious passages together compose the churches' Word of God.
In other words, only those passages in the bible are authentic which the clergy quote; those which the rationalists quote are spurious.
I'll also see the lab about some hemlock and something authentic to hold it in--an amphora or whatever the Greeks used.
After the principles of historical criticism have been vigorously applied, the Old Testament is found to contain some of the most important and authentic historical data that have come down to us from antiquity.
In the printed debates of the house of commons, not always the most authentic records of truth, I observe, however, that they have been accused of this.
I have not been able to find any such authentic records concerning the price of raw hides in ancient times.
Footnote 5: The Sautrântikas did not regard the Abhidharmas of the Vaibhâ.sikas as authentic and laid stress on the suttanta doctrines as given in the Suttapi.taka.
My Lords, this is, in my opinion, an error on the part of those who furnish information of an authentic character to the different populations of Europe, who naturally desire to have correct information on such matters.
It is one of those rare works which belongs, by the value of its subject and the truthfulness of its details, to authentic history, and by its vivid descriptions, and exciting incidents to the more varied province of Romance.