You drank a quantity, a substantialquantity of each--according to the orders given to you?
I think I have acknowledged that in a substantial way," Hamlen replied, surprised.
A compost consisting of two parts good substantial peat and one of loam, together with some silver sand, suits it admirably.
Theseus stood among the sailors, gazing eagerly towards the land; although, as yet, it seemed hardly more substantial than the clouds, amidst which the mountains were looming up.
Old Pierre came bustling out with a hearty welcome; the horses were stabled, a room was prepared, and by the time we had removed the traces of our journey Pierre brought in a substantial and appetising supper.
Feel my hand; that is substantial enough, is it not?
No, I am not hungry; I have made a substantial meal.
With this more substantial shelter about me, I had made some progress toward settling in the world.
Though we have many substantial houses of brick or stone, the prosperity of the farmer is still measured by the degree to which the barn overshadows the house.
The prices are reasonable, the food substantial and the atmosphere comfortable, so it is a real haven of good cheer to improvident Villagers.
I remarked only three substantial houses: one of them stands on an open square, and is the court-house.
We found ourselves on an eminence upon the bank, where a large substantialwarehouse had been built jutting over the river.
These places in general were unimportant, but well-built, with manysubstantial houses.
There is here a substantial grist-mill, erected by Rapp, which was said to contain a very good set of machinery, but where we could not reach it on account of the water.
His house resembling in architecture the old government-house in New Orleans, was the first substantial building erected here.
But theory is one thing and practice is another; and though in theory Church and State are entirely separate, the theory has not, in the past, hindered the United States from giving substantial assistance to Protestantism.
But we live in happier days, when our joy is to dwell rather on our substantial unity than on points of different interpretation.
Theirs was a sound, substantial faith that was not frightened by chimeras, nor even dismayed by actual portents as alarming as the French Revolution.
This done, the mother hastened to set before us a substantial meal, while the boys, anxious to make their new acquaintance feel at home among them, were doing their best to amuse her.
Love affairs form a staple ground for fiction, with a very substantial under-strata of facts, even in the nineteenth century; and the annals of pre-Christian Erinn are by no means deficient in the same fertile source of human interest.
Nor should we be surprised at this; for Dublin possesses at the present day substantial remains of her former prosperity, which are even now the admiration of Europe.
He soon found it advisable to make friends with the colonists, and obtained the very substantial offering of two years' revenue of their lands, as a return for his condescension.
He was a powerful player, knew the game and its tactics to perfection, and tore open great holes in the other line, through which the Randall backs plunged for substantial gains.
On the other hand, the Fairview players found several holes in their opponents' line, through which they made substantial advances with the ball.
It consisted of pants and dress coat of fine and substantial gray cloth, trimmed with blue.
Before night every man of General Hurlbut's column had received a substantial dinner and supper, and Colonel Moore's men a supper, and many were likewise furnished with lodgings.
But what pleased us almost as well was a tangible manifestation of the hospitality of the Union people of Chillicothe, in the shape of a substantial table of victuals, from which no soldier was allowed to go away hungry.
A portion of the level plain near the shore, upon which broad streets and fine substantial blocks of buildings now stand, consists of made land, redeemed at great expense and trouble from the shallow water front.
Their agriculture was confined to the raising of sweet potatoes and the esculent taro, while their more substantial food consisted of fish, rats, wild fowl, and human flesh.
The Town Hall is a very fine and substantial building of dressed stone, and several large brick buildings for business purposes were observed to be in course of erection.
There are numerous substantial public buildings of brick and stone, and everything bears a thorough business aspect indicating great prosperity.
Gold will attract adventurers, but the substantial permanent population will be found west of the auriferous range of mountains.
There are not infrequently substantial reasons for customs which appear to us absurd at first blush.
The buildings of Invercargill are substantial and handsome, including several fairly good hotels.
The rhime is here a presumptive proof that the poets pronounced this word with the first sound of o, and it is a substantial reason why that pronunciation should be preferred.
Of these two ancient languages, the Celtic or British comes the nearest to the Hebrew, for which perhaps substantial reasons will be assigned.
This analogy is a substantial and permanent rule, that will forever be superior to local customs.
All these objections appear to me of very inconsiderable weight, when opposed to the great, substantial and permanent advantages to be derived from a regular national orthography.
The yeomanry of this country consist of substantial independent freeholders, masters of their own persons and lords of their own soil.
Substantial amendments to the Postage Law have been adopted, by which the rates of postage upon printed matter sent by mail, have been greatly reduced.
To be once nominated for the upper house was in this way a substantial assurance of an ultimate election, and to be once elected was a substantial assurance of an annual re-election for life.
The town was rebuilt of brick, iron, and stone, more beautiful and substantial than before.
Sherman’s prudence and business judgment were here of substantial service, though the struggle of the College then was more to live than to grow.
These we collected in the carts, and by cementing them by mortar supported by a frame of wood outside, we formed a substantial fire-place and chimney suited for such a fire as we expected to require.
He succeeded, for the alligator stopped several times to look at him, but his mouth was watering with the anticipation of the bonne bouche my substantial carcass would prove, and he again made chase after me.
Carmel's dressing-room made an excellent "green room," and gave the Blue Grotto a substantial theatrical lift over other dormitories.
Slices of tunny fish followed, almost as substantial as beefsteak, then some goats flesh, that closely resembled mutton, and with it a vegetable called fennel, which is rather like celery with a dash of aniseed about it.
Are there any subjects upon which husbands and wives must be in substantial agreement in order to secure a successful marriage?
Although light is a quality of luminoussubstantial things, it is in itself nothing but the substance tejas, not a mere quality like e.
But mere substantial limitation, as meaning the absence of non-limitation of any kind, by itself proves that Brahman is not infinite!
The clause 'Being only this was in the beginning, one only,' teaches that Brahman when about to create constitutes the substantial cause of the world.