These proceedings awakened great feeling in Ohio, and became the subject of much criticism throughout the country by those adhering to the Democratic party.
By 1863 the number had been raised to ten, but three years later, when a Democratic President was contending with a Republican Congress, it was enacted that as vacancies might occur it should be reduced to seven.
Take Jonesco, the chief of the Conservative-Democratic Party, and of M.
For Italy to abandon herdemocratic ideal and to revert to the feudal-despotic ideal of the Pan-Germanists is unthinkable.
Michael says it's a Democratic device to rob Republican women.
Unless stocks go up, or the Democratic party goes down, I'll be broke soon.
The principle of Democratic (or Popular) Government is the law that the will of the majority shall rule.
Where Liberal and Conservative parties are mentioned every American reader will find himself unconsciously substituting Democratic and Republican.
Now the centralisation of France under the old Monarchy, though not so complete as its Democratic and Imperial tyrants afterwards made it, was great.
The vast democraticsea on which the Empire floats is governed by currents and agitated by ground-swells, which the Government discovers only by their effects.
They are among the causes of a state of things which has inflicted on us, and threatens to inflict on all Europe, the worst of all Governments--democratic despotism.
I can understand better the conservative policy of Lord Derby than the democratic one of Lord John Russell.
It shows among your public men an ignorance or a cowardice, or a desire of ill-earned popularity, which is generally a precursor of a democratic revolution.
Such a candidate excites theirdemocratic envy and suspicion.
Feelings which are really democratic have reached those who fancy themselves aristocrats.
The vast democratic sea on which the Empire floats is influenced by currents, and agitated by ground swells which the Government discovers only by their effects.
But for all of that the entire spirit of southern society was democratic in the extreme, far more so than it is now with the nominating machinery everywhere in the south except South Carolina, controlled by corporation oligarchs.
Remember that in 1860 he actually contemplated being the democratic presidential candidate, and that Massachusetts sent a delegation to the Charleston convention instructed for him.
Government--that is, good democratic government--he studied all his life with rare devotion.
When remonstrated with by democratic partisans for not giving democrats the preference in competition for appointments, he declared positively that he should always make fitness and qualification the only conditions of such selection.
Using her control of the then dominant democratic party she got the Missouri compromise repealed.
Her persistence in the demand mentioned--and she was obliged to persist--split the democratic party, which had until this time been her main upholder in the union.
Her adherence to this demand split the democratic party; and the election of Lincoln ensued.
But in everything that the paper says or quotes on the race question I am pained to note that its shortcoming is greater than its very high merit in preaching democratic democracy.
The democratic tendencies of Australia are illustrated by the fact that tuition at Duntroon is absolutely free, the parents of the young officer being not even asked to supply him with pocket money, since an allowance of 5s.
For there is no such thing as a democratic gentleman; the adjective and noun are hyphenated by a drawn sword.
Douglas was not inactive during the campaign, being deeply interested, not only in the election of Buchanan, but in restoring Democratic supremacy in Illinois.
The Democratic Convention met in that city on April 23rd, which brought to the surface a state of feeling at the South that had long been suspected but not certainly known.
The Whig party and the Democratic party jointly adopted the Compromise measures of 1850 as the basis of a proper and just solution of this slavery question in all its forms.
Though not yet thirty-nine, Douglas was as eager for the Democratic nomination as Webster at seventy was for that of the Whigs.
But the prairies were settled by a race of thoroughly Democratic pioneers to whom the rough victor at New Orleans was a hero in war and a master in statecraft.
Prior to 1854," he said, "this country was divided into two great political parties, known as the Whig and Democratic parties.
It was necessary to have a more progressive Democratic Administration than theretofore.
But this was not the authentic Democratic faith, which left the whole question to the option of the several States.
In the following spring he received the Democratic nomination for Congress and resigned his judgeship to enter the campaign.
With the personal tastes of aristocrats and the domestic habits of despots, they were staunchly Democratic in their politics and had full control of the party.
The Democratic party have always stood by that great principle and I stand on that platform now.
The declaration that Congress had not power to establish a bank was contained in every Democratic platform since that time, in defiance of the solemn ruling of the Court.
How cunning for Peter Cooper and Mayor Tiemann to send Hopeful to the Democratic General Committee, and beat Elijah F.
It is an ominous consistency with which we charge the Democratic Party.
But when Mr. Cushing speaks with exultation of the past and with confidence of the future of the Original Democratic Party, we can think of nothing like it but Charles II.
But he is mistaken; Democratic administrations have been busy in supplying arguments, and we complain rather of their abundance than their paucity.
The Democratic Party, like the distinguished ancestor of Jonathan Wild, has been impartially on both sides of every question of domestic policy which has arisen since it came into political existence.
It occurred to us suddenly that the next Democratic National Convention is to assemble in Charleston.
Mr. Cushing claims that the Democratic Party has originated and carried through every measure that has become a part of the settled policy of the government.
Nor is it for inconsistency that we condemn the Democratic Party.
Such an opposition the Democratic Party seems lately to have devoted all its policy to build up, and now, confronted with it, can find no remedy but in the abolishment of morals and conscience altogether.
When the debt settlement was made, he returned to the Old Democratic fold.
This sheet before the war was the leading Democratic organ.
General Simon Bolivar Buckner, of Kentucky, with Palmer, of Illinois, were chosen by the gold standard wing of the Democratic party as the standard bearers of the Democracy.
Ritchie, the editor of The Enquirer, the organ of the Democraticparty of the State of Virginia.
Its platform of principles was antagonistic to the Democratic party and to the Southern States on the slavery question.
He had been for several years an important figure in American politics and history, and had been a candidate for the nomination of the Federal or Whig party against Mr. Thomas Jefferson, the nominee of the Republican-Democratic party.
In the year 1860 the Democratic party held its convention in the city of Charleston, S.
The causes of its duration are in the checks to democratic fickleness and disorder.
Akutin's headquarters to be exempted but that democratic officer, who understood the real meaning of the revolution to the Russian people and who had their confidence, would not forfeit it by favoring the rich man's son.
He was a democratic leader and his government was readily accepted by the people.
They thought the Americans were supporting the British in an invasion of Russia to suppress all democratic government, and to return a Romanoff to the throne.
His attitude of mind on these points led him to break away from the Social Democratic Federation, which, with its political program, was distasteful to Morris's more purely social feeling, and found the Socialist League.
He started out on his voyage through the century toward the democratic ideal in the good ship Individualism--the banner ship indeed.
In that he has given expression to his democratic philosophy through his construction and interpretation of Sordello's character as a champion of the people as well as a poet who ushered in the dawn of the Italian literary Renaissance.
It represented the progressive, democratic religious force which was then in England bringing religion into the lives of the people with a positiveness long lost to the Anglican Church.
Still his insistence upon liberty, however old-fashioned his ideas of the means by which it should be maintained, puts him in the line of the democratic march of the century.
The severe constitution of Draco was succeeded in 594 by the milder code of Solon, the democratic elements of which, after the brief tyranny of the Pisistratids, were emphasized and developed by Clisthenes.
After the fall of Robespierre, to which he powerfully contributed, he openly attacked the terrorists, and advocated the most democratic principles.
The tendency of Hamilton's project was clearly seen by Jefferson and other democratic leaders, and did not fail to arouse their hostility.
Jefferson and Burr were the Democratic candidates for President and Vice-President.
Some of the Federalists were ready to stoop to any means for striking at Jefferson, the great representative of Democratic ideals.
These two eminent Democratic leaders had, indeed, been among the most earnest supporters of the Constitution.
Hamilton succeeded in dividing the Federalist vote in New York so as to give the election to Lewis, Burr's democratic rival.
The sentiment most strongly opposed to the views of Hamilton was not democratic sentiment, in the strictest sense of the word, but devotion to local self-government.
Each was voted for by all the Democratic electors, giving them an equal number of votes and a majority of the electoral college.
John with his democratic ideas did not understand this and stuck to his opinion.
The lower class spoke of theirdemocratic way of thinking, as though it were a virtue.
For the simple reason that he did not belong to the democratic party; he had never promised his father or mother not to receive a favour from the king.
It began with a democratic and reforming programme and its attack on the Civil List was the boldest stroke which had yet been seen.
He was neither condescending nor democratic in his tastes, but rather proud.
Although he had the advantage of plebeian birth he was worried to death by the democratic press, which incessantly carped at him.
It was, however, education which had made him more democratic than they; he would therefore side with the educated.
Thus was this college born of the democratic spirit and the sentiment of union nurtured in the same spirit.
Later on these institutions changed theirdemocratic character.
English school with the more democratic of the English universities, and many boys come to the "light blue" university already wearing her favours.