He will find that it has been sifted, and in the most full and satisfactory manner, by persons of no less distinction than Archbishop Secker and Bishop Halifax.
It placed the relations of the two empires on a very satisfactory footing.
Other countries, more forward in their preparations, were, of course, able to make a more satisfactory appearance.
Doubtless, such as these needed refreshment, and nothing was more satisfactory than the fact that they did not refresh themselves so much as to appear other than steady on parade.
You two are the most satisfactory and the dearest patients I've ever had," declared Red Pepper Burns.
Even in a household it is rare to find a servant (except a few very capable head-servants) who can be depended on to maintain a satisfactory standard of work, unless he is frequently reminded whenever he slackens off.
It is not merely that his appetite should be satisfied, but if the meal is to be regarded as a satisfactory one there must be the physical sensation of repletion, and the diner does not need to eat again for several hours.
It was also a satisfactory feature of this medley of races and religions that the only person for whom there was no place, and who finally got sent to Coventry, was an Englishwoman who professed to be a theosophist.
Afterwards she writes,-- "On all, this visit has left a permanent satisfactory impression.
One thing I cannot pass over in my story: one fine day, when I summoned up courage and put the all-important question to Miss Frick, I received as satisfactory an answer as any man could wish.
And even if he does report the bare facts, such a report cannot possibly be as satisfactory as your own account.
This completed what the Inca was pleased to regard as a very excellent and satisfactory day's work.
But it was not equally satisfactory to the agricultural labourer, who was deprived of his customary employment (since sheep-farming required far fewer hands) and found no adequate compensation as yet in the industrial growth of towns.
If they had had their way, the re-modelling would have been on lines satisfactory to John Knox.
The problem is one which still awaits a satisfactory solution.
Every day he made it a rule to work at least an hour, two if possible, on the thirty-foot yawl that had already begun to take satisfactory shape on the timber ways which now stood on the river bank.
Instantly a puff of fire shot up, colorless and clear, throwing no very satisfactory light, yet capable of dispelling the thickest of the gloom.
But to this we could by no means give to ourselves a satisfactory reply.
This, I must confess, surprised me much; and I pondered the saying long, but could come at no satisfactory conclusion as to that wherein my old-fashionedness lay.
The captain stated his object in visiting the island, regretted that there had been a slight misunderstanding during the last visit, and hoped that no ill-will was borne by either party, and that a satisfactory trade would be accomplished.
It was now pretty late in the evening, and after another very satisfactory visit to the prison we drove back to the station.
It was not even as if, in vital matters, Russia started the war in a satisfactory condition.
There are no satisfactory experiments which show that breed, in itself considered, has any particular influence on the quantity of food consumed.
Friends were consulted, but without any satisfactory result; and at length it was agreed that the names should be written upon strips of paper and drawn by the nominees.
The whole of the official report is in the same satisfactory strain, but we do not feel ourselves justified in printing any more of it.
The great secret of satisfactory existence derives its origin from well-calculated and moderate expenditure.
The chief evidence on this point is not derived from the fossils themselves, but from their duplicates, which afford the most satisfactory proof of the period at which they were deposited.
He fixed his deep penetrating eyes for one moment on hers; but I don't know whether he gleaned anything very satisfactory from them, as hers were quickly dropped, and her long black lashes were an effectual shield.
I made many excuses which had been satisfactory to my own mind.
In general, however, the records of dissecting work and of anatomical development are not near so satisfactory at Paris as in the Italian universities.
If all is satisfactory the candidate should be approved and admitted and the license to teach granted.
It is not creditable to English literature that no satisfactory account of Genghis Khan exists in the language.
In 1267, however, Hart and his staff returned to Peking from their wanderings, re injecta, faithfully accompanied by their Corean guides, whose explanations as to why the goal had not been reached were by no means satisfactory to Kublai.
There are no evidences of its having been produced by any disease; nor in fact can we assign any satisfactory cause for this peculiar configuration: it appears to have been a congenital formation.
Perhaps he will give us the results of these experiments in some future book--for that they will prove satisfactory to him can hardly, I think, be doubted.
I will write to him again, and endeavour to procure you a satisfactory Answer.
I hope you will enable me to send them a satisfactory Answer.
We are still very far from possessing a satisfactorygeographical knowledge of even the more accessible districts of Badakshan.
It is satisfactory to note that the English left on the whole a good reputation behind them.
The position that the club occupied at the close of that season was not satisfactory to me, as I felt that it should have been better, but there was no use crying over spilt milk, the only thing to do being to try it again.
Searches for the traditional silver, gold, lead and tin mines have been without satisfactory results.
His Episcopate was the most successful and satisfactory from the beginning; Hobart's was brilliant, but his was masterful and complete.
In compliance with the law, a training school for nurses and attendants has been established and maintained for some years with the most satisfactory results.
His interest in various pursuits has interfered with the singleness of his devotion to the law, but his opinion upon difficult questions has often been sought and followed with the most satisfactory results to himself and to his clients.