Style-branches short or united, obtuse, unappendaged, smooth, with often a pubescent ring below.
No adolescent who is not past the pubescent stage should run sprint races longer than 100 yards.
The system of grouping suggested by the School Athletic League, is that of grouping the boys according to physiological rather than chronological age, as follows: Pre-pubescent boys under 90 pounds.
The Wasp goes hunting on the holm-oaks of the neighbouring hills the Pubescent Brachyderes (B.
The leaves are oval to oblong, usually acuminate, glabrous above and pubescent beneath, and have prominent veins.
The flowers, which are small, whitish, and perfect, are borne on the rusty pubescent growths of the season.
Much like the preceding, but with simple leaves and pubescent fruit.
A small plant two or three inches high, with several pairs of small, ovate, pubescent leaves, and a terminal raceme of small blue flowers.
The leaves in the former are smooth above and glaucous beneath; in the latter pubescent on both sides.
Its dark purple pubescent cones, only two or three inches long, readily distinguish it from the preceding species.
The leaves are entire, pubescent on the under side.
A species with large lemon-yellow flowers and hoary pubescent leaves.
May; fruit a bur, supported on a club-shaped pubescent peduncle about 1.
Leaves expanded at the apex, and generally with three lobes; mature twigs generally scurvy-pubescent 17 Q.
Leaves grayish or yellowish pubescent beneath; scales of cup with a reddish-brown border; nut enclosed for about 1/3 its length 16 Q.
The type of this species and its varieties have glabrous or rarely slightly pubescent leaves, with usually 7 thin leaflets.
Leaves not yellow green beneath; base of the petiole of the terminal leaves not enlarged, petioles smooth, or if pubescent at the base the pubescence will be more or less evident the entire length of the petiole.
The leaves of all specimens at hand are 5-lobed and show a variation of leaves with petioles and under surface of leaves densely pubescent to those with petioles glabrous and with densely pubescent under surface.
His range of Tilia neglecta might include a part of Indiana, and it may be that the pubescent forms of Tilia glabra in our area should be referred to that species.
The stem is stuffed, firm, slender, smooth, pubescent at the base.
It differs from the former in not having ferruginous gills and pubescent stems, and from the latter by its smaller size, its densely pubescent pileus, and its habitat.
You will frequently meet a variety whose cap and stem are quite pubescent but whose other characteristics agree with G.
In the latter the pubescent covering is less dense and the erect scales are more numerous than in the former.
Rapid and marked accentuation of unidexterity is a pubescent change.
The pubescent period is characterized by extensive range of all physical features of the individuals in it.
The pubescent period is characterized by great and rapid changes in height, weight, strength of grip, vital capacity, and endurance.
Divergence is most marked and sudden in the pubescent period--in the early teens.
Change of heart before pubescent years, there are several scientific reasons for thinking means precocity and forcing.
Illustration: Percentage x Age] He computed also the following percentage table of the causes of punishments in certain Italian schools for girls and boys near pubescent ages: Boys Girls Quarrels and blows 53.
In games of imitation girls excel and show a marked, as boys do a slight, pubescent fall.
It seems so fine out of doors, especially in the spring, and the woods and fields make it so hard to voluntarily incarcerate oneself in the schoolroom, thatpubescent boys and even girls often feel like animals in captivity.
The pubescent reading passion is partly the cause and partly an effect of the new zest in and docility to the adult world and also of the fact that the receptive are now and here so immeasurably in advance of the creative powers.
In those games involving rivalry boys at first greatly excel girls, but are overtaken by the latter in the eighteenth year, both showing marked pubescent increment.
The saddest fact in these studies is that nearly half our American pubescent girls, or nearly three times as many as in England, choose male ideals, or would be men.
Military heroes and inventors play leading rĂ´les in the choices of pubescent boys.
Again, we see in the above, outcrops of the strong pubescent instinct to enlarge the vocabulary in two ways.
The stout branches form a broad crown where there is room, and the luxuriant foliage is wonderfully light in color, pale green above, with silvery pubescent leaf-linings.
The leaves are ovate-oblong, and pubescenton the undersides.
A shrub of 4 feet in height, with deep green serrated leaves, that are 2 inches long and pubescent on the under sides.
Grows about a yard high, with ovate, pubescent leaves, and white flowers.
This tree attains to a height of 20 feet, has deeply lobed leaves that are wedge-shaped at the base, and slightly pubescent on the under sides.
Of all the insanities of the pubescent state, erotomania and religious mania are the most frequent and the most pronounced.
AE] [AE] This knowledge is not confined to the Catholic church alone; in all denominations the pubescent human being is considered most susceptible to religious influences.
We may take children, with the exception of pubescent girls, to be good, reliable witnesses.
In general it may be stated that a hairy grass tends to become more glabrous in a moist situation, and more pubescent in a dry one, but the rule is by no means absolute.
The blade tends to twist to the left: auricles filiform and embrace the densely pubescent sheath.
There is a white-flowered variety (alba), and a very pubescent one named mollis.
Leaves ovate to elliptic, stellate-pubescent or glabrous, turning yellow in the autumn.
A small tree or shrub rarely more than 20' high, with slender slightly pubescent or glabrous red-brown branchlets marked by small pale lenticels, becoming ashy gray in their second or third year.
Leaves oval to obovate or oblong-oval, more or lesspubescent while young.
Corymbs, leaves, and branchlets more or less villose or pubescent through the season.
Mature leaves glabrous (slightly pubescenton the midrib and veins below in 142).
The seeds are numerous and very small, and the leaves are pubescent and slightly clammy.
The leaves are deciduous, and slightly pubescent beneath; and the flowers are produced in small terminal clusters.
Flowers minute, pink, pubescent under a lens, slightly compressed, oval with the apex near one side of one end, about 2 mm.
White or violet; in densely crowded villous-pubescent spikes, two to ten inches long.
Shrubby; a foot or two high; branching freely; glandular pubescent throughout; fragrant.
In the evening the Yen Gam came up according to his promise with the gigantic Palm, with male inflorescence, it is a Caryota; he likewise brought Sarcocordalis, Rafflesiacea, and a curious pubescent Piper.
Also two plants not before seen, and neither common, one is a Butea, leguminous velutino pubescent arbor, it is the Chuchra of the natives, and is used for paper.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pubescent" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.