What's He been about if He's All Seeing and All Powerful, to let loose such a devil on a harmless settlement like this where we were all brethren and dwelt together in unity, no matter whether we believed in dipping or sprinkling?
Sally had been talking in her loud, loose voice to keep her courage up.
The Squire laughed, with a rattling of loose teeth on his pipe-stem.
He was covered with soot and dust and his clothes were torn; his coat was stripped in tatters, and his long hair hung loose over it.
She wailed out the words with her head fallen forward on her knees, and her loose hair dripping over them.
They stumbled in a loose mob behind and before and beside him through the dim night, and tried to pass Redfield's guard to strike him with their hands or the sticks which they tore from the wayside bushes.
When a good ready is had, to move immediately on Jackson, Mississippi, cutting loosefrom the road.
This is a larger class than most men suppose, and they are the most dangerous set of men that this war has turnedloose upon the world.
On searching him the pistol was found in his pocket, the barrel still warm; also some loose powder and a bullet.
To cast her loose would be the work of a moment, and with steam up she might be taken across the bay before the alarm could be given and pursuit organised.
He was not the first man of loose morality and expensive tastes who preferred the risk of future reputation and liberty to the present discomfort of living upon narrow means.
Morals were loose and drunkenness was the besetting sin of the colony.
If a woman among the Malaialis of the Javadi hills commits adultery, the young men of the tribe are said to be let loose on her, to work their wicked way, after which she is put in a pit filled with cow-dung and other filth.
Yet by a strange inconsistency, men consorting with Basavis are immediately branded as loose men.
Tied to the ankles were hollow brass cylinders with loose bits of brass inside.
Women wear a mundu of some coloured cloth (dark blue is most usual), and a white loose bodice more or less embroidered, and a veil or scarf on the head.
It has more of the loose but massive work of our English realist, Millais, about it than the compacter work of Rembrandt.
Though all the furies of the elements seemed let loose to rage around the walls of the dungeon, still Wallace slept in the loud uproar.
So Murray judged when the poor old harper, finding himself alone with him, again gave loose to his often-recapitulated griefs.
The horse struck his heel against a loose stone, and it giving way, he fell headlong into the deep ravine.
The seamen pushed off; then giving loose to their swelling sail, in less than ten minutes, the light vessel was wafted out of the little harbor, and turning a point, those in the castle saw it no more.
The steers turnedloose for the cowboys to "bulldog" were rather tame animals, for they were used to the employment.
Then the car was upon her, the mudguard knocked her down, and her loose coat catching in some part of the car, she was dragged for several yards before Wonota could reach her.
I saved my horse an' outfit from the smash, and enough loose change to bring me West--no thanks to you.
When they see an Hagge fast asleep (for it is usual for them to sleep on the road), they loose a camel before and behind, and one of the thieves leads it away with the Hagge upon its back asleep.
I always slid head first, and hit a stone and cut a ligamentloose in my knee.
We have cut loose from the Bible, and any man who is living contrary to the Bible is a sinner, whether he feels like a sinner or not.
Don't turn your old Gatling-gun tongueloose and rip everybody up and rip your husbands up and send them out of their homes.
I'll turn my guns loose against him, and don't you forget that.
That distinction is historically derived from a loose habit of philosophizing characteristic of ignorant ages, and was bequeathed to modern times by the theology of the Latin church.
In most philosophical discussions a great deal ofloose phraseology is used, in order to find the proper connotations of which we must go back to primitive and untutored ages.
Sand, those Buttons or Nuts, sticking to a littleloose stick, that is, not belonging to any live Tree, and some of them also free by themselves.
Let not thy breeches be too tight, or hang too loose about thy thighs, like the trunk-hose of our ancestors.
As yet their organization wasloose and free, and was in fact no true incorporation as a Guild.
She sat, lithe and slim, but very shapely, with the skirt of the loose light habit she had gathered in one hand just clear of the sliding foam, and revealing the little foot in the stirrup.
Now I don't know that we could cut that jam, and if we did it would only turn the lakeloose on the mine.
It also dipped into splashy hollows and climbedloose gravel banks, while once a hoarse shout from the leader, which changed to a howl of pain, was followed by a stoppage.
And turn the lake loose on us with the trench 'bout half big enough to take it away?
Jimmy did his best, but he was slouching and loose of limb, while Brooke was light of foot and young.
I doubt neither the loyalty nor the courage of those that serve his Majesty, but there are not a few among them that are somewhat loose of life, which is, indeed, but too common a fault of soldiers.
It is said to be worth £2,000, but not having that amount of loose cash about me, I could not gratify myself by offering to purchase it.
But he will at first, and let Hell loose on Europe.
Before starting the young officer approached her again, his cap in hand, his long, shaggy locks all loose and dangling in his eyes.
I was holding a candle while he set up a loose latch.
The fire purred low, now and then the wind sighed gently about the corner of the “new part,” and a loose door-latch clicked as the draught shook it.
And now we had cut loose from even the mild tyranny of his watch.
For her part, she saw nothing except her brother vanishing slowly into the shadows as though stricken at her glance, the curtains closing before his livid face--and then pandemonium broke loose at her feet.
His legs were lost in gum boots, also looseand cavernous, and his entire costume looked relaxed and flapping, so that he gave the impression of being able to shake himself out of his raiment, and to rise like a burlesque Aphrodite.
Her hair had fallen loose and crinkled to her waist, all agleam.
Every loose and breakable thing had been ground to splinters as though by iron slugs in a whirling cylinder.
Glenister ground his teeth--a frenzy possessed him to loose his anger, to rip through the frail ceiling with naked hands and fall vindictively upon the two men.
His struggles lessened, his chin sagged, and his tongue protruded, then he sat loose and still.
Beneath his corduroy coat she saw a loose cartridge-belt, yellow with shells, and the nickelled flash of a revolver.
McNamara reared himself groaning from the floor, his right arm swinging from the shoulder strangely loose and distorted, with palm twisted outward, while his battered face was hideous with pain and defeat.
Get these natives settled down as quickly as possible, Mr. North, then start to heave-up and loose sails.
Just as we are debating as to whether we shall take the boat out into mid-stream, Twin Dick gives a yell as his stick is suddenly whipped out of the sand, and the loose line lying beside it rushes away into the water.
Her arm struck a portfolio lying on the edge of the table, and in falling loose sheets of paper fluttered out on the carpet.
Pheola predicts it will break loose in a couple days and kill him.
She says that one of the clots will break loose on the nineteenth, and that Maragon will have an attack.
The first time you do anything that gets your heart going a little faster than it does lying here, that clot will break loose and kill you.
These and many more methods, which we may imagine if we once give loose to our imaginations, are, so far as we can judge, all practicable.
The sayings of Christ, of which he alleges many, are all taken from our Gospels; the single exception to this observation appearing to be a loose quotation of a passage in Saint Matthew's Gospel.
We shall be happy to print any suggestions on the subject--our own are, as we call them, mere hints with loose references to the authors or books which suggested them.
They resemble our own old tenures; they better suit our character and our wants than the loose holdings and servile wages system of modern England.
Friable--Where the soil is looseand open, as is generally the case in sandy, gravelly, and moory lands.
Knowledge, Charity, and Patriotism are the only powers which can loose this Prometheus-land.