All those things, of course, cannot touch me in my private capacity, sheltered as I am by a happy home and very warm friends.
I had a kind of sheltered feeling as I thus sat and watched my father writing, turning to his books, and speaking from time to time to himself in a loud, earnest whisper.
Numbers of ships occupied the sheltered station which this northern channel afforded them.
The sun shone, but we were sheltered from its rays by the cliffs.
In a little while the left columns under Clinton and Pigot reached a position under the walls of the redoubt where they were sheltered from the scattering and feeble fire of the defenders.
The sun had but a short time to keep its rim above the west; indeed, in sheltered places, the shadows had grown long and were thickening into dusk.
Sometimes they passed the nights at isolated villages; at others they camped in sheltered spots and rolled themselves in their blankets upon the ground.
They took their places in the boat, crossed to the opposite shore, which was to some extent sheltered from the wind, and rowed some three miles up.
I believe I am not the first of my House that your castle has shelteredin adverse days.
Once there they laid themselves down in a sheltered spot upon the bank and waited while Max, who this time would not permit Bertram to accompany him, made his preparations for crossing the river.
Seed may be sown outside after March 15; sooner if a warm and sheltered spot is selected.
The seed may be sown in boxes, and these boxes then placed in a sheltered position on the warm side of a building.
When full grown, it enters the ground, changes in late summer to the beetle, which finally goes into hibernation in sheltered places.
A well-enriched, sheltered position in a border should be given.
A sheltered location being selected, young plants from runners may be set in August or September.
Sow the seed in boxes in a warm, sheltered situation in the border or under glass.
Black-spot or scab often proves troublesome in wet seasons and particularly in damp or sheltered situations.
These tuberous-rooted plants should be planted late in September or early in October, in a well-enriched sheltered border, setting the tubers 3 in.
In like manner, the deeper portions of the spinal region have been sheltered from trauma and they, too, show but little power of causing a discharge of nervous energy on receiving trauma.
The brain and other phylogenetically sheltered parts likewise give no exhausting self-protective nerve-muscular response to trauma.
We passed out into the clear cold starlight, with the burning candle sheltered by a milk pan, and picked our way between the lumber to the unfinished room where John lay.
There was no sheltered nook for shivering children, so father lifted Georgia and me on to a log, and mother tucked a buffalo robe around us, saying, "Sit here until we have a better place for you.
But for a while the sheltered haughs and sloping banks of the Clyde still deserve the name of the "Orchard of Scotland.
Below can be traced the folds of the hills that sheltered Rob Roy, and over against it the glens of the Colquhoun country that witnessed the prowess and revenge of the Wild Macgregors.
A huge alluvial plain, the Traeth Mawr, or Great Sand, sheltered by an irregular semicircle of hills, makes an impressive foreground.
It pleased him to be so near the one he loved, and to lie where he could dream of her sweet face and see the outlines of the house that sheltered her, while she had no knowledge of his presence.
It was a sad pleasure to pass within so short a distance of the roof that sheltered the one he loved best.
These wretches, without commanders from either army, sheltered in the great forests that abound in nearly all parts of the State, were often strong enough to overcome the domestic forces, and were guilty of many outrages.
It was a quite unnecessary appeal, for Joyce, who was presently sitting with his wife in a sheltered quarter of the deck, had not the slightest interest in the smoking cone which was as yet a mere smudge upon the horizon.
Late one afternoon in April, Professor Irving stood in his customary niche at the corner of Fourth Avenue and Ninth Street, watching the traffic from a sheltered spot against the wall of the building.
Those peas may be sown in July, August, or so late as the first week in September, if sown in a warm, sheltered situation, and in a soil inclining to sand.
The geraniums cut down in July, will now be pushing forth a number of young shoots; these must be encouraged as much as possible, by keeping the plants in a sheltered place, and duly supplying them with moisture.
Endeavor to obtain a position where the direct sun-light falls upon the house, for this is absolutely necessary to health; and give preference to a house the openings of which are sheltered from the north and east winds.
Except in stormy seasons, they may stand out night and day, in some slightly-sheltered spot.
The early kinds should be sown as soon as the ground can be worked, in a sheltered situation.
Hang it to dry in a current of air, but sheltered from a powerful sun.
This spur was, unfortunately, inaccessible for guns and, though our infantry mounted it, their fire had no effect upon the enemy, sheltered as they were behind their battlements.
That was a fine shot of yours, Mutteh Ghar," he said to Lisle, by whose side he was still standing; for they had gone so far down the slope that they were sheltered from the fire behind.
The Punjabis were soon gathered and, led by an English officer, they advanced up the hill at a running pace, until they came to a point so precipitous that they were sheltered from the enemy's fire.
There was a stretch of shoals off the mouth of the stream, and no sheltered anchorage near; so we took the small boat for the trip, and a fresh breeze off the gulf blew us to our destination speedily.
In a sheltered place on the shore we found a rude cabin occupied by two hunters, who had their traps set in the surrounding woods.
Once more the ominous row of heads appeared, squeezed under the boat-side, and claws tore madly at the roof thatsheltered us.
Miss Felicia, from a shelteredcorner of her sister's bedroom, watched them as they passed up and down.
There was a sheltered cove about a mile beyond Totland Bay where they could go into the water; and all the party, provided with their bathing things, started on their expedition.
In the past he has sheltered his soul in God, but no past act of faith can avail for present distresses.
His garden was on the steep side of a south-facing hill and was sheltered from the continual frosts which fall in the summer nights, so that it succeeded well.
She took the bow and its accoutrements from the sheltered niche in the tepee where it hung; the only spot, it seemed, that had not been subjected to the destruction of the elements.
The exit was another passage, rising gently to a rock- and tree-sheltered nook in the heart of a tiny island.
When it appeared, the garrison was crowded with the settlers who had fled before the anticipated attacks of the Indians and, as has been said, every roof in the community sheltered all it could cover.
Gaspar's courage returned, and he led her to a sheltered place under the stockade, where he made her sit beside him for the brief time that was his.
Until she could secure properly dressed skins or bark, these would serve her purpose well enough for the little tepee she meant to pitch close to the house which sheltered her children.
Surely, you and Mercy remember Gaspar Keith, whom you sheltered for so many years, and who treated you so badly at the end?
The singer was silent, the crowd remained expectant, while the hot afternoon sun blazed down on all things save the King, shelteredby the royal baldequin.
On stealing a glance behind me, I perceived a tree as large as the one which sheltered me.
We had no hope of being sheltered by a roof until our return to the mound city itself, but we had provided ourselves with a couple of tents, part of the freight of our waggon.
Hope), is the sheltered part or hollow of the hill.