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Example sentences for "serried"

Lexicographically close words:
serrated; serration; serrations; serratures; serratus; serrulata; serrulate; sers; sert; serta
  1. These words uttered, he issued towering from the gates, brandishing his mighty spear: with him in serried column rush Antheus and Mnestheus, and all the throng streams forth of the camp.

  2. We rush in and encircle them with serried arms, and cut them down dispersedly in their ignorance of the ground and seizure of panic.

  3. The Ausonian army issue forth, and crowd through the gates in streaming serried columns.

  4. He ended; all with spirit alike emulous form a wedge and advance in serried masses to the walls.

  5. So speaks he, and bursts amid the serried foe.

  6. Far away in the distance stretched the serried ranks of the army, and the whole scene had that character of majestic grandeur so well suited to the sovereign who dictated the laws of the world.

  7. Behind them came the serried ranks of the knights, who had laid aside their coats-of-mail, their lances, and their shields.

  8. A serried crowd of strangers and inhabitants, women and servants, old and young, were pressing around his escort, as if there had been an order given to that effect.

  9. At those of the Town Hall there were serried rows of electors, princes of the Church and of the empire, barons, counts, and knights.

  10. For the throng was denser than ever; the people surged and swayed in serried ranks behind the City police, and gazed with a wonder and awe that for once seemed to have entirely silenced the Cockney instinct of persiflage.

  11. A few white burnouses were dotted among the serried mass of Manyema in the van, but the reserve force was Arab throughout.

  12. He sprang from his boulder; seizing a bayoneted musket, he leapt to the side of Mwonda as he smote thick and fast upon the serried mass, and shoulder to shoulder with him tried desperately to beat back the overwhelming tide.

  13. There is something menacing about those serried ranks.

  14. The crowd divides and you pass through a double hedge of serried curious people.

  15. The attack, as usual, was favorable to the French arms, but hardly had they dispersed the inferior troops when they found themselves face to face with the serried ranks of the Spahis and Janissaries.

  16. Behind them in serried lines stood the powerful Secret Orders clustered around the Knights of the Golden Circle.

  17. Within an hour they were passing in serried lines before the Commander.

  18. As the serried lines of blue, with bayonets flashing in the warming sun of April, marched past the tall giant on horseback, they were in fine spirits.

  19. Would it be the few like the sugar pine towering over its fellows; or the many like the lodge pole pine and englemann spruce standing in serried ranks of equal valor and power?

  20. These, however, were but a tithe of the spectators, who encircled the Place of Arms in one serried horde which was kept back by a line of soldiers.

  21. Dick shrugged his shoulders and was about to answer when suddenly a sound of shouting deep and glad rose from the serried companies upon their left.

  22. These blots of cloud threw feelers out, and strung themselves together, until a broad serried and serrate bar went boldly across the heavens, from south–east to north–west.

  23. You walk for ten minutes over a carpet of serried heather, and you are upon the highest summit.

  24. It was in vain that Hohenlohe's choice squadrons flung themselves on the serried masses in front: the artillery and musketry fire disordered them, while French dragoons were ready to profit by their confusion.

  25. And soon, when Ker the captain made ready a war by sea, with a noble army we beat his serried ships.

  26. That serried line was an old acquaintance: it was a band of Indian warriors on their midnight march-- upon the war-trail!

  27. They are like serried ranks; the ground literally bristles with them.

  28. I pushed my way among the fashionable youths contemplating the ladies while sucking the knob of their sticks; through the serried ranks of respectable families, marching arm in arm with their white frocked young ladies close in front.

  29. There only remained of the former serried ranks a thin broken line of ugly immature flamingoes, dirty-white in plumage, streaked with brown.

  30. Hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of these birds stood in serried ranks along the curving, diverging shores.

  31. There had been but little change here; perhaps the road was wider and the dust lay thicker, but the great pines still mounted in serried ranks on the slopes as before, with no gaps in their unending files.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "serried" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    bristling; ceaseless; close; compact; compressed; concentrated; concrete; condensed; congested; connected; consolidated; constant; continual; continuing; continuous; crammed; crawling; crowded; cyclic; cyclical; dense; direct; endless; featureless; firm; full; gluey; hard; heavy; immediate; impenetrable; impermeable; incessant; interminable; jammed; joined; linked; massive; monotonous; packed; perennial; periodic; populous; recurrent; repetitive; running; seamless; serpentine; serried; smooth; solid; stable; steady; straight; substantial; swarming; teeming; thick; thickset; unbroken; unceasing; undifferentiated; unending; uniform; unintermittent; uninterrupted; unrelieved; unremitting; unstopped; viscid; viscous