It seemed as if a special dispensation of Fate had brought their elderly cousin down from her calm and well-ordered seclusion at Gilead Center, Connecticut, just when they needed her most.
Mrs. Robbins looked down at the wearied face lying back on the white pillows with a startled expression in her usually calm eyes.
It seemed to him that he had passed through so many emotions that he had none left now but calm and expectancy.
The basalt pillars, fitted one into the other, measured from forty to fifty feet in height, and the water, calm in spite of the tumult outside, washing their base.
At some feet beneath the surface the waters of the ocean are as calm as those of a lake.
Absolute silence, perfectcalm reigned in the air and on the water.
Neither the engineer nor the reporter could calm him.
The musmons and the goats, sleeping no doubt in their huts, in no way disturbed the calm of night.
Where formerly stretched the calm waters of the lake now appeared an enormous mass of smoking rocks, as if an upheaving of the soil had formed immense shoals.
The sea was calm and the tide very high, as there had been a new moon but two days before.
They were roaring through the starlit, calm night, three thousand feet above a sage sprinkled desert, when the trip ended.
Go ahead while I try to calm down the bank officials.
He drew the bow over the strings and began a gentle melody that reminded one of rain drops falling on calm waters.
It spread its full glory on dunes and sea: one more of the countless soft nights where peace and calm beauty told of an ageless existence that made naught of the red havoc of men or of monsters.
Falsehood and fear and toil, like waves, have worn Channels upon her cheek, which smiles adorn, As calmdecks the false ocean.
I had been endeavoring to calm myself while this woman of spectral face and form stared at me with her maniac eye across the counter.
Her baby-loves like trembling snowdrops lean Above thy calm hands and thy quiet head, When morn is fair, or noonday's glory keen Or the white star-fire glistens on thy bed.
When I awoke the sun was beating fiercely down upon my uncovered head; the sky was cloudless; and a calm had succeeded to the gale of the night before.
And yet when he sat opposite her, at lunch, his expression was as calm and untroubled as though she had fashioned for him an ideal existence.
He had never seen her keyed to such a pitch, and manlike, he attempted to calm her instead of rising to her own level.
There could be no greater contrast than that between the calm and placid bearing Don Pedro had now assumed, and the agitated and anxious appearance which Cashel exhibited.
To days of dazzling brilliancy there succeeded nights of tropical splendor; with stars of almost preternatural magnitude streaking the calm lake with long lines of light.
We've done the Dean, mamma," said Miss Kennyfeck, with calm composure.
A gush of tears, the first she shed, here burst forth, and, in the transport of her grief, brought calm to her mind once more.
Cashel made a gesture to be silent, and sat down beside the settle, his gaze fixed on the features, which, in their calm loveliness, had never seemed more beautiful.
At the window close by stood Miss Kennyfeck, the calm composure of her face, the ease of her attitude, the very types of internal quiet.
By the aid of coats and cloaks innumerable, Cashel at last succeeded in enveloping the fair form beside him, and supporting her head upon his arm as he sat, he saw, to his unspeakable delight, that she soon dropped into a calm sleep.
The air was calm and motionless, and none save one who had received the education of a prairie hunter could have followed that track so noiselessly.
Oh, would that night could have lasted for years, so sweetly tranquil were the starlit hours, so calm and yet so full of hopeful promise.
If Linton had often foiled deeper snares, here a deep personal wrong disturbed his powers of judgment, and irritated him beyond all calm prudential thoughts.
When these fits took him, strange as it may seem, there was but one who could calm his heart, and that one Suzanne.
It seems to me----" But again that quite calm and unreproaching look silenced him.
Here age and wisdom sitCalm and discreet, Life and the fruit of it Are here in truth, Whose gathering once was sweet-- Wisdom and age!
This exhortation is uttered in a loud and piercing tone of voice, which steals through the calm morning, producing a powerful effect: it is like the shrill call of a spirit to devotion, and has an unearthly sound.
We had now nearly reached the further end of the island, where a narrow promontory extends far into the calm blue waters.
It was a beautiful night; the moon shone with resplendent lustre, and the sea, calm and unruffled as a mountain lake, reflected all its beams, until each rippling wave became like molten silver.
At first, it was insupportable, but the vastness of the prairie and the calm of the mountain seemed to soothe me into sanity, and give me a grip on myself.
He answered with a composure too calmto be genuine and an almost flippant note that rang false.
Where haze-like creatures with smooth houri forms Stoop thro' the curling clouds and float and smile, While calm as hope in all her dreamy charms Sleeps the enchanted isle.
As o'er a troubled brow falls calm content: As clear-eyed chastity in this bleak world Tinges and softens all the darker dross.
How calm o'er this great water, in its flow Silent and vast, smoothes yon cold sister sphere, Her lucid chasteness feathering the wax-white foam!
Sleep on the moaning sea Hushing his trouble; Rest on the cares that be Hued in Life's bubble, Calm on the woes of me.
He stared at lips proud, white, and dead, A chiseled calm that wore; Despair moaned on the lips that said "To meet no more.
It was a sweet, calmevening when the summons came.
The weather did clear during the night, but when the sun arose next morning on a comparatively calm sea neither of the other boats was to be seen.
It was calmweather at the time, and a clear night.
The tide was out; the sea was calm and the sun glinted brightly on the wavelets that sighed rather than broke upon the sands.
Yet, after all, there are a good many calm and clear nights in the Pacific, as well as coral reefs.
The sea was like glass, with only that long, gentle swell which tells even in the profoundest calm of Ocean's instability.
The vessel was bowling along at a moderate rate over a calm sea, for the light breeze overhead that failed to ruffle the water filled her topsails.
But Marie, in the same calm scornful voice asked: "By whom did the message come?
The old woman started at my words; but there was no change in the level calm of her voice as she asked: "And why would you rescue her?
This is the man I love," said she in calm relentlessness.
She was calm then, sir; she sat down and wrote, and sealed the note and gave it to me.
Marie Delhasse and said incalm cold tones: "You ask where your mother is.
They were all so calm and businesslike that it would have seemed disobliging and absurd to make difficulties.
The duchess chanced to look so remarkably calm and composed as she sat on the corn bin that I could not deny myself the pleasure of surprising her with the sudden apparition of the Cardinal's Necklace.
I laid down my cigar, maintaining, however, a calm demeanor.
She'll return to me anon calm and passive as before: I have known it with her often thus.
He tried to eat just to show how calm he was, but the bread and bacon choked him.
He made a poor job of his calm irony, but Buck was not in the mental condition to be critical.
Billy Louise speculated briefly upon the note of calm authority in his voice.
In stolid calm she did the milking and turned out the cows into the pasture.
The glow in Ward's eyes was dangerous to their calm friendship.
I passed at once to the bedside of my brother: he was awake, but still and calm,--the calm and stillness of exhausted nature.
Yes, from that time he took advantage of my infirmity, and could rouse or calm all my passions in proportion as he irritated or soothed it.
It was a day towards the close of autumn, bright, soft, clear, and calm as the decline of a vigorous and genial age.
I gave him, with a calm and collected voice, the necessary instructions for following me to town immediately after that event, and then I passed on to the room where the deceased lay in state.
He was walking up and down the room with uneven and rapid steps, and his countenance was flushed with an expression of joy and triumph, very rare to the thoughtful and earnest calm which it usually wore.
When one is in a good sound rage, it is astonishing how calm one can be!
Silent, calm as a deep-sea bottom, his glance fixed unwaveringly on a little spot of black earth near Koyala's foot, he awaited her reply.
Bewildered, contrite, striving to collect his scattered wits that he might calmthe tempest of her wrath, he did not hear it.
His lips curled with a calm contemptuousness at the white man's inability to rob him of the place in heaven that he believed his murders had made for him.
Lois whispered, looking up into the calm face with a sort of awe which checked her tears.
But Lois only threw herself into her arms with such floods of tears Helen could do nothing but try to calm her.
When he spoke of eternal punishment, she looked at him with grave surprise in her calm brown eyes.
But under monotonous calm may lurk very wearing anxiety, and this was the case in Ashurst.
Her voice was so firm and her manner so calm Lois was deceived.
He peered at those dear gray-blue eyes of hers, but he could not calm himself enough to tell whether they were china-blue or basalt-black.
He was so experienced in all of travel, save the traveling, as to have gained a calm interested knowledge.
Even then Mr. Tagore had that calm intensity of vision which we have all come to love in his later work.
With a calm restraint of language the poet tells us of the kingly glory crowned with purity.
There runs through the narrative the idea that the future glowed gloriously ahead only when there was in the atmosphere the calmof self-control, of purity and renunciation.
I fear for my dear child's reason unless you prove able to calm and quiet her through this ordeal.
The race might have been saved much tribulation if Eden had been located in some calm and tranquil land--like Ireland.
He was possessed of a moral and physical courage which was equal to every emergency in which he was placed: calm amidst excitement, patient under trials, never unduly elated by victory or depressed by defeat.