In the darkness he heard chiming voices, wheedling and tantalizing.
Scarcely an hour passed without seeing its quarrel between them, which inevitably ended by her riding close alongside her companion, taking his hand and wheedling him, willy-nilly, into the best of good humors.
The dog, believing his wheedling ineffectual, was sitting on his haunches uncertainly, waving his paws frantically in efforts to keep balanced.
In consternation that was almost paralysis, they stared at her outstretched hand, then looked at her wheedling smile.
No matter," said D'Artagnan, in his most wheedling tone.
However, if he had the money he troubled not his head much which way he came by it, and he had so good a knack of wheedling her that he got twenty pounds out of her that Sunday.
From thence she found means of escape by wheedling one of the keeper's servants, and afterwards took lodgings in the house where this Timms worked.
With bows and smiles, he asked in a wheedling tone: "Tell me, my fine boy, do you also want to come to my wonderful country?
These conditions were afterwards altered by the captor, who, wheedling his captive with a few bland words, persuaded him to surrender on the 20th on condition that Ney and his corps remained before Ulm until the 25th.
Then laughingly, "But I'll go back to the palace at once and begin my task of wheedling the king.
I wish she would make haste in choosing a husband, or in wheedling one to choose her," remarked Sarah.
He had been set on by his father, the Prefect Naso to worm from the Greek the secrets of the Palace and the Catacomb, and this by a series of wheedling questions he completely succeeded in doing.
But all at once he saw on the sward behind her what looked like the shadow of something that whisked and frisked and writhed round and round, and twisted in and out according as she practised her wheedling ways upon him.
Pretty lasses are wont to hold back a bit," said the swain, in a wheedling sort of way.
It wasna women like me he denounced," Elspeth insisted, "but young lassies that leads men astray wi' their abominable wheedling ways.
It was Larry who led the singing; it was Larry now who, with an eye on the one silent figure in the ward and another on the nurse in the doorway, threw a wheedling remark to hold her with them a moment "by way of heartenment to Jamie.
But perhaps the thing that gave her the keenest pleasure was wheedling out of Mr. Crotchets his bungalow that stood on the slopes beyond the golf-links for a honeymoon.
Why are the wheedlingways of the one, altogether out of place in the other?
You spoke your wheedling words, and he was in there to listen, and to laugh, by my soul!
At one side of Marta a certain young engineer who had just arrived from Madrid, turned the listening circle (tertulia) gathered around him into an Eden by his wheedling and graceful conversation.
She sat on her lap and overwhelmed her with caresses; she fondled her, now getting vexed, now entreating her, and always fixing her eyes upon her in a wheedling way impossible to resist.
By and by he managed to control himself; and his voice resumed its crafty, wheedling tone.
Thereafter, Mabyn spoke in a whisper; a wheedling note crept into his voice.
His eloquence and his bold and ever persistent wheedling and dandling gave her not a second's respite nor leisure to reflect and deliberate.
They called loudly and in the most seductive, wheedling tones: "Pussy, Pussy, poor Pussy!
My Father, perfectly confident in the success of what had really been a sort of incantation, asked me in a loud wheedling voice, 'Well, and what is the answer which our Lord vouchsafes?
He had beautiful white hair, a very soft voice, and a welcoming, wheedling manner; he was extremely fluent and zealous in using the pious phraseology of the sect.