Sudoriferous and sebaceous glands are found only in mammals.
In spite of their unusual size these structures are nothing more than large sebaceous glands in the skin.
Stimulating baths and friction will prove very efficacious in removing these cylinders of sebaceous matter.
The sebaceous substance undergoes a change, becoming granular and somewhat hardened.
The Sebaceous Glands, which are placed in the true skin, are less abundant where the sudoriferous glands are most numerous, and vice versa.
A product of the sebaceous glands of the skin is found in those parts of the body which are covered with hairs; also, on the face and the external surface of the organs of generation.
The sebaceous glands consist of a group of flask-shaped cavities, opening into a common excretory duct.
In these, the sebaceous matter is liable to collect, and become too hard to flow off naturally.
This sebaceousmatter acts not only to keep the skin flexible, and furnish for the hair an oily dressing, but it especially serves to protect the skin and hair, from the acridity arising from the perspiration.
What other service do the sebaceous glands perform?
A portion of thesebaceous matter passes out upon the surface, and prevents the cuticle from becoming dry and hard.
The little points seen in the figure just within the line of the lashes, especially on the lower lid, represent the mouths of numerous little sebaceous glands (Fig.
It is true, that occasionally living animalcules are found in this thickened sebaceous matter, but they can only be detected by the aid of the microscope.
There, also, remain the scales of the worn-out cuticle, and the excess of sebaceous matter.
In either case the pus germs set up an inflammation of the sweat or sebaceous glands, and the surrounding structures of the skin, and a small, red, itching pimple results.
This sebaceous matter tends to keep the skin flexible, and serves to protect both skin and hair from the acridity arising from perspiration.
Alongside each hair follicle are two glands, called the sebaceous glands, which provide the hair with a natural oil or grease, and prevent excessive dryness.
The soapy lather should be vigorously rubbed over the body, by the hand or a small coarse towel, so as to remove all excretions from the pores, all greasy deposits of the sebaceous glands, and all dead scales from the cuticle.
Thirdly, through its millions of pores, it is constantly throwing off the useless materials found in the excretions of the perspiration and the sebaceous glands.
It is supposed by many to be the inspissated secretion of the sebaceous follicles, and receives its name from its adhesiveness and colour.
Relative positions of the layers of the skin, mode in which the hairs rise from, and situation of, the sebaceous follicles; a.
Represents the cuticle, b The mucous layer, c The true skin, d Sebaceous follicles, e Hairs rising from the true skin and inflections of the upper layers and piercing, f The thin film of the yolk.
The relative positions of the layers of the skin, the mode in which the hairs rise from them, and the form and situation of the sebaceous follicles, will be better understood by referring to the following cross section Fig 5.
On the dorsum of the clitoris several large vessels and nerves take their course, and are distributed upon the glans, and upon its prepuce are situated a number of mucus and sebaceous follicles.
Another outgrowth from the follicle forms a sebaceous gland.
Later on the hairs and the sebaceous glands entirely disappear, and the milk gland alone is left with its tubules and ducts opening into the cavity of the teat.
They are parts of the skin, being nothing more or less than enormous enlargements of dermal glands, either sebaceous or sudoriparous.
This would seem to indicate that the milk gland was not a hypertrophied sebaceous gland, but a distinct outgrowth, which however had nothing to do with sweat glands.
A morbidly increased discharge of sebaceous matter upon the skin; stearrhea.
The matter secreted by any of the sebaceous glands.
An indolent, encysted tumor of the skin; especially, a sebaceous cyst.
The cheesy, sebaceous matter which collects between the glans penis and the foreskin.
A parasite known as the Acarus folliculorum infests the sebaceous glands.
This is merely the solidified secretion from the sebaceous gland.
The sebaceous glands secrete a semi-fluid, greasy kind of substance, the office of which is probably to aid in rendering the skin soft and supple, and to prevent the too rapid evaporation of moisture from it.
When near the skin they are of the nature of dermoid cysts, being lined with squamous epithelium and filled with sebaceous material.
Epithelioma of the scalp may originate in relation to a wart, an ulcerated wen or sebaceous adenoma, or the cicatrix of a burn.
A sebaceous cyst may reach such dimensions as to simulate a dermoid or thyreo-glossal cyst.
They have to be diagnosed from other forms of cyst occurring in the middle line of the neck--sebaceous and dermoid cysts--and when giving rise to disfigurement they should be excised.
The condition is met with in elderly men, and the masses appear to be chiefly composed of sebaceous adenomas.
Adenomas originating in the sebaceous or sweat glands are sometimes multiple, of a purplish colour, and the skin covering them is thin and glistening.
Sebaceous cysts or wens are of frequent occurrence, and have been described in Volume I.
There is generally a history of prolonged or repeated irritation, or the condition may develop in connection with a scar, a wart, a cutaneous horn, or an ulcerating sebaceous cyst.
Sometimes the integument is retracted to such an extent that one or more sinuses are formed, lined with skin which is furnished with hairs, sweat, and sebaceous glands.
The circumciser then examines the prepuce, the glans, and removes any sebaceous collection.
Behind the corona was a solid cake of sebaceous matter.
In the sebaceousglands and hair follicles they lie with their heads down (fig.
The eggs are then deposited, the majority in a single mass covered by a slimy secretion from the sebaceous glands.
Most recent writers agree that, on man, they do not bore into the skin, as is generally supposed, but enter a hair follicle or sebaceous gland and from the bottom of this, pierce the cutis with their elongate hypopharynx.
These are concretions in the sheath, though the term has been also applied to the nodule of sebaceous matter which accumulates in the blind pouches (bilocular cavity) by the sides of the papilla on the end of the penis.
Besides those connected with the hair follicles there are numerous, isolated, sebaceous glands, opening directly on the surface of the skin, producing a somewhat thicker and more odorous secretion.
It is usually dependent on some fault in digestion and an imperfect secretion from the sebaceous glands and is most common in old horses with spare habit of body.
Coincident symptoms are disturbance in the functions of the sweat and sebaceous secretion, thinning and loss of hair in the regions involved, especially the eyebrows, and disorders of sensibility.
This is often due to neglect in regularly removing the free secretion, or due sometimes to an inflammation of the little sebaceous follicles of the skin.
The skin becomes dry and harsh; there is little or no sebaceous product and the skin of the face seems tightly drawn over the bones.
On making a section of the parts, accumulations of sebaceous or atheromatous matter are found inclosed in cysts of considerable capacity.
The surface of the tumour is irregular; the mucous follicles are enlarged, and often filled with sebaceous matter.
The sebaceous follicles are enormously enlarged, so as sometimes to admit the point of a small quill.
In the case of the Negro this odour is due especially to the abundance of the secretion of his very voluminous and numerous sebaceous glands.
Attention has been drawn to the hardness of the corium and the velvety softness of the skin in the negro; the latter quality is probably due to the profusion and size of the sebaceous glands which accompany the hair.
The sebaceous adenoma, which originates from the sebaceous glands, forms a projecting tumour on the face or scalp, and when the skin is irritated it may ulcerate and fungate.
This is a cancer originating in the sweat glands or sebaceous follicles, or in the fœtal residues of cutaneous glands.
Atheromatous cysts or wens are formed in relation to the sebaceous glands and hair follicles.
Multiple Sebaceous Cysts or Wens; the larger ones are of many years' duration.
Sebaceous cysts or wens are described with diseases of the skin.
A #boil# results when the infection is located in a hair follicle or sebaceous gland.
After an interval of from six to ten days a soft white slough is discharged; this is known as the "core," and consists of the necrosed hair follicle or sebaceous gland.
The lesion of the skin consists of an acute hyperemia with exudation in the vascular papillae of the corium, the sebaceous and sweat glands.
In the skin are seen numeroussebaceous and sweat glands.
The sebaceous glands are small, sacculated, glandular organs, lodged in the substance of the skin.
The skin is also the regulator of the body temperature, for connected with the skin are sweat glands, and sebaceous glands, each having important excretory functions.
Some alveolar glands would be the sebaceous glands, pancreas, mammary gland, ovary and thyroid.
The more oily secretion of the skin comes from a different set of openings with their associated glands, the sebaceous glands, which are associated with the hairy surfaces of the body.
The greasy surface of the skin as a rule comes from the sebaceous glands, as previously described.
Johnson mentions a case of a horn from the scrotum, which was of sebaceous origin and was subsequently supplanted by an epithelioma.
Contagious follicular keratosis is an extremely rare affection in which there are peculiar, spine-like outgrowths, consisting in exudations of the mouths of the sebaceous glands.
They seemed to be composed ofsebaceous matter, and were evidently formed around the short hairs by the motion of the fluid produced by walking or riding.
Negroes have a rank ammoniacal odor, unmitigated by cleanliness; according to Pruner-Bey it is due to a volatile oil set free by the sebaceous follicles.
He had menstruated for three years in this manner: a fluid exuded from the sebaceous glands of the deep fossa behind the corona glandis; this fluid was of the same appearance as the menstrual flux.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sebaceous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.