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Example sentences for "talkative"

Lexicographically close words:
talisman; talismanic; talismans; taliter; talk; talkativeness; talke; talked; talkee; talker
  1. The old bird was never talkative now; but when urged by Flora, she croaked out some of her familiar phrases.

  2. Sally, rosier and more talkative than even Martie had ever seen her before, was the heroine of the hour.

  3. He was not a talkative child, except occasionally, when she and he were alone, but they always understood each other.

  4. For it is not by applying bit or bridle that we can restrain the talkative person, we must master the disease by habit.

  5. For as in the body there is an attraction to sore and suffering parts from neighbouring parts, so the tongue of talkative persons, ever suffering from inflammation and a throbbing pulse, attracts and draws to it secret and hidden things.

  6. But most talkative people have no excuse for ruining themselves.

  7. But the talkative worry one's ears to death with their tautologies, as people scribble the same things over and over again on palimpsests.

  8. Recommend me as kindly as may be to talkative Curio.

  9. This man was so talkative and intelligent: he could tell me all about so many other things besides stays, that I took it for granted he could give me the information of which I stood in need.

  10. Put ten of these talkative hounds in irons.

  11. A small knot of seamen had, by this time, collected around the talkative captain.

  12. Like the majority of our people, he was a talkative man so I would try to keep him talking shop.

  13. She was talkative and somewhat boastful like the average woman of her class, but there was about her an elusive effect of reserve and earnestness that kept me at a distance from her.

  14. She was less talkative now, and certainly less at her ease than she had been before the topic was broached, which impressed me rather favorably.

  15. The talkative camp cook slept in the bunkhouse some distance away, in the opposite direction from the radio plant.

  16. Gabby Pete, talkative as ever, was bursting with desire for information about all their adventures.

  17. Gabby Pete, the talkative camp cook, scratched his head under his sombrero, and looked solemn.

  18. A little fountain trickled sleepily near at hand, in the mossy basin of which a talkative family of frogs had their habitation.

  19. This evening Colonel Gilbert was in a less talkative mood than usual, and exchanged only a nod with his artillery colleagues as he passed to his own small table.

  20. He was not quite so talkative as usual, but it was with obvious effort that he restrained himself, for several times words sprang to his eager lips which he swallowed unuttered.

  21. A bit on the talkative side of course, but a real good sort.

  22. We never have a chance to say much to each other before our talkative daughters.

  23. What on earth could this talkative young woman wish of her?

  24. Much more he told me, being an exceedingly talkative old man, and seldom, I suppose, finding so good a listener as myself.

  25. The doctor is much the most talkative of our company, and sometimes bores me thereby; though he seldom says anything that is not either instructive or amusing.

  26. Though many of the persuasive kind are insincere and selfish, I believe that on the whole the taciturn and gruff are less interested in their fellows than the talkative and cordial.

  27. Says the talkative Autocrat of the Breakfast Table: "There is one mark of age that strikes me more than any of the physical ones; I mean the formation of Habits.

  28. Let this night and this lecture on Talkative and his kindred see the last of our sin against our ill-used neighbour.

  29. And a talkative habit would be a childlike and an innocent habit if the heart of talker and the hearts of those to whom he talks so much were only full of truth and love.

  30. Bishop Butler discourses on the great dangers that beset a talkative temperament with almost more than all his usual sagacity, seriousness, and depth.

  31. I am talkative, and a talkative man utters many an unheeded truth.

  32. The field laborer had a heart, a talkative heart, perhaps, but a heart that society would one day learn to fear.

  33. He suddenly became talkative and showed an uncommon amiability to Schorn, although the young man met his advances with monosyllabic replies.

  34. She certainly had no time to deliberate during this particular conversation, for her companion, having only a few minutes to utilise, was in a talkative humour.

  35. It is upon the nice sense of the probable and possible in talkative men that mad rumour feeds.

  36. He scorned the obtrusive learning of the transcendentalists and he disliked their hard talkative women.

  37. It had been one of his talkative days, too.

  38. She supposed he had put her down as a talkative bore.

  39. But before they reached home, Roger had grown talkative again.

  40. It does not follow in the case of such a person that the more talkative he becomes, the more agreeable he is; on the contrary, his merits show to most advantage, perhaps, in silence.

  41. We have been so talkative on other topics that I declare I have not had time to think of it.

  42. Mitya was silent, and though Andrey was, as a rule, a talkative peasant, he did not utter a word, either.

  43. He was silent and rather awkward, but sometimes, when he was alone with any one, he became talkative and effusive, and would laugh at anything or nothing.

  44. Of our all being so merry and talkative in the carriage going back.

  45. This volatile, talkative girl could be very dignified when she was aroused.

  46. They rarely had an evening together thus, and with a soft rain falling at the open windows they sat and talked on many themes in what was to them a very talkative way.

  47. This well-informed and talkative young man showed his warm and hearty devotion to me more openly, and I felt bound to reciprocate his affection.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "talkative" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accessible; affable; apocalyptic; approachable; articulate; candid; chatty; communicative; conversational; demonstrative; effusive; eloquent; endless; expansive; extended; flip; fluent; forthcoming; frank; free; garrulous; gassy; glib; gregarious; lengthy; long; loquacious; newsy; open; outgoing; outspoken; padded; prolix; protracted; revealing; showing; smooth; sociable; speaking; talkative; talking; talky; unconstrained; unhampered; unrelenting; unreserved; unrestrained; unrestricted; unshrinking; verbose; voluble; windy; wordy