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Example sentences for "smoothly"

Lexicographically close words:
smoother; smoothes; smoothest; smoothing; smoothish; smoothness; smooths; smot; smote; smothe
  1. Things went along smoothly for a while, until they commenced to drink pretty freely.

  2. So far as the actual play was concerned, matters had not gone so smoothly as might at first have been anticipated.

  3. Somehow or other, matters did not seem to go on so smoothly after that time.

  4. Time will elapse before the new system will work smoothly and efficiently, .

  5. The Portuguese, however, became dissatisfied with the relationship which had worked smoothly for three hundred years, and when the treaty-making era arrived they sought means to improve their status.

  6. Life and business in Canton, says Mr Hunter,[4] was a conundrum as insoluble as the Sphinx; everything worked smoothly by acting in direct opposition to what we were told to do.

  7. Affairs went smoothly and prosperously in Shanghai for another five years, when the greatest calamity that has visited China in modern times cast its shadow on the province and on the city.

  8. Perhaps Lydia was a little afraid of Sophy, who spoke so smoothly and looked such cool hostility.

  9. Her iron-grey hair was brushed smoothly back into its two braids, and her nightgown, with its tiny edge, was of the most pronouncedly sensible cut, of high neck and long sleeves.

  10. So seizing each of us an oar, the sea being perfectly calm and a full tide lapsing as smoothly upon the cliffs as the water in a tub wherein good wives wash their duds, we risked the matter and rowed in closer to the rock.

  11. Then, pale as a lily flower is pale, clad in white, and with her hair daintily and smoothly braided, she rose and gave her hand to my Lord Cassillis, who brought her with all dignity and observance to the witness stance.

  12. Put a good neck on buttons to allow suspender button holes to fit smoothly around button.

  13. Then rip lining out of left side and iron out smoothly for a pattern, cut and baste in new lining on left side the same as explained for the right.

  14. When goods is ready to be taken out of sponge, unroll and place over a round pole, (sufficient height to allow cloth to clear the floor), or lay smoothly on a table or floor.

  15. Can't you help them to run on smoothly while they're here?

  16. Everything had gone so smoothly up to now, that any student of the laws of chance could have foretold that fortune was only delaying the inevitable slap in the face.

  17. Of course, all would go smoothly with him if I gave up the dollars and the lady; a like sacrifice would conciliate McGregor.

  18. Breasting a long slope, we reached the summit of a broad, smoothly rounding ridge covered with a dense growth of stunted spruce.

  19. The wheels of routine began to turn again, slowly and with a little friction at first, then smoothly and swiftly as if they had never stopped.

  20. Without a moment's hesitation she started off in the flow of her discourse, which rolled smoothly and uninterruptedly on for nearly two hours.

  21. The little ones went to school again after the harvest--the little boys and Flora; and altogether matters seemed to promise to move smoothly on, and so the mother was content.

  22. She was always cheerful now, when matters went smoothly and regularly among them.

  23. He could, she knew, assume a manner which went far to carry him smoothly through discontented share-holders' meetings, but it seemed that the men who dwelt in the wilderness were at least as exigent as those who dwelt in London.

  24. They dipped the paddles, and the canoe slid on smoothly under the clear sunlight and the frost towards the film of mist where the oily green now broke up into the mad white tumult that poured down the canon.

  25. Back it smoothly in a small dish, and stamp it with a butter mould or the bottom of a figured glass.

  26. Cook three minutes in the hot fat without browning, then add one and one-half cups milk, one-quarter teaspoonful salt, and cook until smoothly thickened.

  27. Each side was humbled, and affairs went smoothly for a while, though the depreciation of the paper in which the governor was paid did not quite fill the measure of his content.

  28. Affairs went smoothly under Gookin’s administration until, in 1714, the governor, whose mind is supposed to have been impaired, began the quarrel again by complaining about his scanty salary and the irregularity of payments.

  29. It was a relief to get rid of the heavy packs and rest while the canoe glided smoothly through the straggling forest, and the labor of hauling her across the numerous portages was light compared with the toil of the march.

  30. The soil was firmer, the scrub through which the wheels crushed was short, and the trail led smoothly down a slight descent.

  31. His shaven chin is pointed and prominent, with a dimple below the lip; while the beardless jaws curve smoothly down to a well-shaped neck, symmetrically set upon broad shoulders, that give token of strength almost herculean.

  32. My enemy with his burning machine landed smoothly while I, his victor, came down next to him in the barbed wire of our trenches and my machine overturned.

  33. It is worth while to look at the gigantic English plane which landed smoothly on the German side of the front.

  34. The success of Marcella, however, has been a most pleasant tonic, though I always find the first few weeks after the appearance of a book an agitating and trying time, however smoothly things go!

  35. You should stretch wet canvas or factory cloth upon a frame, and while it is still damp apply paste to the backs of the drawings and lay them smoothly on the stretched cloth.

  36. In the only case of which I have had experience, it seems to go smoothly enough.

  37. The chief reason for this immobility is habit:[13] When our habits are settled and running smoothly they most resemble the instincts of animals.

  38. When the habits are running smoothly the attention is relaxed; it is not at work.

  39. Extreme plumpness had insured her against wrinkles, and her light brown hair was banded smoothly back.

  40. It was opened from within, before she reached it, and a tall, florid woman, with smoothly banded hair, stood there to receive her.

  41. Not that the matter had gone smoothly even now.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "smoothly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.