As she stood breathless and full of mirth, she was rewarded by the sound of a door creaking, and a stealthy footstep approaching the stair.
She knelt there, motionless, wondering, and in a few minutes she heard the stealthy foot upon the stair again and the soft rustle of Annie's skirts.
As she lay turning these things over in her mind she thought she heard a stealthy footstep in the grass outside of the tepee.
Hinpoha and Gladys were up-stairs removing the dust of the road from their faces and hands when they heard a stealthyfootstep overhead.
The stars gave a faint light, and she hurried on toward the bridge: swift was her step, yet noiseless, and she glided on like a being from another world, so stealthy were her movements.
The history of the month of August is unknown to whites; it passed altogether in the covert of the woods or in the stealthy councils of Samoans.
Mr. Wenham entered, wearing the usual demure look and stealthy smile with which he commonly surveyed the tips of his neat little shining boots, and which he but seldom brought to bear upon the person who addressed him.
The Church was deserted by envious dissent, and undermined by stealthy infidelity.
And all at once he knew that the dogging thing had dropped its stealthy pace and was racing up to him.
I experience the deliciously guilty feeling of belonging to a stealthy society of banditti.
The fact that the watchman was upon the Rhine side of the Castle greatly favored a stealthy approach from any landward point.
And it was the starless hour before dawn when Vanheimert tripped over Howie's legs and took a contented header into the corner from which he had made his stealthy escape.
One can almost hear the stealthy rustle of the departing beasts and the soft footfall of Paddy.
From the road behind me came the sound of footsteps; quick steps but not sharp and crisp; rather of a shuffling, stealthy quality.
Two more men stole in in the same stealthy fashion, and, having first glanced at one another and then peered suspiciously round the shop, they all looked at me.
I had just taken my place when a stealthy footstep approached along the hall.
I have no doubt that these sounds of stealthy movement were highly disturbing to the burglars, especially in the present circumstances.
The shot-bag slid over the carpet on the landing above with a sound remarkably like that of a stealthy footstep.
Distant crashes, single and impressive; stealthy footsteps near at hand; the subdued scratching of claws; a faint sniff!
The still and stealthy speeding of the pilgrim days unheeding, At rest upon the roadway that their feet unfaltering trod, The faithful unto death abide, with trust unshaken, The morn when they shall waken to the reveille of God.
A few moments of this awful silence, and then I was aware of a soft tread on the boards of the verandah, so stealthy that it seemed an impression directly on my brain rather than upon the nerves of hearing.
So stealthy were their movements that, but for the abnormally sensitive state of the nerves, I should never have heard them.
We may not be aware of their stealthy approach; and we are not likely to be so, for we are certain not to see them.
They are moving with stealthysteps in the midst of us.
As they were driven homeward she cast a stealthy side-glance at him.
This stealthy conduct of his was, to say the least, peculiar.
A kiss--not of the quiet and stealthy kind, but decisive, loud, and smart.
And making one of thosestealthy movements by which women let their hearts juggle with their brains, she did put the horse's head about, as if unconsciously, and went at a hand-gallop towards home for more than a mile.
The Pagan's frenzy had exhausted itself in its own fury--his insanity was assuming a quieter and a more dangerous form; his eye grew cunning and suspicious; a stealthy deliberation and watchfulness appeared in all his actions.
He came forward slowly; the stealthy poison instilled by the Banquet of Famine palpably displayed its presence within him as the clear sunlight fell on his pale, wasted face.
And with that, and a stealthylook round, he left me, and went the way he had been going before.
And on these terms, but not without some short discussion, we parted, and I heard his stealthy footstep go sneaking down the stairs.
A stool lay overturned by the fire, and above it a grey cat, which I had not hitherto noticed, crouched on a beam and eyed me with stealthy fierceness.
Fearing another trick, I did not at once open, the more so there was something stealthy and insinuating in the knock.
She is alive, but faint and weak; and, by her dim eye and short-coming breath, death seems to be approaching with stealthy strides to claim her as his own.