How the matter settled itself I do not know--we were much too anxious to disentangle ourselves from the affair and get out of range of the eye of the old gentleman in the bath-chair to make minute inquiries.
My own history is so deeply interwoven with that of your parents, that I cannot disentangle them, and therefore must give them, connected as they are.
And again he felt himself softly, cautiously, disentangle the sleeve, the hair, felt himself draw Adrienne away into the darkness where the smell was now of wet ivy and where he could see only the shape of an accepting grief.
The impression that remained with him of Palgrave was that impression of beauty and distortion and he did not want to have to disentangle his feelings or to seem to put Palgrave in the wrong.
She was very young and very inexperienced; and the discovery she had made filled her with many emotions which she strove not to disentangle or to scan, but which, though agitating, were certainly not painful.
Nevertheless, it is desirable to disentangle from the mass of evidence those facts which are really vital and crucial.
It is necessary merely for me, as my learned friend has aptly expressed it, to disentangle the actual facts of the case from the web of casuistry that has been woven around them.
Misfortune certainly, as we have said, does form the education of the intelligence; nevertheless, it is doubtful whether Jean Valjean was in a condition to disentangle all that we have here indicated.
Everything that comes from the hand of God has the quality of which I am speaking; our business is to try to disentangle it from the prejudices, the false judgments, the severities, the heavinesses, with which human nature tends to overlay it.
As through the thoughts of Mount Dunstan, who was a clean and healthy human being, there ran one thread which would not disentangle itself, so there ran through his unwholesome thinking a thread which burned like fire.
Now it required some time for him to disentangle himself, but presently he looked at the colonel with a queer smile, as he said: "Mother always tells that on me.
Weeks was the first to disentangle himself, and he turned fiercely on Duncan.
Miss Alden was trying to disentangle some meaning from the pâtois of her guides, and gratefully accepted Hilton's assistance.
In Germany at least twenty policemen would have been needed to disentangle us.
It is somewhat difficult todisentangle the threads out of which this story has been woven.
But it is still easy to disentangle the earlier from the later elements in the story, and to separate what is purely Babylonian from what belongs to Eridu.
To disentangle the elements of this theology is the first and most pressing task of its historian; but it is a task full of difficulties, which the native theologians themselves not unfrequently failed to overcome.
Father, help me to disentangle her; to lift her down," now said May, with streaming eyes.
Yes," answered John Temple, "I will climb the tree and disentangle her dress.
From every mesh in the social web, he can disentangle a grace.
The Girdle was partly concealed by the rope, and in order that it might be seen the better, I commenced to disentangle it; but I had hardly unwound one turn of the rope than a wild cry from outside electrified us.
I raised myself carefully, grasped the spear, and endeavoured to disentangle its hooked head.
They go down and disentangle the amorous by--well, by entangling them.
You are a captivating person, Logan, but I do not think that you could attract Lady Alice's affections and disentangle her in that way.
As a rule, clients wanted todisentangle their friends and relations.
I had your advertisement, and I thought you might disentangle him.
A single dewdrop dropping on it would tangle the thread for a cubit's length, while the breath of the south wind would disentangle it.
These various elements of their folklore are, however, now so thoroughly mixed up together that it is often almost impossible to disentangle them.
A bale breaker is used todisentangle fibres which have been, by hydraulic or steam presses, converted into hard masses that resist manual efforts to disentangle them.
With due respect, sir, it's no use asking men of my profession to disentangle a skein of fine thread and refuse to let 'em handle the skein.
If we have any psychological clairvoyance we can disentangle this base element from some of the most passionate forms of the sexual instinct and from some of the most passionate forms of the maternal instinct.