Greek, Catiline, thou art tooshrewd to be a mere Roman.
The shrewd man, ordinarily of such sound judgment, thought he had discovered the sovereign blessing of life itself.
The thinking of these two ordinarily shrewd and fair men became fundamentally wrong and fallacious.
For they had managed not only to defeat the wise and patient plans of so many years, but had also lost forever the reputation of being shrewd men themselves.
I even saw him eying me two or three times with a shrewdlook in his eyes (your American is an irrepressible trader) as though I might possibly be some would-be purchaser in disguise.
The unmistakable shrewd look of the bargainer came suddenly into the man's face, but when I went about my business without hesitation or questioning, he said nothing at all.
They believed that hisshrewd brain and keen eye could find a clue to the most baffling of mysteries.
But his eye and his address were rather those of a shrewd and pushing commercial traveller.
At a sign from Mademoiselle Nanon a little peaky man with a shrewd petulant face, and long gray hair falling back over his shoulders, entered the room.
As he did so the other's cowl was pushed back, and instead of the harsh features of the ecclesiastic, De Catinat saw with amazement in the glimmer of the lantern the shrewd gray eyes and strong tern face of Ephraim Savage.
What," said Tarleton, who was at the head of the intruders, "have we stumbled so soon again upon our shrewd and sensible ox!
I could desire to see you, with that shrewd apprehension of yours, that quick insight, and that thoughtful mind, thoughtful beyond the quality of your sex, less favorably bent towards the enterprise of these rebel subjects.
Well, most wise and shrewd master, what do you call my country?
It is a strange errand for such a time, and a marvellous shrewd conductor she has chosen!
We have a shrewd suspicion that Carlyle's German, with his cowhorn blasts, did not tell the universe "what o'clock it really is.
We have a shrewd suspicion that in the beginning of last century the clocks in Germany had only just begun ticking after centuries of rest.
His Agnes" was apparently a good housewife and a shrewd business woman, to whom he afterwards largely entrusted the sale of his prints.
With what quiet dignity she now sat, almost at my side, sustained by her sound and vigorous sense; no trembling in her somewhat lengthened, though shrewd upper lip, no coward shame on her austere forehead!
They are a very shrewd people--fine forms and well-proportioned.
She had a drooping snuffy nose, a long turned-up chin, small quick gray eyes, and her face projected far beyond her figure, with an expression of shrewd restless curiosity.
In order not to be ruined by a young lady so very superior as Dinah seemed to be, Monsieur de la Baudraye was shrewd enough to say nothing as to the recovery of debts in Paris.
In her very humble way she was a shrewd business woman, tireless, scheming, and not over-scrupulous, but her nickname had originated long before she was old enough to be a devil on Cucumber Market.
His swarthy complexion, shrewd oriental eyes and huge energetic oriental nose, flanked by greyer and longer side-whiskers than the Czar's, made him look like a representative of some foreign power.
Then the Baron de Rio Branco--the shrewd diplomatist, who has lately died--has left a monument of good work for his country.
We have much the same style, and there is the same combination of shrewd observation with a philosophic melancholy, the same gravity, and the same sarcasm.
That have endur'd shrewd days and nights with us Shall share the good of our returned fortune.
As a bon vivant, he hated trouble of any kind, and the shrewd selfishness of his disposition enabled him to foresee, that a good deal might accrue to all concerned in the course of this business.
You are a very shrewd man, sir; and it truly is beyond my understanding that you should have forgotten so completely this most vital matter.
We must have a gentleman, or he would never be accepted by them; and he must be a shrewd man too.
It was there given as unexpected news, so that it could not have been a shrewd guess on the part of anybody either in England or America.
He was fooling her, yet with such cleverness that she, shrewd woman that she was, never dreamed that he was laughing at her in his sleeve.
They were all of them shrewd men, however, and he saw that it behoved him to be on the alert.
Her ears were open, and so were those of the shrewd old man who controlled the internal affairs of the kingdom.
He had never forgotten Father Blackmore's shrewd remarks of a year ago; and one of his first acts as Cardinal-Protector had been to appoint that priest on the list of English correspondents.
If I may say so to your face, I think you have a very shrewd mind; and unless Rome has balanced information she can do nothing.
He was a shrewd boy, and perhaps he was not so much attracted by the promised exhibition of ore as he was by the idea of learning something about Mr. Driscold.
Cavard was a shrewd and unscrupulous man, and one who would stop at nothing to accomplish his ends, as Steve was presently to learn.
Rush and Jarvis were tooshrewd to be caught in the trap.
The Iron Boy was pitting his wits against those of two shrewd and experienced men, who were seeking to lure him on by offering him sugar-coated pills.
Yes, I see," said I, as this good and shrewd man's meaning gradually stole upon me.
On this occasion, however, a reallyshrewd and happy thought occurred to me.