Beneath their feet the dully lurid floor smoldered with changing hues and colors of flame.
Madness smoldered in the eyes of them all--all except the cruel, cryptic eyes of Tascela, which held secrets and mysteries more abysmal than madness.
In his left hand he held an amber cigarette tube in which a cigarette smoldered gently, sending up a gray pencil of smoke into the breathless, perfumed air.
As he couldn't, remorse, with no outlet of words, smoldered on his consciousness, as some hidden and infected wound might smolder in his flesh.
He knew now that the accused officer had pitched his defense upon an accusation of the deserter and the refugee's eyes smoldered as he learned that he himself had been charged with prefacing his flight with murder.
Slowly his hand came out clutching a service revolver, and his eyes smoldered unnaturally as they dwelt on it.
He turned down by Hell Passage and dived under an archway into a little court, where a lamp smoldered in an iron bracket and echoes played hide-and-seek behind his footsteps.
She was staring through the open window to where a red spark smoldered on the edge of the sea-line----.
Then for a second Sam's kind eyes sank down deep into mine and smoldered there.
He ruffled my hair with his big hand, and my lips with his, as he smoldered out toward Old Harpeth.
Duke and Mel rushed it on to the herd, and Tom dropped out of the race and came along across to where Douglas wrath had not cooled but had smoldered and waited for the wind of opposition to fan it to flame again.
His anger was to be feared because it smoldered long, rather than because it exploded into quick violence.
Cook-fires smoldered in the open glades; cavalry horses grazed in the grassy streets, and wood- smoke drifted over them.
Just at the entrance the all-night fire of knots and hardest wood smoked, flamed and smoldered and flickered, and then flamed again, and held the passageway securely.
Smoke curled in a pretty spiral upward from where smoldered the fire Ab had made the day before.
Shad's eyes shot fire, then smoldered and went out as he turned with a sneering laugh and walked away.
Beth cared nothing, he knew, for her soul was greater than his, but Peter's anger still smoldered at the words that had been used to Beth.
The expression of resentment still smoldered there, he had noticed, during their brief glance.
The whole pitiful memory of his beloved sister stabbed him, and extinguished the last remnant of rancor towards her lover, which had smoldered always in his proud heart.
Presently, however, they were able to see a circle of Indian children gathered around a small fire that smoldered on the ground in the center of the tent.
A grizzly bear guarded the third door, and at the fourth and last door Sistinakoo himself kept watchful care over the precious fire that smoldered on a stone altar just inside this last wall.
Her eyes smoldered wrathfully as she watched the art critic talking with a group of people near the refreshment table.
So the baneful embers smoldered, Smolderedin the breast of either.
For a space her hair burned like ore in a furnace and her eyes sparkled with golden flashes; then the day smoldered and died, leaving the world enveloped in a silvery pallor.
For a brief space poppies burned in her cheeks and the seed smoldered in her eyes.
As they slid silently past the city whose great black bastions rose on the jutting prongs of land which locked the harbor, torches gleamed and smoldered luridly, and to their ears came the low thunder of drums.
His brow was low and broad, his eyes a volcanic blue that smoldered as if with some inner fire.
After the brown stalks had smoldered into flame, the drummer walked slowly down the line of men and, with a bow to each, fired the rest.
They all watched as the dry-reed wall smolderedin the half-darkness, then blossomed with small tongues of fire.
Its flaming head, with a towering crest of smoke, went over a high ridge, and its lower flanksmoldered threateningly a little above the valley.
But if the new one he had kindled to warm himself were to be extinguished, could he go back and bask in the warmth that smoldered in this woman's eyes?
An unholy picture she was of a demoralized soul in which smoldered and from which flared forth a peace-destroying fire--the rebellion of a depraved body and mind against the moral self.
Worse than resentment smoldered against the father, a dull, deadening enmity, born in the hateful hours of his odious, but helpless, dementia.
The coals of Little Beard's Town smoldered for two or three days, and then the army turned back, retracing its steps down the Genesee.
Some coals, almost hidden under ashes, smoldered and cast a faint light in the room, the only one that the house had, although it was divided into two parts by a rough homespun curtain.
The fire smoldered to embers, the river grew darker, and the night, moonless and cold, settled upon us.
His little, fierce eyes burned and smoldered with wrath, he grunted deep in his throat, and he pushed out savagely through the cavern maw.
In the darkness his face was drawn and savage, and ugly fires glowed and smoldered and flamed in his eyes.
The man's eyes smoldered with resentment, but for the moment he was cowed.
Hate smoldered in the swinish eyes as, in the seclusion of the office, he glowered and planned and rumbled his throaty threats.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "smoldered" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.