Lowell's rich and varied personality presents a type of cultured manhood that is the finest product of American democracy.
Here we dismounted, and tethering our horses, left them to browse on the long rich grass which grew luxuriantly and thickly all round.
Back of the ostrich, resembling a very rich Rumpsteak).
The plains below were silent; but the air was noisy with the cries of the flocks of geese and wild-duck, who were winging their flight from the lake towards the rich fields of cranberries farther inland.
Where in that glowing crater could be found the costly furniture, the famous collection of ancient tankards, the pictures, statuary, ivory carvings, andrich carpets?
Was he one of the discontented crowd of factory-hands who envied the rich man and wrought mischief to his possessions whenever they could?
You and the old madame rule the roost; the councillor must obey, and, now that he is rich enough, shake himself clear of all the common people who have earned him his money.
Franz was right; one felt here that the noise and confusion of the money-market could not touch the rich man and his belongings; that the devouring waves of misfortune and ruin could not even wet the soles of his feet.
The rich man's name, it was said, represented upon various books many thousands of indebtedness.
And he thoroughly understood how to wear the glory of his new distinction, how to make it interesting, an inexhaustible theme of wonder and admiration for rich and poor.
You ought to have known that such a man as he--still young and rich and handsome--would not remain a widower all his life.
And below, at the foot of the tower, yawned the dark cave where the rich man's costly wines seethed and sparkled in flasks and casks.
We have scrubbed and aired and warmed the rooms, but have altered nothing; we are not rich enough for that, and indeed there is no need of it.
And crossing the difficult Himalayan regions, and the countries of China, Tukhara, Darada and all the climes of Kulinda, rich in heaps of jewels, those warlike men reached the capital of Suvahu.
And it came to pass that as she was seated in her chamber on a rich bed, she beheld the solar orb rising in the east.
And in this excellent forest there are beautiful ranges of woods, rich with the aroma of various blossoms, and hummed over by the black bees.
Art thou, as sole ruler, governing with justice therich countries of Saivya, Sivi, Sindhu and others that thou hast brought under thy sway?
He that eateth in another's house the food given to him in contempt, even if that food be rich and sweet, doth what is despicable.
Thou art enjoying all therich possessions of the Pandavas.
And its surface was laid over with wax, and it was encased in a rich cover.
The dog of the poor man barks at the rich man, the dog of the rich man barks at the poor man.
For fifteen hundred francs you got a girl whom I had, and who certainly belonged to rich people, and who had already brought in a great deal of money, and from whom I might have extracted enough to live on all my life!
This aunt, who had remained unmarried, was very rich on the maternal side, and her sister's son was her natural heir.
I hate them, and with what joy, jubilation, enthusiasm, and satisfaction I could strangle all thoserich folks!
On entering there, each one who was rich makes himself poor.
The peculiarity of a language which is desirous of saying all yet concealing all is that it is rich in figures.
If we had not, now and then, some rich and generous travellers like Monsieur, we should not get along at all.
Stay, let us pass miseries in review, let each one contribute his pile, you are as rich as we.
Citizens," cried Enjolras, and there was an almost irritated vibration in his voice, "this republic is not rich enough in men to indulge in useless expenditure of them.
He urged the rich to give to the poor, in order to avoid hell, which he depicted in the most frightful manner of which he was capable, and to win paradise, which he represented as charming and desirable.
The Unpleasantness of receiving into One's House a Poor Man who may be a Rich Man IX.
The middle portion of the building directly beyond the grand staircase is occupied by a large open court, having a rich glass roof.
Gold, when in a fine state of subdivision, is of a rich purple color.
The silver alloys with aluminum bronze, as represented in the four following atomic formulas, are of a rich gold color, and well adapted for jewelry, watch cases, etc.
Such conditions are chiefly rich supplies of food-stuffs, plenty of water and air, suitable temperature and lighting, etc.
Torsions or spiral twistings of stems also frequently arise among plants grown in rich soils, and are often combined with fasciations--e.
Fasciations appear to depend on excessive nutrition in rich soils.
The rule is, therefore, that an ordinary soil consists of upper strata, rich in organic materials and in oxygen, and a subsoil, poorer in these substances.
Nevertheless some care has to be taken with many of these variegations lest rich soil, bright light, and other favourable treatment favour the restitution of the green colour.
Hasn't another rich woman been stopping at the Metropole?
They were either country folk, villagers, farmers, and that sort of thing, or else they were very rich people, who were scattered here and there.
The Italian is particularly rich in diminutives and augmentatives, such compound diminutives as fratellinucciettinetto (a diminutive of frate, brother) being sometimes employed.
The doorways are in general pointed, and in rich buildings sometimes double; they are usually moulded, and enriched with the tooth-ornament.
Next year, with two small ships, he again sailed for the Spanish Main, captured the cities of Nombre de Dios and Vera Cruz, and took a rich booty which he brought safely home.
Dresden, being thus rich in treasures of art and favoured by a beautiful natural situation, is the summer resort of many foreigners.
Low couches, covered with rich carpets and cushions, are ranged along the walls of the room.
Any booby might have read upon the young man's face that secret which is written for all,--high and low, rich and poor alike.
Many therich brewer's son has embittered his life because it was not given him to see more than the front of the house from the far side of Pall Mall.
Who but the great Mr. Pitt, then the Earl of Chatham, whose wise policy had made Britain the ruler of the world, and rich beyond compare.
Who could be rich enough to have a ground-to-orbit nuclear rocket of his own?
Then, in the powerful tender with its nuclear retard rockets, there was the Blast In--the reverse of that costly agony that had once meant hard won and enormous freedom, when he was poor in money and rich in mighty yearning.
It came to him as a surprise that he must be almost as rich as old J.
VI The asteroid, Pallas, was a chunk of rich core material, two hundred-some miles in its greatest dimension.
The man of exceptional industrial capacity becomes rich in the modern world by producing goods, or by rendering services, which others consume or profit by, and for which they render him a return.
We have to kneel to 'the steel kings and the oil kings,' merely because they are rich men.
Socialists often complain that, under the existing dispensation, there is one law for the rich and another law for the poor.
He is now like a rich man with an illimitable library of his own, while the other by comparison is like a poor man who can get at no books at all.
The strong must subdue the weak, the rich the poor, the able the unable.
A remnant of producers on a restricted scale survived, still forming a middle class, which was neither rich nor poor.
It gives a rich tinge to all objects, even to those of sombre lines, yet without changing the lines.
The general character of these autumnal colors is not gaudy, scarcely gay; there is something too deep and rich in it: it is gorgeous and magnificent, but with a sobriety diffused.
A rich man left by will his mansion and estate to a poor couple.
At one time it is ruddy like wine, at another time rich orange or amber, and a few hours after intensely blue, as if the sky had fallen or joined it then and there.
Dick raised no objection, and then, as soon as he was helped, and saw the cup of tea with a veined pattern of rich lumpy cream running over it, he sighed involuntarily.
The servant left the room, and returned in a few moments with a rich sword, which his master girded on; he then threw the cloak around his shoulders, and donned his hat with its waving plumes with an air of proud defiance.
She was a rich tradeswoman, about thirty years of age: she had beheld her husband and children die of the plague.
The streets were ornamented as on festival days: the rich sent out their most precious furniture; and thus the fronts of the poorest houses were decorated by their more wealthy neighbours, or at the expense of the public.
The circumstance seemed to be noticed at once by the wine merchant; but he took no notice of it to Innerkepple whom he still continued to ply with the rich vintage.
Towards the coast the land is sandy and flat; but in the interior there is much wood, a very rich soil, and excellent fresh water.
There was a rich sunset glow on the water, and the hills that rise on the opposite side of the Frith stretched their undulating line of azure under a gorgeous canopy of crimson and gold.
For a week or two it seemed that a cottage might drop in their way; but it happened to be what you call picturesque, and a rich man snapped it up.
They were of a peculiar rich golden brown, matching the splendor of Miss Burton's hair.
Oh, of course," assented Gladwin, beginning to warm up to his part and feel the rich thrill of the mystery involved.
Even her smile was acid as she spread out her rich sable furs and sat down at the table with her two pretty nieces.
Passing through several hamlets and towns of some note, the principal of which were Guamachucho and Guanuco, Pizarro, after a tedious march, came in sight of the rich valley of Xauxa.
Temples were erected, and placed under the care of a numerous priesthood, who expounded to the conquered people the mysteries of their new faith, and dazzled them by the display of its rich and stately ceremonial.
This rich prize the spendthrift lost in a single night; whence it came to be a proverb in Spain, Juega el Sol antes que amanezca, "Play away the Sun before sunrise.
I am not aware that he has done this; and I cannot but think that the excellent translator may find a better subject for his labors in some of the rich collection of the Munoz manuscripts in his possession.
Hernando comprehended the capabilities of the ground, and he began working the mines on a more extensive scale than that hitherto adopted, though it does not appear that any attempt was then made to penetrate the rich crust of Potosi.
When his own funds were exhausted, he supplied the deficiency by fines imposed on the rich citizens of Lima as the price of exemption from service, by forced loans, and various other schemes of military exaction.
For so paltry a consideration did he resign his portion of the rich spoil of the Incas!
He might, indeed, instead of marching against the Inca, take a southerly direction towards the richcapital of Cuzco.
The Spaniards complained of the want of alacrity shown by the Indians in the work of destruction, and said that there were other parts of the city containing buildingsrich in gold and silver which they had not been allowed to see.
The governor repaired thither, at the appointed time, well guarded, and, to propitiate the barbarian monarch, sent him a rich present by the hands of an African slave.
The tone is not a very high one (it is G above middle C) and the quality is rich and mellow.
And as the days pass and we think over our way there will now and again come to us a scene, a remembrance, so full of beauty and of pleasure that we shall feel rich in the possession of it.
In this case the gem is the rich mind-picture which comes to us if we faithfully seek the under-thought.
The full, deep, rich tones of the organ poured forth the funeral dirge, as the coffin was carried up the centre aisle and placed on trussels in front of the altar.
She used to delight him with therich tone of her voice by singing selections from his favorite operas, being an accomplished musician both vocal and instrumental.
A man of your ability and standing in society cannot afford to remain idle at such a time, though he may have a rich wife to back him.
At the extreme end this Terrace overlooked the rich partierre which, although late in the season, still sent forth its delicious perfume, borne upwards on the soft breeze of the evening.
So unlike the Bungalows of rich civilians at the Capital, where all was order and quiet, and the gardens well kept.
They are all sons of rich men, and have equipped themselves entirely at their own expense.
Within the shadow of the ship I watched their rich attire: Blue, glossy green, and velvet black, They coiled and swam; and every track 280 Was a flash of golden fire.
Thirty yards away, in another clearing, a horse moved about at the end of a lariat and contentedly cropped the rich grass, enjoying a good night's rest.
He cannot understand why the government allows the Indians to roam over enormous tracts of land, rich in minerals they will never extract and containing agricultural possibilities they will never seek to realize.
And indeed the first three acts are comedy of a very high order, full of wit and rich in character.
Her points were all good: her ears, her hands, her feet, her upper lip and nostrils showed blood, and the daintiness and taste of her rich dress seemed to denote her good taste and fine breeding.
Spaniard and priest have long since abandoned their claim to the rich possessions, and their doubtful sway, ever upon the verge of revolution and offering no incentive to enterprise, has given place to one of a different character.
Often I seemed to see her before me--the picturesque hat, the long plume, the rich mantle and dress.