What's wrong withrepetitive adrenal whipping is that adrenal fortitude is variable; many people's adrenals eventually fail to respond to the prod of salt and the body begins to suffer from a lack of adrenal hormones.
The repetitive action of running or walking or swimming, along with the regular deep breathing in clean air, with no distractions except what nature provides is truly health promoting.
During a colonic from 30 to 50 gallons of water are flushed through the large intestines, usually in a repetitive series of fill-ups followed by flushing with a continuous flow of water.
Rather, her ears held no other sound than the babbling repetitive chime and whisper of the lip of the sea moving to and fro the pebbles on the narrow strand just beyond her.
The bride and groom were standing together now, and they began to circle the fire while the women standing nearby sang a monotonous, repetitive song.
Almost at that moment the drummers erupted with a dense rhythmic cycle and the sarangi took up a single repetitive phrase.
Without warning she began a brief song to Shiva in a high- pitched, repetitive refrain.
Every article which can be justified for a school problem should require a relatively small amount of time and few repetitive practices.
Beyond this point it is largely repetitive manipulation; and unless girls want to finish rugs outside of class, and will have an opportunity to do so, such work should be discouraged.
Every article should require a relatively small amount of time and few repetitive practices.
Compulsions: People with neurotic compulsions engage in repetitiverituals that give them temporary relief from anxiety.
The repetitive rhythm and sustained exertion of slow long-distance running appear to tire the conscious mind.
Counting-out formulae reappear in story-telling in suchrepetitive series of incidents as those following the action of the five sisters of the unsuccessful wooer in the Laieikawai story.
The medallion in the centre of the field with corner pieces in which appear some form of repetitive pattern is most common.
This association of colour is not usual, nor is the repetitive pattern of the border with its sharp cusps at many of the angles, nor the trapeziform corners, and the nearly rectangular medallion.
In fact, some repetitive pattern of small design is the usual type; but now and then some form of pole medallion, which the weavers have learned from their more southern neighbours, is substituted.
The secondary stripes have generally repetitiveleaf forms; and running through the guard stripes is a simple vine, ribbon, or wave design.
The design consists of a repetitive figure suggestive of some Chinese device, but is in reality a degraded form of a vine, as will be seen by observing some of the very old border stripes.
Or the field may be covered with a lattice-work pattern that contains small repetitive forms, consisting of slender stems supporting one or more flowers.
Others have the repetitive pattern of bushes, flowers, or the pear, on a field of rich colour.
Not infrequently the smaller stripes, also, have a repetitive pattern of leaf and flower, though in some of the many stripes is usually a well-drawn vine.
As a rule, the fields are well covered with repetitive designs, that give them the appearance of factory-made carpets.
The repetitive urn-shaped pattern of Plate I, Fig.
The latter form a well-executed repetitive figure that suggests an origin for the reciprocal trefoil or lily pattern, as it is sometimes called, which received its highest development in the silk rugs of a later century.
Instead of the large central stripe with floral and repetitive designs common to most rugs is a series of parallel bands, from five to ten in number and about an inch in width, that contain rows of minute floral forms.
Only a few Persian rugs have the formalrepetitive patterns, such as the Herati, Guli Hinnai, Mina Khani, and Shah Abbas.
As the flowers are relatively large and sufficiently separate to show the intervening blue field, this is one of the most effective of the formal repetitive floral patterns.
The Three Bears illustrates the third class of repetitive story, where there is repetition and variation.
Especially in the case of foreign children, in a tale of repetition, such as The Cat and the Mouse, Teeny Tiny, or The Old Woman and Her Pig, will the repetitive passages be an aid to verbal expression.
Similar in structure to The Three Bears is the Norse Three Billy-Goats, which belongs to the same class of delightful repetitive tales and in which the sequence of the tale is in the same three distinct steps.
We learn little or nothing from habit excepting repetitive imitation.
But I soon found that there was a curious counter-reward attending even a process as repetitive as this.
The kind of mind that does not like repetitive work does not have to stay in it.
I could not possibly do the same thing day in and day out, but to other minds, perhaps I might say to the majority of minds, repetitive operations hold no terrors.
I have been told by parlour experts that repetitive labour is soul--as well as body--destroying, but that has not been the result of our investigations.
I have not been able to discover that repetitivelabour injures a man in any way.
As one of the many highly structured environments for human interaction, the military identified itself, as did all other social mechanisms, through repetitive actions.
Observations of repetitive patterns and awareness of possible deviations blended.
If these books and periodicals were only repetitive of what had been said and thought previously, they would not deserve such strong condemnation.
Consequently, language was constituted as an intermediary between stabilized experience (repetitive patterns of work and interaction) and future (patterns broken).
Once distinctions were projected in the experience of signs, the absent or the coming could be suggested, and the dynamics of repetitive events could be expressed.
The institution it became dedicated itself to pursuing its own repetitive assignments.
It evolved into inclinations, repetitive patterns, and selections until it translated into a rule to be followed.
Stereotyped, highly repetitive or well defined unique tasks, and the literate language associated with them, have been transferred to machines.
Think about such categories as syncretism, understanding, repetitive patterns in practical terms.
The repetitive demonstration of known facts, by public or private vivisections, is an abuse that we deplore, and have more than once condemned.
Meterless poems, lists of adjectives, strained interpretations of the actions of the grass, and many musical notations which seemed to get no farther than a repetitive and faltering start.
It was no pretentious group of houses, nor was it a repetitive design out of some subdividing contractor's greedy mind.
In his capacity as Director, Froebel had to give what was called a Repetitive Course to the teachers.
He is appointed lecturer for theRepetitive Courses for young teachers held there.