No birds were audible, no sound of tools, nothing but the water running away on all sides, and from the canvas cover of a half-finished monument the monotonous voices of two artisans discussing their worries.
Verse after verse I chanted to the monotonous tune taught by Reb' Lebe, rocking to the rhythm of the chant, just like the rebbe.
She gave her heart's thanks for the congratulations and blessings that poured in on her; ready tears for condolences; patient answers to monotonous questions; and handshakes and kisses and hugs she gave gratis.
The monotonous Bucskak[4] which extended desolately, like a billowy sandy ocean, to the very horizon, were overgrown with dwarf firs that looked more like shrubs than trees.
The clouds of heavy smoke which rose and rolled about over the landscape helped to render the otherwise monotonous scene a little more picturesque.
It was the grandeur of these panoramas that impressed one most, rather than their monotonous beauty.
The sound of the dangling bells of the mules was monotonous to a degree, and so was the aspect of the animals' tails swinging and slashing from one side to the other in order to drive away tormenting flies.
The very sound of the mules' neck-bells seemed tired and worn; its brisk tinkling of our days of vigour had given room to a monotonous and feeble, almost dead, ding .
Dinner was prepared--it took a long time--the musician all the time delighting his admiring family with the two monotonous chords.
The tinkling of my mules' neck-bells was the only cheering sound breaking that monotonous solitude--except perhaps the occasional harsh voices of my men urging on the animals with some unrepeatable oath or other.
Though the surroundings of the Cibolan pueblos and ruins exhibit the ordinary characteristics of plateau scenery, they have not the monotonous and forbidding aspect that characterizes the mesas and valleys of Tusayan.
One uniform gray tint, with only slight local variations in character and finish of masonry, imparts a monotonous effect of antiquity to the whole mass of dwellings.
It would be most unreasonable to wish to curtail to curtail the social expansion of men whose lives are for the most part passed in a monotonous round of toil.
My worthy employer, however, evidently intends holding on forever, and the sordid, monotonous drudgery has been getting insupportable lately.
Indeed, he wondered how he had borne the monotonous drudgery he detested, and practised an almost Spartan self-denial so long, and it was with a curious content he looked forward into the night over the plunging bows.
The army had a good enough time that night, marching through the brush and vines toward New London, though this sort of thing grew rather monotonous by morning.
Liszt played different selections from his Benvenuto Cellini, while Berlioz sang to them in his peculiarly monotonous style.
We stole quietly back to our friends, hardly knowing why we had started on this monotonous expedition.
Instead of which, nothing whatever was to be seen but a monotonous plain, with fortifications sunk into the earth.
And he could not forget Father Beron with his monotonous phrase, "Will you confess now?
Monygham could by no manner of means forget the zeal of Father Beron, or his face, or the pitiless, monotonous voice in which he pronounced the words, "Will you confess now?
In a few seconds we found ourselves on the rocks, delighted to exchange the monotonous mode of progression compulsory on snow for the varied gymnastic exercises demanded on rocks.
M91) Perhaps the monotonous repetition of failures on the peak influences my recollection of what took place subsequently to the expedition last mentioned.
And smile not if such things have no effect upon you, for you have missed truer pleasures than may be found in the imitations of art, or the monotonous music of civilisation.
For a little while, we watched a knot of men playing Nazouch, a monotonous and uninteresting game, to which the Apaches are passionately addicted.
This shows an endeavour to relieve a rather dull and monotonous life, by throwing your energy into somewhat unnecessary work.
This shows that much of your time will be given endeavouring to make the lives of those around you smooth and happy, whilst you cheerfully spend your days in a somewhat monotonous manner.
These flowers indicate a smooth though possibly a somewhat monotonous life; they also show a settled state of mind and sound judgment; if seen in the form of a wreath a death is predicted.
His life there is one of monotonous routine whether his sentence be short or long.
The more monotonous his life, the more his mind is compelled to dwell on the trivial incidents that are happening around him; the more he is shut in to himself, the greater the tendency for him to become twisted mentally.
Their songs were what travellers call "monotonous chants.
It is forever bleak, barren, and monotonous to the eye.
Tom remained the night, and he and Bessie cheered up the Grays, for it had been a lonely, monotonous period since their last visit, and never a caller save Douglas had they had.
They had brighter objects to look out on than the scanty and monotonous vegetation of the wilderness.
The spirits of the people are sustained during their weary, monotonoustramp by the expectation of a crisis.
She had a fixed stare in her eyes and spoke in a monotonous tone, and Sandoz felt frightened when he drew up to the bedside.
As he was turning on to the Quai Bourbon, on the Isle of St. Louis, a sharp flash of lightning illumined the straight, monotonous line of old houses bordering the narrow road in front of the Seine.
The sun having shown itself again, some delightful days followed, the months slipping away amid monotonous felicity.
And when Dubuche was stretched on his back, his eyes turned towards the clouds of smoke he raised, he began to talk about himself in an interminable monotonous fashion.
There was the same rotation, hour by hour, of sacred services, with monotonous regularity and repetition; the only variety offered was that of labor of one sort or another, with brief intervals for rest and refreshment.
Such are a few of the authorities quoted by the Squire, by way of contrasting what he supposes to have been the former vivacity of the nation with its present monotonous character.