Even before harvest it is customary to bring some of the ripening grain from the fields and to thrust it into the thatch of the huts in the shrines, no doubt in order to secure the blessing of Nyakang on the crops.
When the millet has been reaped, every one brings a portion of the grainto a shrine of Nyakang, where it is ground into flour, which is made into porridge with water fetched from the river.
Veldener found the blocks of the Speculum there constituted a grain of evidence in favour of Utrecht; and if a balance is sufficiently sensitive and both scales are empty, a grain thrown into one will suffice to weigh it down.
It will be noted that this connection with Strassburg offers just a grain of evidence in favour of the Donatuses having been printed there rather than at Mainz.
It would have been better, in the present writer's opinion, if the grain had been disregarded, and no attempt made to assign these books and fragments to any particular place.
But you must have a grain or so--to talk of love to me!
The ant that gets fed into the mill-hopper with the grain might resent the millstone after the same fashion.
The grain should be threshed as soon as it is dry enough to go through the thresher.
It is true that the flesh of an animal will not support human life so long as would the grain that the animal ate while growing, but it is also true that animal food does not require so much of man's force to digest it.
These spores cling to the grain and at the next planting are ready to attack the sprouting plantlet.
Sheep are docile and easily handled, and they live on a greater diversity of food and require less grainthan any other kind of live stock.
There is hardly any limit to the uses to which its grainand its stalks are now put.
Fertile loamy and clay soils make generally a heavier yield of barley, but the grain is dark and fit only to be fed to stock.
The grain is crushed into a dark flour that makes most palatable breakfast cakes.
When grain covered with smut spores is planted, the spores develop with the sprouting seeds and are ready to attack the young plant as it breaks through the seed-coat.
Crimson clover, which is a winter legume, usually does best when seeded alone, although rye or some other grain often seems helpful to it.
You will remember that formalin is the substance used to prevent grain smuts.
Soy bean Hay and grain Annual Often put in silo with corn.
If the barley be intended for stock, you should breed so as to get protein in the grain and in the stalk.
When men feed grainto stock, the animals receive in return power and food in their most available forms.
The grains can be cut in time for the beans to follow them, and in turn the beans can be harvested in the early fall and make way for another grain crop.
In many places the grass and grain crops are now supplied with water by furrows instead of by flooding.
At the post pile he unhitched the team for safety's sake and tied them to trees, where he fed them a little grain in nose bags.
She could save a few minutes, she thought, by running down to the corral where Frank would probably stop and unload the few sacks of grain he was bringing, before he drove up to the house.
When gold comes out of the mine is the gain to the community greater or less than when the same value of grain is harvested?
A railroad connecting two competitive points charges one-fourth of a cent per ton mile on grain shipments from its inland terminus, while it charges one cent per ton mile on grain shipments from non-competitive territory.
The elliptical form I have found the best; with a load driven to the side of the stack, the pitcher is never very far from the stacker; the stack is easily kept balanced, and at threshing time the grain is readily got to the machine.
Grain can be put into a stack of this size much more rapidly than in small stacks.
But the slander has barely a grain of truth in it.
No sooner had the last grain of sand announced that the fatal hour had arrived, than the king joyfully exclaimed-- "The traitor's hour has come!
He often supplied grain to them when there was no prospect of payment.
The stones are yet to be seen in Sackville with which grain was ground by hand-power.
My crop of grain on my new farm did not answer my expectations, a great part of it was struck with the rust.
Any other arrangement would have been too complex; and, indeed, a pretence that they took grain up and brought flour down might have seemed affectation.
Westphalia and Rhenish Prussia are the garden spots of Germany, so we'll see plenty of farms and grain fields.
But we must take that assertion of yours with a grain of allowance.
A carved stone head, peeping out from amidst the honeysuckle that clambers over the porch, is said to represent Giraldus Cambrensis himself, a statement that must be accepted with the proverbial 'grain of salt.
Excepting the grasshoppers, there is not a grain of truth in it all!
Vases, filled with grain of all kinds, were borne in procession and dedicated to Hermes.
Before the last grain fell we seven were out, led by M.
Radisson inverts a sand-glass and watches the sand trickle through till the last grain drops.
They provide much of the oil which is used during the long fasts which both Armenians and Syrians observe, and they develop very large woody excrescences or knots, the grain and mottling of which are peculiarly beautiful.
This paying the rent in kind is going on just now in every village, and the Aghas secure themselves against dishonesty by requiring that the grain shall be threshed on their floors.
The grain is kept in great clay-lined holes under ground, covered with straw and earth.
Its meat bazar and its grain and pulse bazars are capacious and well supplied.
On a windy day the great heaps are tossed into the air on a fork, the straw is carried for a short distance, and the grain falling to the ground is removed and placed in great clay jars in the living-rooms of the houses.
The village, on a height above the stream, has banks of orchards below and miles of grain above, and vineyards, and material plenty of all sorts.
Xenophon mentions buried wine, and it is not unlikely that the deep clay-lined holes in which grain is stored in some of the villages are ancient cellars, anterior to the date when the Karduchi became Moslems and teetotallers.
The grain is exchanged for blue cottons and tobacco.
He sells them grain and flour above the market price.
Mind you put every grain of powder to good use; there's none for wasting.
Houses of those who had fled were burnt, and, as summer advanced, a great deal of their grain was destroyed.
The big grain elevators have been described over and over again.
When Sancho, from the height of his waggon, beheld the earth no larger than a grain of millet, his sense of proportion was truer than ours.
For instance, it is frequently said that the President of the Republic does, in effect, nominate his successor by reason of his authority with the State Legislature, and there is a grain of truth in the assertion.
The low of herds Blends with the rustling of the heavy grain Over the dark brown furrows.
Fling wide the grain for those who throw The clanking shuttle to and fro, In the long row of humming rooms, And into ponderous masses wind The web that, from a thousand looms, Comes forth to clothe mankind.
This stroke did not hurt, and I did not fall, but turned around and made a number of hops to the rear, when my foot caught in the tangled grain and I went down full length.
We were in this wheatfield and the grain stood almost breast high.
Oh, just a clean oot wie a grain o' basic slag noo and than," said the gardener.
As I put the rifle down on the bare deal table which forms the principal piece of furniture in the gun-room, I saw a grain of something dark, which looked like earth, fall off the butt end on to the boards beneath.
He told himself that there must be some grain of truth in the subaltern's story, some fire behind this smoke.
Not a grain of dust has got to it," said Miss Meyerstein.
Wherever I went to-day I heard the same ghastly talk--every imaginable suggestion, and not one grain of common sense.
We have great things to tell you, attacks by savages, some hardships, but we have broughtgrain which we found hidden by the Indians, and we have found the right place to establish our dwelling.
We will make our acre God's acre, planting it doubly for our protection, in grain for our winter need, concealment of our devastation.
There was great hope of a large crop, early in May, when all the land was planted, and little green heads were everywhere popping up to announce the grain to come.