And truth to tell, many a case of British whiskey was stolen by Yank and Tommie and Russki and Poilu and sent rejoicing on its way through these devious underground channels of traffic.
It is one of the many byways that intersect the main streets of the town--though these streets themselves are often so narrow and devious as to scarce deserve the adjective I have applied to them.
From Honfleur we follow the narrow road along the coast--its sharp turns, devious windings, short steep hills and the hedgerows which border it in places recalling the byways of Devon and Cornwall.
Miridoff, accustomed to the devious ways of diplomacy, was thrown off his guard by the sheer unexpectedness of so direct a rejoinder.
At last he outdistanced them, however, and by pursuing a devious course landed, all unwittingly, at a side door of the palace.
The route that eventually evolved itself is but roughly indicated in my Sketch Map, for I found it impossible, on a map of so small a scale, to trace all our devious wanderings, or to note more than a few of the many places visited.
Later, by devious steps both forward and back, he became the bridge from the eighteenth century to Impressionism, just as Cezanne became the stepping stone from Impressionism to art's latest manifestations.
The quarter-blood Indian south of the Line, whose ancestry is deviousas his own starved dog's, knows but a single law of life and that the law of fear.
The latter by a devious course of idling finally came to a stand behind Grant and appeared to be a keen spectator of the game.
Accordingly, they both set out in the somewhatdevious and desultory road which Merle, who had some old acquaintances amongst the ancient profession of hawkers, had advised Waife to take.
No close-neighbouring poetic thicket into which to plunge, uncertain whither you would emerge; no deviousstream to follow.
It was by no calculation, but by involuntary impulse, that Waife, thus escaping from the harsh looks and taunting murmurs of the gossips round the Mayor's door, dived into those sordid devious lanes.
After many devious turnings to avoid the heavier pressure-ridges, we pioneered a way for at least a mile and a half.
Some men arrive, by slow and devious roads, at a belief that shakes their faith to its foundations.
It is the selection over which I have hesitated longest, for it is a deep and subtle nature, a kind I have no love of dealing with, but so far as I know it is not a devious one, and his talents command my respect.
This was too much for Jefferson, who had convinced himself that he was a high-minded and self-sacrificing statesman, stooping to devious ways for the common good.
Again they went on, climbing by devious ways, but always making progress up toward the little plateau which had been described to Red by the former member of the bandit circle as the lookout's station.
Red led them by devious ways, always with the one thought of "playing safe" held up before him.
When Keith had somewhat run down, Krafft, without a word, took him by the arm and led him by devious ways down to the water-front portion of the city.
Johnny and Keith found the square jammed, but the latter led the way by devious alleys to the rear of the Monumental headquarters, and so out to a little second-story balcony.
He said nothing, nor was anyone tactless enough to ask him, as to what desperate or devious means he had used in accomplishing his liberty for the evening.
The deviousways of the female mind are to him an open book.
The Mission was well received, started to return to Petrograd, was attacked by Turkmans, went back to Bukhara, and there stayed until it could attempt the devious route which brought it to the capital in 1725.
It was his deviousway of expressing the slang phrase, "Tough luck.
However, a quick change of plan, and Snow might end up vaporized, gnawed, or just left to starve in this devious labyrinth.
The only road was an Indian trail, which pushed its devious way through the forest, around the swamps, and across bridgeless streams, without regard to the comfort of the traveler or the speed of his locomotion.
I traveled in divers directions and devious ways until nearly overcome with fatigue and hunger, when I suddenly came upon a newly erected log cabin.
It drains a very large area, and after a long and devious course enters the Caspian Sea under the name of the Sefid Rud.
Within are very low and devious buildings, with thick mud walls.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "devious" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.