What if there be an avenging Power waiting, as some think, to grind me into powder, and then endow each crushed particle with individual sense of endless misery?
No, George, I had rather pass into eternity on the crest of the wave of my success, such as it has been, and let it break and grind me to powder there, or else bear me to greater heights.
Extra precaution should be taken to grind the cutting edge of the knife parallel with the back of the knife, and not have one end of the knife wider than the other.
If this supply of water is cut off and the wheel continues to grind without water, this will create friction, heat up, and draw the temper in the knife or crack it.
A knife grinder with a cup-shape emery wheel makes it easier to grind the bevel straight.
The mill cannot grind with the water that is past.
They like one to grind over beastesses and butterflies and suchlike.
They gave thee sour bread to eat ere thy going, but yet thee didst grind the flour for the baking.
Ay, grind your teeth, you old rogue," said Dierich, panting with the struggle.
He trusted to no hireling to grind his colours; he did it himself, or saw it done.
Grind your own prime colours, and lay them on with this oil, and they shall live.
Its edges were rounded by the grind of sand and water, and one thought of an ancient tile that might be seen in a Chinese rose garden.
He was a part of the law, and we were taught then that the law was everlastingly right, that we must grind our characters against it.
Some women were engaged to grind flour for us and the Abyssinian servants; others to bring water or wood.
The corn-mills seemed waiting for the accustomed hands to grind with them, after so many years of repose.
They grind among the iron facts of life, And have no time for self-deception.
Afterwards it was sold to a sea-captain, who set it to grind salt, and it ground on till the ship sank, and it now lies at the bottom of the sea, grinding salt for ever.
Sow me this barley, which will spring up and ripen quickly; then you must cut it, thresh it, and winnow it, so that you can malt it and grind it.
Their rude water mills, and the hand mills worked by women, grind the wheat into the coarse flour used by them.
Mirza is so good that one cannot be angry with him, but it was very annoying to hear him preach about "fate" and "destiny" while he was allowing his horse to grind my one pair of smoked spectacles into bits under his hoofs.
Let us, therefore, O monarch, with our large army consisting of four kinds of forces, grind Drupada without loss of time, and bring hither the Pandavas.
Good sport it is to you, To grind the honest pore; To puy their just or unjust debts With eight hundred per cent, for Lor; Make haste and git your costes in, They will not last much mor!
Tell me, Knife-grinder, how came you to grind knives?
You're a mean old Daddy, you are, for a fact; but we snake too dandy a duet for me to go away an' leave you to grind out a solo all alone.
He lets everybody that wants to just trample on him andgrind their dust into him, and he acts real pleased and grateful.
She was not exactly frightened--Annie had splendid courage when once her blood was up--but she was conscious of a tumult and grind of adjustment to a new level which made her nervous.
At last curiosity overcame her, and she stole into the pantry and began to grind the mill.
Answer, or I will grind you to dust beneath my heel!
Some sleep upon none too easy beds a few short hours, too few not to waken more tired than ever, and resume the endless grind of waking life.
Why must I grind my teeth and sit there helpless, while those beautiful things were crushed and blasted and torn in living fragments?
Conscious of high thoughts and just desires, but with no gift of practical insight, he is ill fitted to "grind among the iron facts of life.
Yes, upon thee, Like to the ruins of a tower, to grind Thy body into dust.
The boys are willing to squat over their books and grind away for as many hours a day as nature makes possible.
They go barefoot carrying heavy loads of wood or skins of water, grind the meal and make fresh bread every morning, or spin the camel's hair or goat's hair into one coarse garment.
Tell me, knife-grinder, how you came to grind knives?
Who in their coaches roll along the turnpike Road, what hard work 'tis crying all day "Knives and Scissors to grind O!
You couldn't grind Latin and Greek into me with a steel-rolling machine.