Lysias agreed by oath to these conditions, but as soon as the gates of the fortress were opened, he ordered his soldiers to raze the walls and the towers to the ground.
Why all the outraged world would rise and raze This devil's country from the face of earth Were Maximilian slain!
The only absolutely safe plan is to raze them from the earth.
Her brigand Marshal de Broglie has sworn toraze Paris to the ground.
You see, this weakness has forced us to raze whole cities; some day it may mean thirty years of civil war.
He threatened to raze the town to its foundations and destroy the inhabitants without distinction of age or sex unless they would immediately submit themselves to their lawful sovereign.
They intimated that they were perfectly aware of the comparative weakness of the colony; that the Iroquois could at any time burn the houses of the inhabitants, pillage their stores, waste their crops, and afterward easily raze the forts.
Mistake me not, my lord; 'tis not my meaning To raze one title of your honour out.
Having waste ground enough, Shall we desire to raze the sanctuary, And pitch our evils there?
When they were offended they could be very cruel; they could kill or take away the senses of any who threatened them with violence; they would lead men into deep waters or raze in a night magnificent buildings and fortresses.
Vainer still to elevate the fortress: Whatsoe'er at eve had raised the workmen Did the veela raze ere dawn of morning.
I would the learned gentleman did but know how difficult it is for us dealers in petty wares of antiquity to-- Pluck from our memories a rooted "legend," Raze out the written records of our brain.
Raze out the written troubles of the brain, Cleanse the foul bosom of the perilous stuff That weighs upon the heart.
Under Louis XIII it was proposed to raze the chateau, as was being done with others in the Midi, but the intervening appeal of the governor saved its romantic walls to posterity.
Bloody war, celebrated sieges, ravages by the pest, an earthquake or two, and incendiaries without number could not raze the city which in time became one of the great frontier strongholds of France.
The duk iz a good hand tew raze feathers, which groze all over their person simultanously without enny order.
Don't lay enny certain plans for the fewter, it iz like planting tuds, and expekting tew raze tudstools.
When these were collected, Praxitas decided in the first place to raze enough of the walls to allow a free broadway for an army on march.
On their refusal, therefore, to raze their fortification walls the ban was called out against them.
As the first step towards this policy they sent a dictatorial message to the Mantinaeans, and bade them raze their fortifications, on the sole ground that they could not otherwise trust them not to side with their enemies.
If he refused to fire, he would be strung up to the yardarm; if he fired and missed, perhaps other gunners would fire, and once started they might raze the fishing-post.
Richambeau would send a squad of men to search for him, and if he was not found they would probably raze the Post, or take its people prisoners.
Sargon did not raze the city, and we see from the Eponym Canon that its inhabitants were still strong enough some years later to take part in a futile revolt.
Men raze the sanctuary, and build their idol temples on the hallowed ground.
Some even recommended toraze the capital of Prussia to the ground.
Vainer still to elevate the fortress: Whatsoe’er at eve had raised the workmen Did the Vila raze ere dawn of morning.
Fair Julippe, Your choice has crown'd me; nor shall track of time Raze out that imprese which[119] your free assent Has here engraven.
Whatever besides a soul be established on, though it appear very solid, and the soul be settled and fixed upon it, yet a day will come that will unsettle that soul and raze that foundation.