Here he was able to maintain a few poor scholars of theology and to facilitate their studies.
The aim of the later builders was to facilitate the draining away of the water which the old mullioned windows used to retain.
To facilitate the computation of the food requirements of children a schedule showing the number of calories per pound of body per day is included on opposite page.
Hence, to facilitate the estimation of the food requirements for average individuals, the following table is included.
The following schemes for feeding well babies are included to facilitate the work in the home.
Peristalsis~ in the intestinal tract must be stimulated to facilitate a free flow of bile, which will not occur where the movements are sluggish.
My next step in advance, was, while I secured my surplus honey in the most convenient, beautiful and salable forms, so to facilitate the entrance of the bees into the honey receptacles, as to secure the largest fruits from their labors.
A good hive should have its alighting board constructed so as to shelter the bees against wind and wet, and thus to facilitate to the utmost their entrance when they come home with their heavy burdens.
Such an arrangement would no doubt very greatly facilitate many operations.
Yet the whole business of deliberately making arrangements to facilitate plotting on his victim’s part is hardly on a different plane.
We arranged that he should come up for a consultation with me next morning, and to facilitate this, I left my headquarters with Ruger's division, and after a personal visit to Palmer and Carter, I rode back to Gum Swamp in the evening.
In order to withdraw Constanze from the tyranny of her mother, and to facilitate Wolfgang's intercourse with his betrothed, she took the latter more than once for a considerable time into her own house in the Leopold Strasse.
Tending to facilitate expectoration or to promote discharges of mucus, etc.
A figure or drawing made to illustrate a statement, or facilitate a demonstration; a plan.
The Vermillion Iron Company have built extensive piers into the lake to facilitate the shipping of ores.
Ann river flows through this farm, and is supplied with a dam to facilitate the driving of logs into Fish lake.
Mr. Bloomer was accidentally killed, on which account the business of these firms was closed, Mr. Smith removing to Galena to facilitate the settlement of their affairs.
We can facilitate the establishment in India of European cultivators and landholders, who are the natural and legitimate advisers of the native peasantry on such questions as those to which I have been referring.
Or he may have been sacrificed in order tofacilitate the return of the workers in stucco whom he had superseded on the Sacro Monte.
We have a large number of them and, since they require special treatment, we keep them separate tofacilitate the work of the physicians and nurses.
I infer, by this card," said the manager, "that you are hoping to find some new schemes to facilitate the work and service of the church.
In this building a thousand experts are constantly employed in devising and perfecting mechanical arrangements to facilitate the services of the church.
They see a few inventions which are just being perfected to facilitate the services of the churches along the King's Highway.
In order to systematize and facilitate the labors of the friends who shall engage in the work of circulating the Petitions, a Committee was appointed to devise and present some definite plan of action.
Why is their education stopped short, just as they have attained the age best fitted for progress, and the preliminary knowledge necessary to facilitate it, thus giving the advantage of superior culture to sex, not to mind?
Our job is placement counseling and we are trying to counsel them to the point where we can facilitate placing him onto a job and counseling duties then are through.
The purpose of the post office box was purely to facilitate communications between areas and maintain them on a permanent basis.
In his message to Congress in December, 1862, the President, in urging his plan for national aid to facilitate emancipation and deportation, endeavored to meet and allay these fears.
That negotiations will go on shortly, establish principles, and facilitate a treaty; but that the King of England and some of the Ministers, have not lost the idea of breaking the union between France and the United States.
However, the French Minister had orders to assure the committee, that his Court would use all their endeavors in proper time, to facilitate the admissions of the Plenipotentiary of Congress.
In order to facilitate the success of his measures on this subject, the undersigned confines himself at the present time to requesting, that the quantity of five thousand barrels of flour may be immediately held in readiness.
Propose the establishment of posts from Boston to Charleston to facilitate communication.
Congress, while giving these assurances, expressed in an urgent manner the wish, that a French squadron should facilitate the operations of the land troops.
That present circumstances require great exertions from the consideration, and that it was plain that every success gained by the army of Congress would infinitely facilitate the negotiations of their Plenipotentiaries.
Thus the Greeks facilitate to modern men the communication of much that is debatable and hard to communicate.
My confidence in your perseverance, induces me to recommend any course which I know will tend to facilitate your progress.
I consider the Compendium of English Grammar, by Samuel Kirkham, a work deserving encouragement, and well calculated to facilitate the acquisition of this useful science.
This was the administrative machinery the board wanted tofacilitate the prompt and efficient execution of the Army's postwar racial policies.
Conditions in the Army appeared to them to facilitate an immediate shift to integration; conditions in Europe and elsewhere made such a shift imperative.
The rags are oiled to soften them and make them more pliable, and thus to facilitate the grinding.
In the finer grades the warp is sized so as to facilitate the weaving process.