This Chiusure was once a promising town; but the life was crushed out of it in the throes of mediƦval civil wars, and since the thirteenth century it has been dwindling to a hamlet.
In the dwindling of disused structures, Mr. Romanes has suggested "failure of heredity" as an efficient cause.
We may now pass on to consider shortly some of the phenomena of degeneration, and the dwindling or disappearance of structures which are no longer of use.
On the older view, the gradual dwindlingof unused parts was readily comprehensible.
Soon on the silent river only a dwindling sight of lonely sails was to be seen, heading toward Chesapeake Bay and then to sea.
Chris returned to his own ship, and in his own shape at last, surveyed the dwindling island of mist that clung persistently around the Vulture, blow though the wind might, and turn and turn again though the helmsman might try to do.
All night long the work of death and vengeance went on; the grey lines ever closing in nearer and nearer upon the dwindlingremnants of the Russian army.
This one was a model village, snug in the fields, and dwindling daily.
Our scanty allowance was dwindling rapidly away, in spite of a desperate system of economy.
Slowly at first, like a rocket: faster and faster, dwindling from Earth, becoming a vanishing pinpoint like a black, daylight star.
He had seen space from the great wheel that was dwindling behind him; but never before had its immediacy been impressed on him with such force: here, it was an intimate wrapping, clutching at him from all sides.
The candle that was on the niche of rock almost beside them seemed dwindling also.
Harold and Beatrice stood side by side on the narrow ledge of rock and watched the dwindling of the light.
Major Thomas Melville, by his marriage with Priscilla Scollay, is said to have aggravated an already ample fortune, though the terms of his resignation from the Revolutionary army argue a dwindling of income during unsettled times.
Most men keep the boundaries between these two populations distinct: a separation facilitated by the usual dwindling of the ghostly population.
In Richmond, nursing our dwindling cash, we found a frugal but cheerful hospitality while preparing for the next move to Baltimore, where we were sure of meeting my good father's provision for us.
General Evans is now chief of the veterans in Georgia and held in great respect by their dwindling numbers.
A dwindling trade had thinned the population and quieted its ambitions.
With decreasing resources and dwindling numbers, the fortress of Malta could not long hold out if attacked, and the position of the Order was becoming desperate.
They made supper at sunset among the last of the dwindling pines; and then lay awake shivering part of the night, for a nipping wind came down from the snow, and they were very wet and cold.
Then they left the last of the dwindling pines behind, and pushed on along a slope that was strewn with shattered rock and debris which made walking arduous.
A trainer would have had something to say of those lithe shoulders, and that long barrel, dwindling along the flanks, and that easy swing of haunch and swathed hock.
Here and there a faint oil lamp flickered along the Marina; a larger, nearer, and brighter gleam was evidence of a tiny jetty which was washed by waves which were dwindling under the protection of the land.
How will he laugh outright When he sees his dwindling flax-field All full of flowers by night!
One after one, as dwindling hours, Youth's glowing hopes have dropped away, And soon may barely leave the gleam That coldly scores a winter's day.
But that superstition should supervene upon light where the means of light were dwindling was a matter of course.
To show the dwindling process, take the single country of Tallapoosa in Alabama.
Naturally a fierce contest between agriculture and industry for the limited and dwindling supply of the only labour they had.
The most obvious manifestation of Roman society in decline was the dwindling numbers of Roman citizens.
This is the belt of dwindling trees, the last or northmost zone of the forest, and the spruce trees showed everywhere that they were living a life-long battle, growing and seeding, but dwarfed by frost and hardships.
After pushing through the alders and poling up the dwindlingstream for a couple of hours we reached the place two miles up, by the stream.
Over the deep, tranquil waters of the lake we went, scanning the painted shores with theirdwindling remnants of forest.
Should he consent to ride flat on his stomach on a wing, with the wind sweeping exhaust fumes in his face and the earth a dwindling panorama of monotonous gray landscape far beneath him?
They raced down the calf pasture, nosed upward and went whirring away from a dwindling earth, straight toward the heart of the dawn.
The town was silent, then, and only a faint and dwindling murmur came from the line of aircraft headed south.
Sarka studied those outgoing hosts, which were dwindling away to mere specks with vast speed, for through the cordons and cordons of them he could now see the Aircars more plainly.