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Example sentences for "three inches"

  • On heavy land, I set the plants one inch deeper than they were before; on light soils two or three inches deeper.

  • On ordinarily dry land two or three inches of light material is sufficient.

  • Its proper inflorescence, as one may put it, is greenish yellow, blotched with brown, three inches in diameter, clothing a spike sometimes twelve feet long.

  • It throws out a long, slender spike from the tip of the pseudo-bulb, bearing six or more flowers, three inches across.

  • Three inches long it is already, thick as a pencil, with a big knob of bud at the tip.

  • Stem two or three inches high, rising either from a strong main trunk (?

  • Forms small crowded tufts from one to two or three inches high; branches very regularly dichotomous.

  • Of a light brown colour, two or three inches high.

  • The king in a short time dies, but his consort goes on increasing in bulk till she attains the enormous length of three inches, and a width in proportion.

  • In some places they covered the ground in layers two or three inches thick.

  • I had seen some trees, from which the natives had so often stripped the bark that the lower part was two or three inches in diameter less than the higher portion which they could not reach.

  • If the garden soil be clayey and adhesive, put on a covering of sand, three inches thick, and the same depth of well-rotted manure.

  • At the head, and at the foot, is to be screwed a notched two-inch board, three inches wide, as in Fig.

  • If the piece to be inserted is only two or three inches long, it may be omitted, and the space covered by using a whole 2½-inch tile in place of the collar.

  • The collar for a 1-1/2-inch pipe has a circumference of three inches.

  • On the next day I found the eschar last made complete, and I passed the caustic over the ulcer to the extent of three inches more.

  • I applied the caustic to the large sore above described to the extent of three inches square, avoiding its application on the inflamed skin.

  • They sometimes attain the length of six inches, and are as thick as the finger of a man; the common size is, however, from two to three inches.

  • Note: In Greece, the palm was reckoned at three inches.

  • It has simple spikelike antlers, only two or three inches long.

  • He bolted his food down his capacious throat in squares of three inches.

  • A broad hunting head will penetrate two or three inches, then bind.

  • Overlap them at the hand grip for a distance of two or three inches.

  • By the time the rope is three inches in length, it is long enough to fold on itself and constitute a loop.

  • This is surprisingly accurate for a weapon of this sort, when it is considered that the best rifles of today will average between one and a half to three inches dispersion at 100 yards.

  • Start here and twist your second loop, drawing each strand toward you as you twist it away from you until a rope of three inches is formed again.

  • Some varieties differ in general aspect even while only two or three inches in height.

  • It should be in the bowel two or three inches.

  • Cut a piece of salt pork into strips quarter of an inch thick and two or three inches long.

  • This should go around the body and be pinned tightly; or, if you have a roll of adhesive plaster, two and one-half to three inches wide, use this.

  • On it was laid a grass mat, three inches thick, as a mattress.

  • On measuring the horns we discovered them to be thirty-three inches long, which equalled the record Malay sambhur I have mentioned.

  • While the record Indian head is fifty and an eighth inches, Lydekker gives the longest Malayan antlers as thirty and an eighth inches; though an officer formerly in Buxa shot one with horns thirty-three inches in length.

  • Solitary; pure white, turning to deep rose; peduncle one to three inches long.

  • White; three lines across; in racemes eighteen lines to three inches long.

  • Usually with three to five pinnate leaflets, one to three inches long.

  • One to three inches in diameter; usually one in the pod.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "three inches" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    foreign devil; three arches; three branches; three cents; three classes; three commissioners; three crowns; three cupfuls; three daughters; three dayes; three dollars; three drops; three estates; three fingers; three guns; three horses; three hundred; three hundred and forty; three hundred and twenty; three points; three principal; three rows; three small; three threads; three weeks; toward evening