These minuscule letters are cursive forms of the earlier uncials.
English alphabet, is a cursive form of the letter V, with which it was formerly used interchangeably, both letters being then used both as vowels and consonants.
V and U are only varieties of the same character, U being the cursive form, while V is better adapted for engraving, as in stone.
The writing is in a beautifully clear archaic script often used for royal inscriptions, even after the cursive writing came into use.
Out of this cursive hand there arose a variety of hand-writings, the most important among these being the Irish "semi-uncial.
Rougé with the cursive characters which made formulation of his theory possible.
The materials used largely determine the form which writing takes, and in the modern or cursive characters which are shown underneath the primitive forms we see the result of use of the rabbit's-hair pencil of the Chinese scribe.
The cursive writing known as Hieratic was an abridged and conventionalised form of the hieroglyphic.
The indications of the pencilled words in modern cursivewriting are strengthened by the short-hand stage-direction in "Coriolanus," Act V.
Both these words are manifestly not examples of an ancient cursive hand, like those of which fac-similes are given above, but of rapid pencil-writing of the present century.
These pencil-memorandums are in some instances written in a modern cursive hand, to which marginal readings in ink, written in an antique hand, correspond.
Hieratic character, a mode of ancient Egyptian writing; a modified form of hieroglyphics, tending toward a cursive hand and formerly supposed to be the sacerdotal character, as the demotic was supposed to be that of the people.
These minuscule letters are cursive forms of the earlier uncials.
It has a book alphabet nearly the same as Devanagari and a cursive script translation between the Devanagari and the Gujarati.
The kaïd produced a letter addressed to the prisoner, which he said had been intercepted, couched in the woefully corrupted Arabic of the Moorish Jews, but in the cursive Hebrew character.
Glagol, an ancient Slavonic alphabet, apparently derived from the cursive Greek of the 9th century, only used in the liturgical books of the Dalmatian Slavs.
But in addition, at quite an early period, symbols and monogrammatic forms for particular words must have been developed, for they are found in common use in cursive papyri.
According to this view the alphabet was borrowed by the Phoenicians from the cursive (hieratic) form of Egyptian hieroglyphics.
As was natural in cursive wriiing, angles tend to become rounded, and the tails of the letters, which in, Phoenician are very long are curved round in the middie of words so as to join on to the succeeding letter.
Glagolitic and thecursive Greek, the Cyrillic and the Greek uncial are set side by side in facsimile.
The cursive is to be read from right to left, the hieroglyphic, contrary to the Egyptian method, in the direction in which the figures face.
About the time of Ergamenes, or (according to some authorities) before, a vernacular came to be employed in inscriptions, written in a special alphabet of 23 signs in parallel hieroglyphic and cursive forms.
The italic type of Aldus, a cursive or semi-cursive roman, the counterpart of his cursive Greek, was modeled as he himself informs us on the handwriting of Petrarch a lettra per lettra.
The Greek type of Aldus was a new departure, based on the cursive or business handwriting of his day in distinction from the older book-hand which had served as the model for the first Greek fonts.
So is his claim to have the cursive "82" on his side.
And yet these words are found in every known uncial and in every known cursive Copy, except four; besides being found in every ancient Version.
Just as if we should ever have heard of these two codices, had their contents come down to us written in the ordinary cursive character,--in a dated MS.
But then why, in the name of common sense, do you not show corresponding favour to the remaining 997 cursive Copies of the N.
With perfect truth has the latter remarked on the practical "identity of the Text, more especially in the Gospels and Pauline Epistles, in all the known cursive MSS.
C and F-G yield uncertain testimony): and perhaps two cursive copies, viz.
The usual character employed for writing Bihari is that known as Kaithi, a cursive form of the well-known Nagari character of Upper India.
From monumental capitals of first-century Rome to humanistic cursive of 16th century, 33 alphabets in fresh interpretations.
Across the top of the first page, written in a cursive hand in brown ink of a somewhat later date, was the inscription: "Liber canonicor.
A comparison of the twelve cursive letters in Mr. Layard's Nineveh, vol.
These cursive characters possessed one advantage: they were capable of considerable abbreviation within certain limits.
Roman writing was divided into two distinct classes: the formal book-hand, and the cursive hand which was the common hand-writing of the people.
The first example (d) is a half-cursive book-hand of the seventh or eighth century.
Before the age of printing, the book-hand developed alongside of the ordinary cursive handwriting, and possibly the fact that the book-hand has been lost may be advanced as a reason why most of the handwriting to-day is so degenerate.
On the Continent the hand was developed from the Roman cursive writing, while in England and Ireland the Roman Half-Uncial was the starting-point of development.
The cursive forms of writing--hieratic from the earliest times, demotic in the latest--were those in which records were committed to papyrus.
On the one hand the transactions of ordinary life were more easily registered in the cursive demotic script, while on the other the sacred writings were more thoroughly investigated and brought into order by the priests.
There are numerous indications in the signs composing the inscription that the text was written originally in a cursive character, and afterwards transcribed into hieroglyphics for record on stone.
In the diplomas it was written in cursive letters in two lines, Bene valete, just to the right of the incision cut in the sheet to hold fast the seal, which sometimes even covered part of the word.
From the Poems of Cardinal Bembo, a fine example of the cursive writing perfected in Italy in the first half of the sixteenth century.
It is convenient to use the term "Italics" for both the cursive formal writing and the printing resembling it.
The ordinary "lower case" type with which this page is printed is, in its turn, a simplified cursive form of the Capital letters.
The Roman Letters, together with thecursive hand of the time, gave rise to "Italic" letters (see fig.
In both the uncial and the cursive manuscripts, each century has its peculiar style of writing.
The Rabbinic is a modification of the Assyrian or square writing, for the purpose of giving it a more cursive character.
If the Roman and Gothic are found too severe to suit a given subject, the Cursive and Rustic letters with their easy flowing lines can be made to fill almost any space one will be called upon to fill with either Monogram or Cipher.
Although not so cursive in form as the Hieratic or Demotic types of Egyptian writing, there is here a much more limited selection of types.
This writing is a cursive script, developed from the hieratic to express the vulgar dialect spoken by the people.
Those used at Kapur di giri are in a cursive script from the Aramean, and are often designated “the Bactrian alphabet,” from its close relationship to these early Iranian forms.
This, however, only lasted for a brief period, for a little later on we find that the Greek letters have given way to a variety of the Aramean alphabet, which evidently had been in general use for a long period as a cursive script.
It is probable that during the whole period of the Achæmenids a local variety of the Aramean alphabet was in general use as a cursive script throughout the empire.
The Japanese have another syllabary, the Hi-ra-ka-na, derived from a cursive script of the Chinese.