If only our waiter would unbend to take our orders.
Valentine Arden, exquisite, precious and inscrutable as ever, would unbend from time to time and speak as though he no longer feared a charge of enthusiasm.
Why could she not unbend and tell him the meaning in those fathomless, dark eyes?
I found her warmth gratifying, and prepared to unbend more than usual.
She came again a fortnight later on a similar errand, and this time Mr. Brown dared to unbend from his official attitude and remark that it was fine weather.
But tired, at length, with these fruitless suggestions, I was fain to unbend the severity of my thoughts by a correspondence with some industrious spiders, who had hung my dungeon with their ingenious labours.
In fact, she seemed quite another person; the prospect of her sister's happiness had wrought a great change in her, and made her quite unbend to those around her.
By these means, a kind of virtuous materialism may ultimately be established in the world, which would not corrupt, but enervate the soul, and noiselessly unbend its springs of action.
Physical wants confine it to the earth; but, as soon as the tie is loosened, it will unbend itself again.
This Episode of the fallen Spirits, and their Place of Habitation, comes in very happily to unbend the Mind of the Reader from its Attention to the Debate.
So do I unbend my mind in this way for the same reason you unbend your bow--to prevent its becoming useless.
She loved him too much to be able to unbend an inch with safety.
And if we consider conversation as an entertainment, as somewhat to unbend the mind, as a diversion from the cares, the business, and the sorrows of life, it is of the very nature of it that the discourse be mutual.
In the driving snow we found it impossible to set up the inner tent, and were obliged to unbend it.
But we could now unbend the sledge and do that for which we should have aimed from the first, namely, run the sledge across the gap and work from it.
Nearly similar preparations were made forward as the shortest way of getting rid of the torn foresail; for that it was the intention to unbend and bend, the yard being sound.
If I pass an opinion, I must have an increase of salary; I never unbend on these occasions.
His own did not unbend as he gazed at her, but he gave her a silent answer in a pressure of the hands that went straight from his heart to hers.
He knew when he saw her brow unbend and her eye catch its old light sparkle, that his conversation and the thoughts and interests with which he was rousing her mind or fancy, were working, and would work all he pleased.
Breakfast had been ordered at a pleasant little tavern, a mile or so away upon the rising ground beyond the green; and there was a bagatelle board in the room, in case we should desire to unbend our minds after the solemnity.