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Example sentences for "endless"

Lexicographically close words:
endit; endite; endive; endives; endles; endlesse; endlessly; endlessness; endlich; endlie
  1. In the days when Maurice first discredited the doctrine of Eternal Punishment, some learned and theological people were discussing, in a country house near Oxford, the abstract credibility of endless pain.

  2. Surrounded on all sides by the endless gray of the enormous morning she seemed to him more vivid than ever, and her beauty, for he was a man with eyes and blood, rose and smote him.

  3. All through the hot hours of the summer night the seemingly endless procession of Turks continued to enter Argos.

  4. His notes were of endless and individual variety.

  5. To such height of miracle can men work on men; the Conscious and the Unconscious blended inscrutably in this our inscrutable Life; endless Necessity environing Freewill!

  6. Finished, one may say, or as good as finished, is the Preservation of Game on this Earth; completed for endless Time.

  7. Official deputations pass from District to District, for all is inexperience as yet, and there is endless consulting.

  8. Restless Brissot brings up Reports, Accusations, endless thin Logic; it is the man's highday even now.

  9. Let the Reader conceive well these two cardinal movements; and what side-currents and endless vortexes might depend on these.

  10. Philosophism, as we saw, has got her Turgot made Controller-General; and there shall be endless reformation.

  11. The reluctant Grate opens: endless Sansculottic multitudes flood the stairs; knock at the wooden guardian of your privacy.

  12. A King environed with endless confusions; in whose own mind is no germ of order.

  13. Unbounded plains with endless riches blest; Yet caves and living springs, and airy glades, And the soft low of kine, and sleepy shades Are never wanting .

  14. From his breast, from his mouth, sprang the endless space, and it was there behind him, everywhere.

  15. Yet he somehow contrived to get into endless scrapes, always through some hot-headed thoughtlessness.

  16. He hated her way of patiently casting him up, as if he were an endless psychological account.

  17. Paul admired that so large an animal should walk on such springy toes, with an endless excess of vigour.

  18. Relentless fate, an endless woe; Don Quixote's tears are on the flow, And all for distant Dulcinea Del Toboso.

  19. It has goaded countless multitudes of various creeds to endless forms of self-torture.

  20. A secret glory in the tomb, A night that dawns in light, An intense presence veiled with gloom, And not an endless night.

  21. VI The grave that breaks no netting Of care or spint's fretting, No long, long sweet forgetting For those who would forget; And those who stammer by it Hope of an endless quiet, Within them voiceless riot When they and it have met.

  22. I have seen lives lost, ruin brought about, endless suffering.

  23. But they--they were bound in the close-meshed strait-waistcoat of endless toil, petty anxiety.

  24. With every billiard table a set of rules is supplied, and these must be studied and obeyed, as regulating the game; but an endless variety of games may be extemporised to suit the various parties and skill of the professors.

  25. This is effected by one of those laws which the wisdom of the Creator has impressed upon matter, by which one part of creation as it were balances another, and all proceeds in an endless circle of change.

  26. Oh, the endless scheming I have had to practise, to conceal your fatal secret--and of which you shall ere long know more!

  27. The rivalry of the French with ourselves, and of the Turks and Greeks to one another causes endless trouble.

  28. Another case was that of a young Roumanian returning from the Far East after endless vicissitudes in the Koltchak and Bolshevik adventures.

  29. Your curtainless windows are right on the street, and the endless razzle-dazzle of night-life goes on.

  30. The conversion of the rich Jew and his daughter was the theme of endless conversation in the neighborhood.

  31. Even if I wished, I couldn't tell you all the things we talked about--the smallest matters were weighty enough to us to become the theme of endless conversation.

  32. She looked at the lady with endless petition in her eyes, and folded her hands as if in prayer to God, but she could not utter a word.

  33. The story formed the subject of endless discussion and conjecture, until something else happened to take its place.

  34. He would naturally feel lost and dazed in the crowd hurrying past him, and among the endless streets and houses stretched out before him.

  35. Who bought me with His precious blood, From endless misery.

  36. The depth of green leafage over her head when she looked up; the depth of green shade on either hand of her, pierced by the endless colonnade of the boles of trees; how wildly beautiful it was!

  37. Rocks and tree-trunks, and the turnings of the road had all such a mysterious new look, different from what daylight showed them; it was an endless pleasure.

  38. My raptured soul shall drink and feast In love's unbounded sea; The glorious hope of endless rest Is ravishing to me.

  39. It would be endless to describe the herd of real or self styled reformers that peopled this place of refuge.

  40. It is impossible to conceive what a strange vivacity is imparted to the scene by the magic dance of this fountain, with its endless transformations, in which the imaginative beholder may discern what form he will.

  41. It was as though they had met in the great void of space, the marvel called man and the wonder that is woman, each drawn to each over the endless fields and through the immeasurable ages.

  42. All was suddenly quiet,--a moonlit crossroads in Virginia, tranquil as the shaven fields and the endless columns of the pine.

  43. Their land, too, would have its night; perhaps an endless night.

  44. Flood and forest, low hills and endless plains, stillness and a measure of peace!

  45. Time is no endless draught, no bottomless cup.

  46. He says that, ten days ago, crossing the Endless Mountains with his face to the east, he met the great hunter they call Golden-Tongue walking very fast, with his face to the west.

  47. We see how it was that enemies of the Good Knight could never get over a kind of supernatural terror both of his splendid valour and his endless resources.

  48. Yet love little knows that In seeking love, love enters on an endless search.

  49. Since Love is an endless effort to realize the Ideal.

  50. As a matter of fact, The endless task which the lover is ever attempting is a search for a formula for the summation of an infinite series of which love is the variable.

  51. An endless fusillade and shouting maintained the spirit of the warriors; and at night, even if the firing slackened, the pickets continued to exchange from either side volleys of songs and pungent pleasantries.

  52. Important matters are debated in a fono, or native parliament, with its feasting and parade, its endless speeches and polite genealogical allusions.

  53. A crucifix arose inevitably before them, among the dead branches, with its colossal image of Our Saviour in weather-worn wood, its features wrung with His endless agony.

  54. He was seized with a sudden sick distaste of the war, its endless battles, its terrible slaughter, and the doubt of what was to come after.

  55. Her feeding and twig-gathering seem like asides in a life of endless play.

  56. Savages build as nearly alike as the animals, but civilized man shows an endless variety.

  57. The human animal sees through the trick, he comprehends it and does not need the endless repetition.

  58. Emerson said that he was an endless experimenter with no past at his back.

  59. His progress has been a blind groping, the result of endless experimentation, and all his failures and mistakes could not be written in a book.

  60. Upon my word, you may sit here forever imagining such appeals, and the endless discussions and criticisms that were heard every day, under these vaults, seven hundred years ago.

  61. You are my own, my own, Dweller in my endless dreams!

  62. Its pleasure and pain are boundless, and endless its wants and wealth.

  63. An endless throng of people came and jostled together.

  64. She was lost in the endless mist of vague sweetness.

  65. I'll follow thee; and when my mind turns so, My body sink my soul in endless woe!

  66. Then wrong for wrong and endless hate for hate.

  67. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "endless" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    endless chain; endless life; endless misery; endless night; endless number; endless punishment; endless screw; endless succession; endless torment; endless variety