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Example sentences for "ingenious"

Lexicographically close words:
ingender; ingenia; ingeniero; ingenii; ingenio; ingeniously; ingenium; ingens; ingentem; ingenti
  1. The transition from the thick glove to a network of strings, and the adoption of the leverage afforded by the use of a handle, may have suggested to an ingenious inventor the prototype of the implement we now use.

  2. Lafitau tries to prove, by arguments more ingenious than convincing, that Areskoui was the same as the Ares (or Mars) of the Thracians.

  3. The knife guard (65), shown in detail in Figure 11, is an ingenious contrivance which prevents the operator's hands being drawn into the machine.

  4. He had a rival in this style in Francesco Varnetam, called Deprait, who was still more ingenious in adding glass and portraits, and composed his pieces in the manner of a good figurist.

  5. As a Mormon woman said, "A polygamist is the most ingenious liar imaginable.

  6. It is, on the whole, a most ingenious argument, well conceived and brilliantly sustained.

  7. The original hypothesis being pure fancy, all the ingenious deductions are mere excursions into cloudland.

  8. Its refined and ingenious speculations were wasted upon a fantasy.

  9. The system formation is most ingenious in delusional states (paranoia) and dominates the clinical picture, but it also must not be overlooked in other forms of neuropsychoses.

  10. Nature is seldom contented with the one primary function which an organ or tissue performs, but adjusts and adapts it to others in many ingenious ways.

  11. A list of all the uses of cobwebs would take more space than we can spare; but of these the most familiar is the snare set for unwary flies,--the wonderfully ingenious webs which sparkle with dew among the grasses or stretch from bush to bush.

  12. The way in which this is accomplished is very ingenious and loses nothing by examination.

  13. I am propelled to the consideration of this subject by having optically perceived that ingenious nautical instrument, which has just now flown along like a mammoth, that monster of the deep!

  14. But in many similar mistakes the ingenious Mr. Kelly has been paralleled by other speculators.

  15. I am known as The Funaro--the extravagant woman whose lovers are legion, and of whom stories of reckless waste and ingenious fraud are told by the jeunesse doree in every city in Italy.

  16. Death came very swiftly, but the ingenious means by which the murder was accomplished are at present entirely a mystery.

  17. Therefore, after tome further ingenious questions regarding his nephew's past and his present address dropped the subject.

  18. Your story is ingenious enough," Nenci replied, "but it will never convince a jury of your innocence.

  19. Had this ingenious device not been resorted to, there could have been no communication with the Government on the subject of Napoleon's health.

  20. An ingenious suggestion is that thrown out by Mr V.

  21. The bigger part of his story was yet to comeā€”all the details of the ingenious creation remained to be written.

  22. The Mystery of Mr. Bernard Brown An ingenious solution of a murder mystery.

  23. The Mysterious Mr. Sabin The ingenious story of a bold international intrigue.

  24. The Long Arm of Mannister Deals with a wronged man's ingenious revenge.

  25. His companions were silent; and they soon reached the hut, which they entered, after removing certain complicated and ingenious fastenings, that were put there apparently to guard a property of but very little value.

  26. Its manufacturers are prosperous, and it is worthy of remark that one of the most ingenious machines known in European art is derived from the keen ingenuity which is exercised in this remote region.

  27. So ingenious is conjecture that a personal resemblance has been discovered between the fictitious character and the deceased relative!

  28. With this ingenious reference to his own forms and ministry, Mr. Grant concluded his discourse.

  29. Our pharmacopaeia affords us no information about it; and the formula which is given by the Edinburgh College, as well as that with which the ingenious Doctor Black[b] has favoured us, is deficient in several circumstances.

  30. I was very much surprised to observe, in the Lectures lately published, as delivered by the very learned and ingenious Dr.

  31. Percival, in his ingenious experiments on water, found a quart of the Manchester pump water to contain upwards of sixty grains of adventitious matter.

  32. This ingenious Physician then directed a drachm of Magnesia to be given in mutton broth, and to be repeated as often as her pain returned, without any regard to the quantity the whole might amount to, supposing her pain to continue severe.

  33. Doctor Percival, in the second volume of his Essays, which is now in the press, has offered some ingenious conjectures on the subject, and to them I refer the reader.

  34. In a word, her mansion was one uninterrupted scene of ingenious cruelty and miserable despair.

  35. With all that sophistry, that ingenious vice knows so well how to employ, he endeavoured to evince that his conduct had been regulated by kindness, rectitude and humanity.

  36. I have already shown how my Father worked out the ingenious 'Omphalos' theory in order to justify himself as a strictly scientific observer who was also a humble slave of revelation.

  37. Everywhere, in the whole system of human life, improvements, alleviations, ingenious appliances and humane inventions are being introduced to lessen the great burden of suffering.

  38. How far this ingenious suggestion has had a practical effect on doctrine may perhaps be doubted.

  39. So far as merely logical grounds go, the most ingenious argument in favor of the later moment is Professor Langdell's.

  40. The reason which gave rise to the rule has been forgotten, and ingenious minds set themselves to inquire how it is to be accounted for.

  41. They were as active and ingenious in business as the Normans themselves.

  42. As an additional security against this, he adopted the following ingenious plan.

  43. He devised various and ingenious plans to prevent the danger of insurrections and rebellions while he was gone.

  44. It is simply a short piece of verse, ingenious in its turn and of a gallant tendency.

  45. Among the many ingenious squares given by various writers, this article may justly close with two by L.

  46. Duchesse de Bourgogne was conducted into another hall, where a superb collation had been prepared in an ingenious manner.

  47. There were ingenious fireworks on the Tapis-Vert that would have astounded even the courtiers of the Grand Monarch.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ingenious" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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