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Example sentences for "peaceable"

Lexicographically close words:
paysan; paz; pea; peace; peaceableness; peaceablie; peaceably; peaceful; peacefull
  1. The introduction of the regulars was considered an infringement of the ancient privileges of the City,[554] and their presence was an annoyance to his majesty's peaceable and commercial subjects.

  2. So far the Communists had abstained from excesses, and from outrage upon peaceable citizens; had it been otherwise, Cuthbert would have returned to fetch Mary away at once.

  3. In troubled times it is always well to have a friend at court, and if I come to be treated as a suspect, I shall refer to you for a character as a peaceable and well-intentioned student of art.

  4. David, a man of blood, could not build the house to the Lord, which peaceable Solomon, that man of rest, afterwards did.

  5. Peaceable citizens declared that they were forced to carry arms for self-defence amid the hordes of savage youths who infested their streets, calling themselves clerks and scholars.

  6. A peaceable citizen had been stabbed to the heart by an act of deliberate murderous intent.

  7. Our peaceable days" were on the eve of the greatest struggle for life ever known to England, but never before or since could she put a million men armed to the teeth into the field, and have still a reserve to fall back on.

  8. No peaceable persons were molested; no buildings other than the Tolbooth were broken into; the very rope which hanged the unhappy Porteous was immediately and amply paid for.

  9. The man that does not now feel for the honor of the best and noblest cause that ever a country engaged in, and exert himself accordingly, is no longer worthy of a peaceable residence among a people determined to be free.

  10. The others we kept pretty peaceable by similar tricks, though they kept asking somewhat anxiously, when they were to be put on shore.

  11. His companions imitated his example, and there seemed but little chance of our being able to get hold of any of them by peaceable means.

  12. Follows the loosened aggravated roar" is a line of power to bring the voice of thunder upon your soul on the most peaceable day.

  13. The pirates, as they drive the peaceable and honest trader from the coast, recruit their numbers from among the seafaring men to whom he used to give employment.

  14. Quiet and peaceable as the Javans now are, were they once roused to insurrection, their blood would rapidly boil, and they would no doubt be guilty of many excesses.

  15. His life had been spent in hard work about the French market, and he was well known as an unoffending, peaceable and industrious old man.

  16. Men who knew him say that he was a law-abiding, quiet, industrious, peaceable man.

  17. Lions interfere with the peaceable occupation of the world by humanity: therefore we believe we have a right to kill them.

  18. These peaceable entries, with the picturesque pomp of a royal procession, always pleased the loyal citizens.

  19. This was not always a peaceable performance.

  20. Moreover, he could not believe that the Prince Regent could have been properly informed, or he would not have done this, and he was boiling with indignation at the treatment of peaceable citizens.

  21. The commander was surprised at the decision, stating that the army would not trespass upon the rights or property of the peaceable citizens.

  22. Cypselus was of a peaceable disposition, reigned without a body-guard,(708) and never forgot that he rose from a demagogue to the throne.

  23. Laird was old man and John Balentine was a peaceable man.

  24. Brinkley is always been a very peaceable town.

  25. Never had the peaceable Hôtel Jungfrau been subjected to such a racket.

  26. They therefore requested that the subject should not be further pressed, but that they might be enabled to remain in peaceable possession of the land of their fathers.

  27. The United States guarantee to the Cherokees the quiet and peaceable possession of their country and protection against domestic feuds and insurrection as well as hostilities of other tribes.

  28. The Delawares have been peaceable since my sojourn with 'em, and I hold it to be onlawful to take the life of man, except in open and generous warfare.

  29. That which I wouldn't do, in peaceable times, and under a bright sun, still less would I do behind clouds, in order to save my life.

  30. They were freebooters, the precursors of the dreaded Free Companies which, especially during the fourteenth century, were the terror of all peaceable men, inflicting incalculable damage to the advancement of civilization.

  31. Here the President of the Convention interfered and "hoped the gentlemen would not be personal; that they would proceed to investigate the subject calmly, and in a peaceable manner.

  32. Though "overpowered in a good cause, yet I will be a peaceable citizen.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "peaceable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    agreeable; amiable; amicable; bland; bloodless; broken; brotherly; calm; chastened; cloistered; conciliatory; concordant; congenial; cool; domesticated; dovelike; dreamy; dwindling; favorable; fraternal; friendly; gentle; halcyon; harmonious; humble; hushed; idyllic; impassive; isolated; judicious; kind; meek; mild; moderate; moldering; neighborly; noncombatant; orderly; pacific; pastoral; peaceable; peaceful; peacetime; piping; placid; pleasant; prudent; quiescent; quiet; reposeful; reposing; restful; secluded; sequestered; serene; sheltered; sisterly; smooth; sober; sociable; soft; still; stolid; subdued; subsiding; tame; tamed; temperate; tranquil; undisturbed; unmoved; unperturbed; unruffled; untroubled; waning