It is the common Vice of Children to run too much among the Servants; from such as are educated in these Places they would see nothing but Lowliness in the Servant, which would not be disingenuous in the Child.
I was once so unwary as to mention my Fancy in relation to the new-fashioned Surtout before one of these Gentlemen, who was disingenuous enough to steal my Thought, and by that means prevented my intended Stroke.
Such kinds of Pleasantry are very unfair and disingenuous in Works of Criticism, in which the greatest Masters, both Ancient and Modern, have always appeared with a serious and instructive Air.
Mrs. Besant opens with the usual disingenuous statements about the "Liberal Catholic Church.
It is when this profoundly disingenuous woman comes to an explanation of the motive behind her political work in India, that we find a typical specimen of the peculiar form of megalomania already so ably demonstrated by M.
We have the usual misleading and disingenuousstatement in a "Note" which is prefixed to these Instructions.
But whatever we may allow for his position, the plain man will count his action as one of the disingenuous lapses, that rarely, now and again, stain the clear honour of his life.
He seems to have made a disingenuous use of another proclamation by Kossuth later in the year: see Bianchi, Vicende del Mazzinianismo, 85.
And the rest of the Republic's businesslike policy of special favors would in such a case stand a chance of going in the discard along with the protective tariff, since the rest is of substantially the same disingenuous character.
He was supported by Lord Aberdeen in a disingenuous and un-English speech.
In the House of Lords, warm debates arose upon the same question, in which Lord Malmesbury made a defence still more disingenuous and unpatriotic than it was feeble.
Mr. Lincoln afterwards believed that the letter had been obtained from him under disingenuous pretenses and for the express purpose of using it, as it was used, against the Union and in favor of the Confederacy.
It seems rather to have been a disingenuous and unwarranted statement of the kind so plentifully used at the time for the purpose of "firing the Southern heart.
There was nothing disingenuous in the popular party claiming that the patronage question stood in this case for the broader issue.
It would be disingenuous to deny that Elgin calculated on the pacific influence which his support of the bill would exert in Lower Canada.
But, Mr. President, the people of the United States must learn the lesson now, and at all future times, of disrespecting the bold and disingenuous charges and insinuations of such aspiring demagogues.
Roscoe replied in a feeble, disingenuous pamphlet, which drew from Bowles his taunting and crushing retort, Lessons in Criticism to William Roscoe, Esq.
The arguments then adduced on the wrong side of a question, are not so noxious and poisonous as disingenuous men wish to insinuate.
Now as the love of truth is the basis of all real morality, this disingenuous self-styled Society for the Suppression of Vice, are, therefore, detected to be a Society for the Suppression of Virtue.
The worst that can be said is that the military authorities did in rather a weak and disingenuous way what they should have had the moral courage to do in a firm way at the outset.
You may remember that I adduce electrical organs of fish as one of the greatest difficulties which have occurred to me, and -- notices the passage in a singularly disingenuous spirit.
How disingenuous to quote from my remark to you about my BRIEF letter [published in the 'Linn.
A man's mind was a tenuous object swayed in the winds of discourse so when it sensed a disingenuousresponse in the surreal uncertainty of understanding a matter fully it cringed.
He was singularly free from sophistry and never attempted, like Sybel, to defend the Ems telegram by the disingenuous plea that “an abbreviation is not a falsification”; it was enough for him that the trick achieved its purpose.
Hohenlohe in his perplexity tried to get at the truth from Bismarck, and met with what seems to us a most disingenuous explanation.
The German Chancellor--whose stupendous blunders of speech and action in this crisis will be the marvel of posterity--has further attempted to correct his record by two equally disingenuous defenses.
The blunt acknowledgment of the German Chancellor in the Reichstag, already quoted, is infinitely preferable to the disingenuous defenses of Germany's ardent but sophistical apologists.
The reasons given for this double ultimatum are as disingenuous as the whole course of German diplomacy in this matter.
But for any of those governments which took a hand in the deliberate ruin of the summer palace at Pekin to prate of vandalism and pose as defenders of art is not only disingenuous but silly.
Moore grinned in his peculiarly disingenuous way, swung open the black door, and a long, gray arm of the fog groped its way past Lo Ong's countenance.
The sensitiveness of his nervous system found a quick outlet, when he was nervous or excited, by a disingenuous smile.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disingenuous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.