He was a line officer performing strictly tactical duties.
The Waffen SS was under the tactical command of the Army, but was equipped and supplied through the administrative branches of the SS and under SS disciplinary control.
It was he who proposed several tactical maneuvers to quiet the vigilance of world opinion on the one hand, and allow Germany to conclude her war preparations, on the other.
Ireland, I scruple not to say, cannot be saved if you permit an hour longer almost the military defence of that country to depend upon the tactical dictates of Chancellors, Speaker of the House of Commons, etc.
No tactical skirmish about chairs took place, and Maret afterwards declared that the great Minister behaved affably throughout, brightening his converse at times by a smile.
On tactical grounds alone the change of procedure was desirable.
Nevertheless it was a tactical mistake, for which Pitt's exasperating aloofness was largely responsible.
If he failed to carry fiscal and Parliamentary Reform, it was due less to tactical defects on his part than to prejudice and selfishness among those whom he sought to benefit.
We then carried out the tactical scheme which took place over potato fields and fine crops--it seemed a great pity for the farmers!
We all sat round him on the grass for about a quarter of an hour while he explained to us a tactical scheme which the Battalion was now to carry out in the district.
More personal is the power of reflection, the habitual solving of tactical and strategic problems.
It is for the military critic of the future to analyse any tactical errors that may have been made at the second battle of the Somme.
The consternation, the horror which succeeded such a stupid and unexpected tactical blunder on the part of the usually astute Mr. Ferguson were felt rather than visually discerned.
But he followed in conversation the same rule as in examining a witness, rarely asking a direct question, except as a tactical surprise.
Similarly, the reputation justly earned by Marlborough when he brought his troops from the Rhine to the Danube must be kept distinct from his tacticalsuccesses in the field at the conclusion of the effort.
The fatal tactical mistake chargeable to the Conference lay in its making the charter of the League of Nations and the treaty of peace with the Central Powers interdependent.
But this supposed tactical effect formed no part of Orlando's deliberate plan.
Patient Decontamination at a Hospital (Level III or IV) To the maximum extent possible, hospitals are located away from tactical or logistical targets.
The unit's operation must conform to the tactical commander's operation plan (OPLAN).
Using another location to obtain an uncontaminated water source, when the tactical situation permits.
Thus, to be effective, a live agent attack would need to be launched well in advance of a tactical assault.
The use of chemical weapons in tactical situations could be one indication of an increased tempo of warfare and need for additional personnel.
There may be no indication of the presence of chemical agents in some tactical situations.
The HSS commander/leader (when deciding to move his unit to an uncontaminated area or in support of the tactical commander's plan) must base his decision to move on several factors.
Ensure that the HSS plan is in concert with the tactical plan.
Coordination with the receiving laboratory should be made to establish sample requirements, preferred collection techniques, methods of preservation, and transportation conditions, when the tactical situation and/or mission permits.
Chemical strikes can be delivered with almost any type of conventional fire support weapon system (from mortars to long-range tactical missiles).
The tactical commander requires continuous HSS for his personnel; when a move jeopardizes the quality of care, the move may be delayed.
Depending on the weapon systems used, local topography, and meteorological conditions, relatively large portions of the tactical area may remain uncontaminated.
The duty of field artillery in action is to fire with the greatest effect on the target which is for the moment of the greatest tactical importance.
It will be better for the infantry to chance a few friendly shells than to be received at short range with a fresh outburst of hostile rifle fire" (Rouquerol, Tactical Employment of Quick-firing Field Artillery).
The brigade is in Great Britain the administrative and tactical unit.
This curious mixture of feudal and modern methods produced the best elements of an army, which, aided by the tactical and technical improvements introduced by Gustavus, proved itself incomparably superior to its rivals.
In organization and methods of recruiting, as well as in tactical efficiency, the army of 1740 was equally pre-eminent.
Hindersin, the improvement of the materiel, and above all the better tactical training of the batteries, were rewarded four years later by success on the battlefield almost as decisive as Napoleon's.
The tactical changes in the legion indicate its altered character.
All the conditions of the time were opposed to tactical subdivision, as the term is now understood.
The term bourgeois revolution, a general sociological definition, gives no solution to the numerous political and tactical problems, contradictions and difficulties which are being created by the mechanism of a given bourgeois revolution.
This delusion led to a series of tactical errors and cost them dearly.
But tactical errors committed by the leaders of the party as well as dissensions within the party itself contributed to a rather rapid change of sentiment toward them on all sides.
By such work, the pupils (officers) acquired the same kind of skill in solving strategic and tactical problems that a boy acquires in solving problems in arithmetic--a skill in handling the instruments employed.
The main difference between strategic and tactical games is the difference in size.
This statement applies most obviously to tactical games; but it applies to strategic games as well; for both are inventions designed to represent in miniature the movements of two opposing forces.
From the standpoint of fleet tactical drill, and the standpoint of that part of strategy which arranges for handling large tactical situations with success, it is useful, since it provides for the tactical handling of the entire fleet.
By this scheme, a body of officers at the Navy Department would occupy their time wholly in studying war problems by devising and playing strategical and tactical games ashore and afloat.
The older officers remember that for many years we carried on drills at what we called "fleet tactics," though we knew they were only tactical drills.
A tactical paper on the employment of this machine was put forward officially in February 1916 by Colonel Swinton, entitled “Notes on the Employment of ‘Tanks.
Only at the tactical points was opposition met with.
Consequently the first thing to do was to discover a suitable tank area; the second, to hold a tactical demonstration on it with tanks so as to convince the General Staff of their power and value.
In Biblical times their tactical utility was considerable, as the Book of Judges relates.
Such was the German tactical policy: masses of men rather than efficiency of weapons, quantity of flesh rather than quality of steel.
Meanwhile a hostile operation began to take place which bid fair to filch from us the tactical advantage we had won during the preceding summer.
The tactical evolutions have been laid down, and there is rigid adherence thereto, because only thereby may success be achieved.
Owing to these qualities they are utilised for prolonged and searching reconnoitring duties such as strategical reconnaissances as distinct from the hurried and tactical reconnaissances carried out by fleeter machines.
Hence the wonderful display of tactical operations when two hostile aeroplanes sight one another.
The tactical reconnaissance concerns the corps or divisional commander to which the warplane is attached, and consequently its task is confined to the observation of the line immediately facing the particular corps or division.
Such disasters would undoubtedly throw the aerial fleet into confusion, and possibly might interfere with the tactical developments of its own friends upon the water below.
Now success in this tactical move will accrue to the machine which possesses the finest climbing powers, and here again, of course, speed is certain to count.
But his eye was as quick, his tactical and topographical instinct as keen as those of his commander, and if the new dispositions were not selected for him, he often selected them himself.
Thus, ignorant of their strategical defeat, they rejoiced at what seemed a tactical victory.
Upon the central South African plateau tactical and strategical success is dependent upon rapid manoeuvring.
So far as tactical positions are concerned, any force on the defensive upon the veld of the Boer States must be mainly dependent on the rivers.
Beyond the broad facts stated above, the extent of South Africa renders it as impossible to specify any typical climatic or scenic peculiarities common to the whole of it, as to fix upon any strategical or tactical character that is universal.
Any force of irregulars which offers a prolonged resistance, not unmarked by tactical successes, to a regular army of superior strength is apt to be regarded as a phenomenon.
His defeated opponents made a short delay, in order to commit the huge tactical mistake of getting the Governor to make seven additions to the Upper House.
The sturdy resistance of the natives was due first to their splendid courage and skilful use of rifle-pits and earthworks, and in the second place to our want of dash and tactical resource.
Were the conscious leaders of the Soviet really convinced that such a danger existed, or were they fanning this unfounded fear as a tactical move?
Some did it for tactical considerations, as they thought that the Army was poisoned and that it should be healed by such dangerous antidotes.
These motives of party policy, however, were called "tactical considerations.
Owing to the conditions in that theatre of war, this tactical success was of no strategical importance, and could lead to no dangerous developments.
It was the seizure, by a sudden attack, of this tactical key that was the kernel of the plan which now had to be evolved.
There were dozens of accurately drawn detailed maps, and minute descriptions of every tactical feature of the defences.
The first step in this plan was to ensure effective tactical contact between the right flank of the Third Division and the left flank of the Fifth Division.
It comprised a vast array of many different classes of guns for many different purposes, and classified into various categories by reference either to their calibres, their mobility or their tactical purposes.
On the contrary, he had posted strong rearguards on every point of tactical value, and did his best to keep us as long as possible at arm's length, and beyond striking distance of his first great line of defence.
Corps Commanders were inclined to be jealous of any encroachment upon their frontiers, or upon thetactical problems in front of them.
There was only one tactical method by which such an obstacle could be forced by a frontal operation.
The tactical handling of our troops under these trying conditions was excellent throughout the action.
In the battle of Belleau Wood, which followed, our men proved their superiority and gained a strong tactical position, with far greater loss to the enemy than to ourselves.
So I heard the sentences ambling, and reflected that Hilaire Belloc with maps and a quiet evening would do my tacticaleducation more good than Bobby Thornton's discursions.
The day to which I had retired from my dinner-party and thetactical lecture of my distinguished cousin was a late August day of two years before.
The tactical advantages derived from high speed in actual warfare cannot be over-estimated.
This might have been a good tactical move if the youth, for he was still only twenty-three, had not written a foolish, boyish preface to the book.
The northwest coast is also rugged, and except for the port of Palompon has little tactical significance.
The carrier force of the Seventh Fleet was to bear the brunt of the tactical air support.
Demolition charges were used effectively by patrols for the destruction of enemy ammunition dumps in inaccessible locations and not salvageable because of the tactical situation.
Terrain information should have been carefully analyzed by competent personnel in order that tactical and development plans could be based on the utilization of suitable terrain.
General Suzuki had been forced to send south much of his tactical strength, which was to have been used for the defense of Ormoc.
Although there was considerable rain and mud, few units made a genuine effort to get their men under shelter even when the tactical situation permitted.
The 96th Division engaged in extensive patrolling, relieved the 11th Airborne Division, and relieved the X Corps of all tactical responsibility east of the mountains.
Unless otherwise stated all records of tactical units are in DRB AGO.
Preliminary Attack On 14 November Colonel Clifford ordered his battalion to entrench itself along the ridge in positions that would afford the best tactical advantage.
The Tactical Plan The Southwest Pacific Area was the command responsibility of General MacArthur.
This time it was the English concentration which was effected outside the German observation, and it was the German squadron which was wiped out when the tactical clash came.
The first two phases of Jutland were, in spite of our serious losses in ships, notable tactical successes; they ended with Beatty round the head of the German Fleet and Jellicoe deployed in masterly fashion between Beatty and Evan-Thomas.
Von Spee concentrated his squadron outside the range of our observation, placed himself in a position of overwhelming tactical advantage, and won a shattering victory.
And yet, in spite of the tactical failure of the third and fourth phases, the battle as a whole was so great a success that it left us with an unchallengeable command of the sea—a more complete command than even after Trafalgar.
It is stupid to reject Admiral Scheer’s dispatch as fiction; it is not, but it is coloured with the purpose of making the least of his tactical defeat and the most of his very skilful escape.
What is the latest news of the tactical situation, sir?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tactical" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.