Senate, in opposition to the most strenuous exertions of the gentleman who, the senator from South Carolina said, had supplanted him, and in spite of his determined and unceasing opposition.
But the annexation was desirable in itself, and had been the unceasing effort of statesmen from the time the province had been retroceded to Spain.
An English boy would have expressed his opinion, and been silent: this lad's attacks upon the poor Southerner were unceasing and unfeeling; yet I could see that he was good at bottom.
Often he brought Him water, fresh and cold from the well when He looked tired and warm from His unceasing work.
For thirty-four hours they assaulted Sumter with an unceasing bombardment, before its gallant defenders consented to give it up, and not then until the condition of the fort made it impossible to continue the defense.
These gallant batteries were constantly engaged, and drew an unceasing fire upon Walker as well as themselves.
Ney managed to preserve the semblance of a rear-guard, and if it had not been for hisunceasing efforts it seems probable that hardly a single soldier would ever have seen again the shores of France.
And on all sides the detonation of artillery continues with its customary clamour, unceasing here, day and night, like the sea beating against the cliffs.
The cannonade roared an accompaniment in its deep, unceasing bass to this ingenuous statement.
Yet in the light of it government becomes alert to a process of continual creation, an unceasing invention of forms to meet constantly changing needs.
They need to be expurgated by an unceasing criticism; yet in bulk the forces I have mentioned, and many others less important, carry with them the creative powers of our times.
Some moors stretching out of sight still bear witness to the ancient wars, the unceasing havoc, the many horrors, which prevented the country being peopled again.
An impious error led them to imitate the harmless mystery of the husbandman, the unceasing vegetable round whereby the corn resown in the furrow, brings forth its corn.
For now she was uneasily conscious that she felt less able than she had felt yesterday to go on with her work--the terrible, urgent, unceasing work which lay just the other side of the oak door leading into the church.
Amidst the unceasing din, and the tumult of men hurrying this way and that for gold, or pleasure, or some self-desire, the vast fabric thrusts itself up to heaven and firmly plants itself on soil begrudged to an occupant that yields no lucre.
Duarte's life was one of unceasing toil for the good of his subjects.
The bookstores were anunceasing hobby to the old man.
I to work unceasing at my problem I should grow crazy with angles and take a month where a week would suffice.
Every place where sick could be accommodated, including the well-known George Woofindin Convalescent Home, was crowded to overflowing with sufferers, while every doctor in Sheffield bore his part in unceasing surgical work.
A heron crossed quickly but easily, making only three flaps of its powerful wings before it disappeared; there was an unceasing hum of insects; and two wood-cutters came by and wished Dale good afternoon and touched their weather-stained hats.
But how without Heaven's unceasing aid would he have strength to keep such a vow?
As the flock comes straggling down from the northland they utter unceasing yips of mild astonishment and self-reproach at their apparent inability to decide what to do next.
They are here as economic allies, to bear their part in the distribution of plant life, and to wage with us unceasing warfare against insect and rodent foes, which would threaten the beneficence of that life.
However, I overcame this gradually by zealous and unceasing prayer.
His tall figure was bent with unceasing labor; his hair was thin and gray, and in his eyes was the careworn, hunted look of a peasant driven by poverty and unpaid rents from one poor farm to another.
He came young to Rome, and did not frequent any particular school, but studied and copied Raffaello and the old masters with unceasing assiduity, and thus learnt the great secret of copying nature with truth and judgment.
The three masters whom I have just noticed in successive order, were the authors of the unceasing persecutions which many of the artists who had come to, or were invited to Naples, were for several years subjected to.
Would it not be impiety in you to stand aside with sealed lips while the Christian world is sending up an unceasing De profundis for departed brethren?
The unceasing duration of the Church of Christ is frequently foretold in Sacred Scripture.
And this ideal was itself built up by the unceasing interaction of the whole upon the parts and the parts upon the whole.
It is made up of countless microscopic cells in unceasing activity.