I am every day exposed to fatigues and calamities, and can scarcely get coarse barley-bread for myself and my family, whilst happy Sinbad profusely expends immense riches, and leads a life of continual pleasure.
Hours passed by, and he was surprised and uneasy, when midnight struck, that he had not yet heard her return to her room.
Pascal and Clotilde remained entire afternoons without exchanging a word; and there were continualoutbursts of ill-humor.
There awoke within him new energy, a youthful impetuosity that broke forth in gestures and exclamations, in a continualneed of expansion, of living.
And it was in truth his kindness of heart, above all, that bled, that immense kindness of heart which sprang from his love of life, which he diffused over persons and things, in his continual care for the happiness of every one and everything.
And then, from a great height the eye saw only this continual struggle, and a great deal of good, in spite of everything, even though there might be a great deal of evil.
She did not heed him, but began instead to take him to task about his continual distrust.
Think only of the immense roots which spread through the soil; think of the continual putting forth of new leaves above, which mingle with other leaves of the ever-rolling sea of treetops, at the fructifying, eternal breath of life.
And from this instant the latter, without emerging from the overwhelming grief in which she isolated herself, felt that she was no longer alone, hearing a continual stir and bustle going on around her.
He loved life; and the continuous work of life was a continual joy to him in spite of all the evil, all the misery, that it might contain.
From this forth there was a continualcoming and going as of impatient footsteps prowling around the young woman, who was still awake, her large eyes fixed motionless on Pascal.
Then doubts assailed him; was he doing right in leaving her amid such evil surroundings, where he felt that she was in continual contact with every species of wickedness?
She had contented herself with opening one of the window shutters, and the continual lightning flashes of the storm which was passing southward in the dark sky, sufficed her, bathing everything in a livid phosphorescence.
Phrases of devotional books recurred to her; thecontinual battle waged against the spirit of evil; the glory of conversions effected after a violent struggle.
Were it not for this continual activity in all departments of art, perpetuating the ecclesiastical and patriotic intoxication and embitterment of the people, the masses would long ere this have attained to true enlightenment.
All this discussion of the possibility of establishing peace instead of continual warfare is but the mischievous sentimentalism of idle talkers.
Man's whole life is a continual contradiction of what he knows to be his duty.
This age of international elbowing and jostling, of intrigue and diplomacy, of wars, massacres, deportations en masse, and the continual fluctuation of irrational boundaries would come to an end forthwith.
And good ideals need, just as much as bad ones, systematic inculcation, continual open expression and restatement.
Upon an impressionable child the effect of this continual and pretty accompaniment to life was deep.
There, Tony wonders if the exposure and continual boat-hauling are not taking too much out of him; if he is not ageing before his time; if he will not be past earning before the younger children are off his hands.
This visit to your house has been one continual round of pleasure--" "Yes.
There were others ready to take their places, and this continual changing of positions in the half-darkness of the house made a confusion that was hard to bear.
My weak under limbs cannot bear continual thumping on the pavement in the rough machines of this country, and the feebleness of my pocket will not admit the indulgence of a more convenient vehicle.
Mr Barclay having been detained these six months in Holland, though in continual expectation of returning hither, I have yet done nothing in that business, thinking his presence might be of use in settling it.
On every other the water has been falling down in one continual sheet, and it has been thundering and lightening every day and night.
The session was one of continual intrigues, constant exhibitions of subtlety amongst the leaders of the party, which at this distance of time are only ridiculous, and intricate discussions, which are now among the lumber of debate.
Walpole speaks of him with continual admiration of his genius, and continual contempt of his principles.
It was a continual struggle through all the difficulties belonging to a free constitution, exposed to the full discussion of an intellectual people.
For, in what other nation is the public intellect in such unwearied exercise, in such continual demand, and in such unanswerable power?
Peace is ever with the humble man, but in the heart of the proud there is envy and continual wrath.
When thou hast confessed and bewailed these and thy other shortcomings, with sorrow and sore displeasure at thine own infirmity, make then a firm resolution of continual amendment of life and of progress in all that is good.
The surpassing love of Jesus impelleth to great works, and exciteth to the continual desiring of greater perfection.
Therefore, by continual renewal of thy spirit, thou oughtest to dispose thyself hereunto and to weigh the great mystery of salvation with attentive consideration.
Let this ruin of the proud, who foolishly lift themselves up, be to thee for a warning and a continual exhortation to humility.
I prefer," he wrote to his mother, "moderate profits with safety to a large fortune purchased by continual fear and danger.
You must not believe that we lead a riotous existence of continual lusts and orgies.
The spectators, who are numerous beyond precedent, express their sympathy with these fervent feelings by continual hurrahs.
Some say their continual sadness is because of their pendulous state (like those men, Luke xiii.
I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.
With continual begging, fairs and donation parties, they have helped to plant religious temples on every hill-top and valley, and in the streets of all our cities, so that the doleful church bell is forever ringing in our ears.
A continual dropping in a very rainy day and a contentious woman are alike.
In half an hour the news ran over the town and the university; multitudes hastened to the college, anxious to congratulate the prisoners on their deliverance from the double afflictions of a dungeon and of continual insecurity.
This brutal officer, who had latterly lived in a state of continual intoxication, was the judge before whom the lovely and innocent Paulina was now arraigned on a charge affecting her life.
And continual notices affixed to the gates of the college, the convents, or the schloss, with the signature of The Masque, announced to the public his determination to persist, and his contempt of the measures organized against him.
At the age of fifty-four, the consciousness of his moral decay, and his continual losses, had embittered his nature.
Germany, in spite of her continual military triumphs in the first few years of the war, has finally fallen in defeat.
To become rich, even in the most stable business enterprises, one must be favored by a combination of extraordinary circumstances, a continual run of luck.
A stiff mustache covers his upper lip, one of those stiff and aggressive mustaches which come out after long periods of continual shaving.
Other people attributed her pallor and the continual darkly bewildered look in her eyes to morphine, opium and all the various liquids and perfumes producing lethargy and creating "artificial paradise.
Do you think I'm not sufficiently ruining my health living here amid the continual emanations of the pharmacy?
It was not affection; it was like a continual seduction.
There was a continual play of lambent fire about his eyes, which gave promise of either pathos or humour whenever he essayed to speak, and that promise was rarely broken.
That the prestige of continual victory should have been torn from her standards was a subject of great sorrow to that militant lady; but, though defeated, she was not overcome.
I was abroad that time in the field giving some order to supply that business, which did endure almost two hours in continual fight; and meeting Philip coming upon his horseback, not a little to my grief.