The form is symmetricaland very pleasing to the eye.
It is perfectly symmetricaland consists of a compound curve for the body, with hooks at the extremities and two appended hooks for legs.
The form of the bowl is symmetrical and the surface carefully finished and polished.
The forms are symmetricaland exceptionally graceful.
The body is a long, symmetrical cone and the legs are long, straight cylinders, neatly rounded off to a point below.
The same impulse which prompts a five-year-old to put blocks into a symmetrical arrangement is the stuff out of which architects or great executives are made.
The collector who has been a member of several may count their fruit by the thousand, all ranging in symmetrical and portly volumes.
Very few specimens of any description are symmetrical or carefully finished.
The entrance, which faces southwest, is a symmetrical arch 75 feet wide and 20 feet high.
Half a mile east of it, in a bluff on the opposite side of the Meramec River, is a cave with an entrance 25 feet wide and about the same in height; the roof forming a fairly symmetrical Gothic arch.
Under the heavy, black veil I could discern a symmetrical oval of countenance, and imagination easily supplied the customary accessories of vermilion lips, challenging eyes, and perfumed tresses.
That its every detail is rounded and beautiful is even shown by an examination of the skull, which is more symmetrical than that of any other animal.
All of these animals are most symmetrical and graceful; all have the round head set on a stout neck, the limbs of moderate length, the long tail and the soft fur which correspond in general color to its native surroundings.
The delusion is of course effected by giving me the same sensations which I should have had if such a symmetrical combination had really been presented to me.
A rocky path led between the symmetrical firs down toward the shore where far below boomed the noisy surf.
By "education" is meant not merely the acquisition of certain forms of related knowledge, but the symmetrical adaptation of the life to the community in which it lives.
Aim to secure balanced, symmetrical activities for your class.
They have realized that the teen age is not made up of disjointed and disconnected activities, but is in a continual process of development, and that its growth is normallysymmetrical and its activities intertwined.
The secret of the life of the Christ as a boy lies in his symmetrical and well-balanced growth.
His needs also increase with his pace, and must be fully and timely met, if he is to reach symmetrical maturity.
Fitting like a glove, it displays arms of muscular strength, with a body in symmetrical correspondence.
To the neat and symmetrical periods of the Haydn symphony and sonata, with their fresh, thematic treatment, Mozart added a tender grace and sweetness like the conceptions of a Raphael in painting.
That element was the people's song, with its symmetrical cadences and its universal intelligibility.
Wagner's endless melody proposed to itself the same ideal as that of Gluck, but it is only at rare moments that one will find in the music of the later master the symmetrical periods of the Gluck and Mozart epoch.
The Leichhardt is a very symmetrical tree, that grows to a height of about sixty feet, and has leaves rather like a big laurel.
The skin is scaleless, and like satin, embossed all over in little raised freckles, and with symmetrical dark lines, resembling the veining of a leaf.
Two symmetrical spherical triangles are equivalent in surface.
But this course had gradually lost somewhat of its symmetrical proportions by the introduction of some new subjects and the excessive development of others.
General methods for regulating the motion; symmetrical distribution of the masses and strains; flys and various regulators.
Hence, so far as mere relational form is concerned, the illative relation itself may be wholly reduced to the symmetrical relation of opposition.
The essential contrast between symmetrical and unsymmetrical relations thus, in this ideal realm of the logician, simply vanishes.
This relation is transitive, but may be either symmetrical or not symmetrical; so that, according as it is symmetrical or not, it may be used either to establish levels or to generate series.
This general and inclusive ideal world consists simply of all the objects which can stand to one another in those symmetrical relations wherein the pure logician finds various statements, or various decisions inevitably standing.
This is a purely symmetricalor reciprocal relation.
For Kempe's triadic relation in question can be stated, in what he calls its obverse form, in perfectly symmetrical terms.
It is evident that also in the Economical Department the practical development has interfered with the original symmetrical arrangement of the sections.
So the leveling relations are symmetrical transitive relations.
The closer and more symmetrical is this grouping of particulars and generals in the intellect, or, rather, the greater the power thus to arrange them, the more logical and compactly reasoning is that mind.
On the other hand, the tail is more symmetrical in the recent fish, which has also an apparatus of dorsal finlets of a very abnormal character, both as to number and structure.
It is a noticeable fact that as we proceed south we find the mounds generally larger and more symmetrical than those in more northern latitudes.
And this model represented an angel of the correct type, with symmetrical wings like those of a goose, a figure of neither sex, and commonplace features, expressing the silly ecstasy that tradition requires.
This garden was a delightful, solitary nook, perfumed by the ripe fruit of the centenarian orange-trees, whosesymmetrical lines were the only indication of the former pathways, now hidden beneath rank weeds.
A few fallen shafts, denuded of their bark and tessellated branches, sawn into symmetrical cylinders, lay beside the stumps, and lent themselves to the illusion.
Before us lies a valley or deep depression, and on the further side rises the north-western summit, a symmetrical cone of snow.
The more westerly presents the shape of a symmetrical cone, when seen from the platform; and is in connection with the snow-laden and almost horizontal bastions at the head of the north-western slope.
To combine this mass of evidence, to sift and establish it, and to weave it into a symmetrical narrative, is the aim of the work before us.
Nor is their character lost in the skilful and symmetrical rendering of Longfellow.
Two of these natural bridges are of such vast proportions andsymmetrical structure that they rank among the wonders of the world, and have long been the goals of pilgrimage, the shrines of travel.
It is compact and symmetrical in habit, branching quite close to the ground.
This is a most excellent plant for use in carpet-bedding because of its close, compact habit of growth, and its very symmetrical shape which is retained throughout the entire season without shearing or pruning.