All around is thefeatureless wild land, palmetto scrub stretching away into eternity.
Featureless walls of mean houses close in again at the next turn; but a few steps farther another archway reveals another secret scene.
The gold angel of the town-hall gleamed in the evening light, and the dark, squat tower of the parish church, sole relic of the past stood out grim and obdurate amid the featureless buildings which surrounded it.
Titus Price and his son lived in what had once been a farm-house at Toft End; every morning and evening they traversed the desolate and featureless grey road between their dwelling and the works.
I recall with tenderness the tortuous and featureless streets, which looked liked the streets of a village and were paved with villainous little sharp stones, making all exercise penitential.
Round about is a dull, flat, featureless country, on which the magnificent cathedral looks down.
Many a long hill-ridge apparently featureless may (and often does) include several well-frequented passes.
The night has been spent in a reed-built hut charmingly situate on a mud-islet half-an-acre in extent, and commanding unequalled views of flooded and featureless marisma.
It was incredible that the morning of the day which was not yet dead had witnessed that scene between her and Dagworthy on the Castle Hill; long spaces of featureless misery seem to stretch between.
The Captain stood rigidly, staring at the featureless intrusion.
They sent the advance unit out to scout the new planet in the Ambassador, homing down on the secret beeping of a featureless box dropped by an earlier survey party.
Paresi watched, his eyes as featureless as the imprisoning dark.
And what terrible faces they enfold--battered, shapeless, featureless faces that may have been tossed among granite rocks but seem never to have been moulded by human intercourse.
It is the completest kind of change from the wild ups and downs of the Boroughbridge and Wetherby route to the long featureless stretches that now lie before us.
Pont Sainte Maxence, the end of their first stage below Compiegne, is a featureless little town, the Oise making a brave show through the centre of it, and I do not suspect its church of any stirring history.
The more featureless and commonplace a crime is, the more difficult is it to bring it home.
It is your commonplace, featureless crimes which are really puzzling, just as a commonplace face is the most difficult to identify.
Show how the featureless murder or suicide story is very much like a featureless fire story.
This may be taken as typical of allfeatureless stories.
The story itself is usually of such importance that the mere fact that a murder has been committed gives it news value even if there is nothing unusual in the crime--just as in the case of a featureless fire story that begins with "Fire.
The commonest of featureless stories is the simple fire story in which nothing out of the ordinary happens, no one is killed, no striking rescues take place, and no tremendous amount of property is destroyed.
If the location were of such significant importance as to be played up, the story would no longer be a featureless story.
Many editors would consider it faulty, but it illustrates one way of writing the lead of a featureless fire story.
There are certain other points to be noticed in the report of a featureless fire.
There is nothing comparable to it on the coasts of the British Isles for its featureless monotony and for the unbroken front it presents to the sea.
Without tiles, rooms like the Sala das Sereias or the Sala dos Arabes would be plain whitewashed featureless apartments, with them they have a charm and a romance not easy to find anywhere but in the East.
The northern side of the church is now a featureless expanse [Illustration: FIG.
We had no means of knowing whether his little company had found Sheridan's Camp or were lost in the pathless snows of a featureless land, and we could not hold out much longer.
The memory of it warmed my heart a thousand times when long weary miles were between us, and a desolate sky shut down around the far desolate plains of a silent, featureless land.
It wasfeatureless and yet conveyed a sense of alienness.
The walls were featureless but still seemed alien.
A naked bronze arm lighted from above pointed out the direction and Mrs. Travers began to walk toward the featureless black mass of the stockade.
The sunshine glares on this great unfinished wall only to light up its featureless despair, its expression of conscious, irremediable incompleteness.
The houses have for the most part an all but rustic rudeness; they are low and featureless and shabby, as well as interspersed with high garden walls over which the long arms of tangled vines hang motionless into the stagnant streets.
An exuberant wealth of forms built up that forest which was so featureless from a little distance.
When I saw it first on the Para River it appeared to my wondering eyes but featureless green cliffs.
Deadened by the closed door, the measured accents of the professor sounded as a featureless muttering.
We wondered what could be beyond, although we knew it was only the same featureless repetition, since one hundred and seventy-five miles on the same course would bring us to the spot where David, Mawson and Mackay had stood in 1909.
We were fifty miles 'out' on September 19 on a white, featureless plain.
During onefeatureless interval, the anniversary of the First Lighting of London by Gas was observed with extraordinary eclat.
But the landscape remains equally featureless and monotonous, redeemed only, as evening falls, by the tints of purple and violet which glow upon the low ridges or swells of ground that rise in the distance.
Here was no luxuriant variety of form, no wealth of colour, no festooned creepers nor brilliant flowers, but a dull and sad monotony, as we doubled point after point and saw reach after reach of the featureless stream spread out before us.
It consists of seven or eight scattered frame houses, with roofs of corrugated iron, set in a dull, featureless flat on the banks of a muddy river.
The more featureless and commonplace a crime is, the more difficult it is to bring it home.