She placed it upon the very apex of the continent, and made of it an inexhaustible reservoir of water for a perennial supply to the parched and rainless desert around it.
His work is a perennial fountain to which students of Indian themes will ever resort.
Words that shall never pass away, sweet with the immortal hope and perennial joy of life, are always in our ears.
Annuals were few in number; sturdy old perennial plants of many years' growth were the most honored dwellers in the front yard, true representatives of old families.
All are gone from our sight, many from our memory, and often too from our ken, while the Lilacs and Peonies and Flowers de Luce still blossom and flourish with perennial youth, and still claim us as friends.
Of the perennial varieties the Delphinium brunonianum has lovely clear blue, musk-scented flowers; the Chinese or Branching Larkspur is of varied blue tints and tall growth, and blooms from midsummer until frost.
From every province of Europe and Asia the rivulets of gold and silver discharged into the Imperial reservoir a copious and perennial stream.
Within the city, Tacitus mentions a perennial fountain, an aqueduct and cisterns for rain water.
If the male voters are obliged to hear the woman suffrage question agitated and discussed at a perennial campaign, how long will it be before, in desperation and self-defense, they will vote in favor of it?
Many mountains are quite without perennial streams, and some lack even springs.
They are either perennial rivers or torrents, the white beds of the latter being dry in summer, and only filled with water after the autumn rains.
Therein lies the perennial value of the Biblical narratives.
In the springtime these valleys are covered by a sparse vegetation; from a few perennial springs flow waters that irrigate the immediately surrounding land; but they soon lose themselves in the thirsty desert.
Close by the site of the ancient city came the perennial waters of the Wady Kelt with which it was possible to irrigate its fields.
It is a perennial herb with beautiful spikes of purple-blue flowers, not unlike a larkspur, and is a native of temperate regions of the Old World.
The sweet potato is a familiar example, and a related plant, one of our morning-glories, has an enormous perennial root, known to weigh as much as fifty pounds.
This admirable list of perennial plants was prepared by Charles Downing Lay, a landscape architect, and published by “Landscape Architecture.
This is a graceful little perennial native in the fields in central Europe, but often grown in American flower gardens.
Both upon the shore, and as far as the eye could reach in an inland direction, the ice and snow were perennial occupants of the country.
Both were strongly bound in chains of almost perennial ice.
As in the Turkish sector, water shortages are a perennial problem; a few desalination plants are now online.
There was ever open to the pious Glastonbury one perennial source of trust and consolation.
All the troubles of the world were folly here; this was fairy-land, and he some knight who had fallen from a gloomy globe upon some starry region flashing with perennial lustre.
They weep:--from off their delicate stems Perennial tears descend in gems.
It is at once a consequence and an indication of his perennial existence.
Who ever questioned the perennial charm of Rose Jocelyn, Lucy Desborough, or Clara Middleton?
Principles such as these have but to be put in issue between two large villages, or families, and we have the well-known clan fights of southern China, in all their perennial bitterness and intensity.
To the lofty standard of morality which they fix, may be ascribed in great measure their unbounded and perennial influence, an influence which has no doubt powerfully tended to the preservation of the empire.
And if his prose work seems to me inferior to his poetical in absolute and perennial value, its value is still very great.
His household became a perennialfount of quiet discussion.
It had a perennial fascination for us and we read it over every Sunday.
The wedding was a perennial source of conversation among us in those days; but presently its interest palled for a time in the light of another quite tremendous happening.
Cankers are irregular excrescences due to the perennial struggle between tissues attempting to heal up a wound, and some organism or other agent which keeps the lesion open.
It is perennial and drought-resistant, and will also stand several degrees of frost and seems indifferent to soil, provided it is not too damp.
In its wild state the plant from which origanum oil is distilled is a small perennial shrub, but, if cultivated, its size may be doubled or even trebled.
She is the laughing-stock of the clubs, and the perennialjoke of the comic press.
She was not, like Lady Beaulyon, celebrated for her beauty, but for her perennial youth.
Having his father's perennial sympathy with Youth, he used to get very tired from entering into their points of view.