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Example sentences for "touch with"

  • My father and myself had kept in touch with Mr. Wodehouse, from whom we learnt that we should have to apply to the German General commanding at Versailles with respect to any further safe-conducts.

  • His hatred of noise brought him in touch with Leonard.

  • They fraternized with Christophe, who was delighted to feel in touch with them.

  • But she never knew what to talk about to her son, and she felt the need of keeping in touch with him, of saying something to him.

  • In touch with Guillaume, clothier of rue Saint-Denis, who foresaw their failure and awaited "with anxiety as at a game of cards.

  • He lived quietly in the suburbs of Vatan, in touch with Fario.

  • Larssen had told him to keep in touch with her.

  • Above there," he continued, pointing to the central dome, "is the wireless apparatus which keeps me in touch with my ships.

  • When Sylvester, his private secretary, arrived by the afternoon train from London, Lars Larssen placed him in touch with only so much of the situation as he considered desirable.

  • In spite of this aloofness and alertness, for the first time in her life Janet felt the exuberance of being in touch with affairs of import.

  • I shan't be here now--of course I'll keep in touch with you.

  • The Church, I think, will grow more liberal, must grow more liberal, if it wishes to keep in touch with people in an age when they are thinking out these questions for themselves.

  • But we felt--and I felt personally, that we ought to be in touch with you, to work along with you, to keep informed how things are going in the city.

  • Of course we haven't tried to get in touch with them.

  • Why was it that the Church which cared for Mr. Ferguson's soul was unable to get in touch with, or make an appeal to, those of his thousand employees?

  • Just wait until we come in touch with you.

  • It was not until they were almost upon them that Sacken's advance came in touch with them.

  • He had come in touch with Marmont, and had driven him out of Champaubert after a desperate resistance.

  • He at last got in touch with one of Blücher's rear corps and he was fighting a smart little battle ten miles from the place where the main issue was to be decided.

  • V THE SUPER-RACE It will be remembered that Billie wanted to get in touch with a creature having the characteristic which she had said she admired: supremacy--"A worker who is the boss!

  • When the doctor first made connection with the eyes of his agent, he instinctively concluded that he, at least, had got in touch with a being more or less like himself.

  • You remember, of course, what sort of a man I got in touch with.

  • Larry partly blamed himself for Mr. Potter's present plight, since through the reporter's instrumentality the millionaire's friend had not been able to keep in touch with him.

  • But keep in touch with us, Larry," cautioned Mr. Emberg.

  • I was in touch with him by telephone and otherwise up to the time of my accident on the pier.

  • For myself, it will be an untold gain to be brought in touch with a more intellectual atmosphere.

  • Why cannot we put education in touch with life, try to show what human beings are driving at, what arrangements they are making that they may live?

  • The British columns still kept in touch with De Wet, but found it impossible to bring him to an action in the difficult district to which he had withdrawn.

  • Colonel Crabbe pushed on after the success, and on September 14th he was in touch with Scheepers's commando near Ladismith (not to be confused with the historical town of Natal), and endured and inflicted some losses.

  • They had come in touch with a small Boer force upon the way, and the indefatigable Vialls hounded them for eighty miles, and tore away the tail of their convoy with thirty prisoners.

  • It's not his fault if he's out of touch with life--if he's not fit to deal with things.

  • Martin calls him weak and unsatisfactory because he's not in touch with life.

  • And living, as he did, in the Euston Road, to be in touch with things, he had every need of the health which he embraced.

  • They must get used to the idea that I mean to be in touch with things.

  • José Ceballos by name, succeeded in getting in touch with Yáñez and the Governor of Puerto Cabello, and concerted a combined attack.

  • Bolívar got in touch with it and received instructions to lead an expedition against Cúcuta and Pamplona.

  • In one of Mr. Wells' stories there is a queer fable of a crystal mysteriously in touch with a twin crystal on another planet.

  • But they are, as it were, less in touch with it; they are more on the surface, more accidental, less continuous.

  • And a good joke, like a good poem, enlarges the boundaries of the spirit and puts us in touch with infinity.

  • It seems to me that they got in touch with her by wireless and that she removed the gold in readiness for her father and Andrius coming in here by that North Sea tug.

  • But--where you will be in touch with--shall we say civilization?

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "touch with" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    against each; allowed them; close upon; each village; fall into; flattered himself; flesh whitish; fust thing; good confession; left undone; manner that; musical comedy; sized onion; speedy and public trial; steam vessels; sweet cousin; that all; thousand tons; touch the; touch them; touch with; touched upon; touching the; undertake the; water cure; would form