It is, however, for this reason that it is so widely known and admired: for it is ever easier to attract readers by dogma than by beauty, by intellectual argument than by the seduction of art.
All this may be admitted lightly without carrying the physiological argument to extremes.
In this critical position of affairs the well-known argument begins, where Mercy and Peace plead before God on the one side, and Justice and Truth on the other.
Everywhere we find the same preference, as in Gorboduc, for broad argument and easily detachable expressions of philosophic wisdom.
The writer had not Milton at his elbow to teach him how to twist the Bible narrative into an argument for the superiority of man.
The validity of this argument will be recognized, perhaps, only by those naturalists to whom the Animal Kingdom has begun to appear as a connected whole.
Another argument is found in the increasing desire of the Assembly to shift its legislative duties to the shoulders of the Executive.
But that’s anargument rather in Olive’s vein, though it appears to puzzle you--ha!
Matt, abandoning the argument at the sudden sight of a fine mellow piece of portrait-painting.
Yet it was the less logical if even more specious argument of completing the snow months (for only young and useless children went to school in the summer) that appealed to him.
Sometimes I tell John that his argument doesn't hold good, for a man in some ways can improve on nature.
Now, there's a ghost of an argument in favor of check-reins, on certain occasions.
I knew that argument wouldn't be of any use, so I gave in at once.
Unfortunately she has taken one of those unreasonable and entirely unaccountable dislikes to this poem, and no argument is of the slightest use.
And at times her lips mumbled with fragments of some foreseen argument between herself and Skinner.
Sidenote: A booklet describing your work] It would be well to arrange an argument based upon each lesson separately, dividing it into short chapters.
Trusts, but Mr. Gunton throughout his argument assumes that a Trust is a large competing capital and not a monopoly.
The whole argument in favour of the gain which machinery brings to the working classes hinges upon the contention that it increases rather than decreases the amount of employment.
When the argument concerns itself merely with alleging the influence of higher wages, without shorter hours, upon the efficiency of labour, this neglect of the consideration of intense labour has a more urgent importance.
This is no argument against the educative uses of machinery, but only against the exaggeration of these uses.
But this argument is once more a return to the unsound individualistic view.
Argument of Standard Oil Trust before the House Committee on Manufactures, 1888 (quoted Baker, Monopolies and the People, p.
But the circularity of this argument will appear on revising the question and asking, "Why do women's products sell so cheap?
Let the same mode of argument be adopted in all cases alike; and then it can no longer be attributed to hostile prejudice, but to enlarged and philosophical views.
One cannot doubt that in the course of the forty years that this little Work has been before the Public, some real, valid refutation of the argument would have been adduced, if any such could have been devised.
Well, I must confess," replied his amiable curate, "that I was not prepared for such an argument as that from you.
Well, upon my honor and conscience, now, this is the first time I've heard that argument used.
Instead of listening to the argument of instant removal, they laughed it to scorn.
There was some little argument and, after promising to return for the rest, Jimmy went off with as many hunters as his cab would hold.
Now I had to tell my history, and after much argument my friend made me believe that the reason the contractor had not given me a job was because I had told him the truth.
Then we would have a long argument about that, Thorkill insisting upon the importance of being exact.
There is often a lot of argument about what is a fair day's journey on horseback.
He knew the sight of them was the best argument he could use.
Such was the argument behind his aggressive action.
It was a simple argument which in his sober senses might have needed support to urge him to the course he now contemplated.
It led the Emperor and MacMahon to a false belief as to the position at Metz, and furnished a potent argument to the Empress and Palikao at Paris to urge a march towards Montmédy at all costs.
Another argument for speedy action was the arrival on November 14, of a letter from Gordon, dated ten days before, in which he stated that he could hold out for forty days, but would find it hard to do so any longer.
The argument was a strong one; and it may readily be granted that good government, civilisation, and commerce have benefited by the extension of the pax Russica over the slave-hunting Turkomans and the inert tribes of Siberia.
The Figaro used this as an argument in favour of France actively supporting Russia against Japan, if an appeal came from St. Petersburg.
The need of colonies felt by Germany was so natural, so imperious, that it could not be met by the high and dry legal argument as to the priority of Great Britain's commercial interests.
However defective theargument logically, yet in the realm of sentiment, in which the Slavs live, move, and have their being, the plea passed muster.
I have sometimes said to him, 'Any one to come in here without knowing you, would take you for the most disputatious man alive, for you are always engaged in an argument with somebody or other.
It is as easy to get the start of our antagonist in argument by frivolous and vexatious objections to one side of the question as it is difficult to do full and heaped justice to the other.
Every species of false wit and spurious argument may be learnt here by potent examples.
An argument immediately draws off my attention from the prettiest woman in the room.
A sentiment is a visionary thing; an argument may lead to dangerous consequences, and those who are likely to broach either one or the other ate not, therefore, fit for good company in general.
This pretension they cannot keep up by fair means; for in wit or argument they are not superior to the common run of men.
The whole drift of this argument appears to be contrary to what the writer intended, for the obvious inference is that the essence of genius consists entirely, both in kind and degree, in the single circumstance of originality.
An argument does not stop to stagnate and muddle in his brain, but passes at once to his paper.
Or have I passed my time in pouring words like water into empty sieves, rolling a stone up a hill and then down again, trying to prove an argument in the teeth of facts, and looking for causes in the dark and not finding them?
If in argument he is worsted by some one who knows more than himself, he is cautioned.
This argument has no place in history; the worst hospitals in the world and in history were erected at the end of the eighteenth and the beginning of the nineteenth century.
And often while the philosopher was discussing high ethical themes her maid would come in with a love-letter, and the argument must wait till it was answered.
The fact that French and Spanish colonists suffered more than they did, was no argument to Englishmen accustomed in most ways to regulate themselves.
Much indirect argument was brought to bear upon Marshall, and eventually the Court held that private charters were contracts.
His argument was that the country ought to be able to defend itself in time of war, It was not expected at this time that a protective tariff would become permanent.
The argument was that the States had incurred their debts for the common purpose of supporting the Revolution.
The leading argument was that taxation without representation was illegal.
A different argument was employed on Judge James Smith of New York, in his coat of tar and feathers, the central figure of a shameful procession.
The one potent charm and omnipotentargument that has served as a gift to blind the eyes and an opiate to lull to sleep the consciences of the municipal authorities of our cities has been the revenue they have derived from liquor license laws.
The imposing effect of this lastargument was equal to his wishes.