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Example sentences for "caliber"

Lexicographically close words:
calenture; calf; calfe; calfs; calfskin; calibered; calibers; calibrate; calibrated; calibrating
  1. To ascertain the caliber of, as of a thermometer tube; also, more generally, to determine or rectify the graduation of, as of the various standards or graduated instruments.

  2. The process of estimating the caliber a tube, as of a thermometer tube, in order to graduate it to a scale of degrees; also, more generally, the determination of the true value of the spaces in any graduated instrument.

  3. One paterero of the same casting, caliber twelve libras, length eleven calibers.

  4. One demi-saker, Mexican casting, caliber three and a half libras, length thirty-two calibers.

  5. One full-sized saker of the same casting, caliber ten libras, length thirteen calibers.

  6. Two small culverins [moyanas] of the said casting, caliber one libra.

  7. One saker, cast in Mexico, caliber six libras, length thirty-one calibers, in the middle of the curtain.

  8. Another paterero of the same casting, caliber ten libras, and thirteen calibers in length.

  9. One demi-cannon, old casting of Manila, caliber sixteen libras, length twenty-two calibers.

  10. Another demi-saker, old casting of Manila, caliber three and a half libras, length thirty calibers.

  11. Field artillery smoothbores, under conditions prevailing during the war, generally gave better results than the smaller-caliber rifle.

  12. Ordnance Department began to tailor the powder to the caliber of the gun.

  13. Like many men before him, Müller sought to increase the caliber of cannon without increasing weight.

  14. There were small-caliber rapid-fire guns of different types, a Hotchkiss 1.

  15. Cheeks, or side pieces, of the carriage were a caliber in thickness, so the bigger the gun, the more massive the mount.

  16. A 30-caliber gun has a bore length 30 times the diameter of the bore.

  17. Caliber Class Metal Remarks In the bastion of San Agustín 1 40-pounder Cannon Bronze Carriage battered.

  18. Wilson was a good shot; he had as a boy amused himself by the hour with his small, twenty-two caliber rifle.

  19. Even a wounded man is not to be trifled with when holding a thirty-two caliber revolver.

  20. Sorez, his hand upon a thirty-two caliber revolver, laughed (even as Quesada had laughed) and disappeared in the dark.

  21. This it does by varying the caliber of the arteries going to the organ in question.

  22. To diminish the supply, the muscle contracts, making the caliber of the arteries less, so that less blood can flow to this part of the body.

  23. There has been a lot of interest generated by these sightings because of the extremely high qualifications and caliber of the observers.

  24. Although, technically speaking, these sightings were no better than hundreds of others in our files as far as details were concerned, they were good because of the caliber of the observer.

  25. The pupils in such schools usually test at a median of about 118 IQ, and the work they have done, while it is helpful and suggestive, is not what is needed for pupils of the caliber with which we are here dealing.

  26. It is the most significant contribution of psychology to education, in this century--and perhaps in all centuries--that we are now enabled to know the mental caliber of a human being in his early years.

  27. That, we are learning, is about the median mental caliber of college students in first-class colleges, taking it our country over.

  28. Trim, speedy fighting ships these were, with heavy caliber machine-guns in turrets fore and aft and normally manned by crews of twelve each.

  29. For half a minute he held it down, and two hundred and fifty caliber thirty bullets tore their way into space.

  30. The bare ledge told Blake nothing, but from a crevice nearby he picked out two long thirty-eight caliber rifle shells.

  31. Some men of a low moral and mental caliber are under the influence of the pernicious idea that if a girl has lost her virginity--no matter under what circumstances--she no longer amounts to much and is free prey for everybody who may want her.

  32. A man of his caliber would acquaint himself with his adversaries for safety's sake.

  33. It was a long-barreled thirty-eight caliber revolver, just the sort of weapon a man would keep in his house for use against burglars, since it insured a fair chance of more accurate marksmanship.

  34. Mississippi rifles, except those at Richmond taken from Harper's Ferry, which were of the new-model caliber .

  35. If their caliber was averaged at thirty-two pounder, and the charge at five pounds, it would, at forty rounds per gun, require six hundred thousand pounds of powder for them.

  36. They are found also in the walls of the small blood vessels where their contractions or relaxations can change the caliber of the vessels, and so affect the amount of blood passing through them.

  37. There are also centers for controlling the caliber of the various small blood vessels and so the amount of blood that flows through the various organs of the body.

  38. What we wish to do now is to show how the flow of blood through different parts of the body is controlled by changes in the caliber of these tiny tubes.

  39. Three lyrics of higher artistic intention and of very different caliber mark the zenith of Poliziano's achievement.

  40. If the first century of Italian literature could have produced three men of the caliber of Dante, Italy would have run her future course, as she began, abreast with ancient Greece.

  41. The poem might be called The Paradise of Drunkards, or their Hell; for it consists of a succession of scenes in which intoxication in all stages and topers of every caliber are introduced.

  42. At high altitudes the few observers admitted on either side saw artillery of a caliber usually associated with defensive works at sea level.

  43. Shells of the largest caliber fell, uprooting trees and demolishing houses.

  44. At last the trench zone has been crossed; the country in back of it appears to be strewn with pits and funnels caused by the explosion of big caliber shells.

  45. One of the principal batteries, it appeared, had for three of its large caliber guns just four armor-piercing shells each when night ended the tremendous efforts of the British and French fleet.

  46. The bombs carried by these machines were exactly of the same caliber as those used by heavy guns.

  47. And yet these were the apostles of Catholic enlightenment, the defenders of the infallible Church against students of the caliber of Erasmus, Casaubon, Sarpi!

  48. An initiator of the right caliber was found in Palestrina.

  49. He held up for their inspection, a forty-five-caliber bullet.

  50. Keep the hatch closed and station yourself at the fifty-caliber gun.

  51. The trachea, ta, is of much smaller caliber than the oesophagus, especially in its dorso-ventral diameter.

  52. The oesophagus, oe, is cut through about its middle region, where its caliber is greatest.

  53. A thousand dollars a year ought to be enough for a man who bears no responsibility except to listen well, especially if he be of a caliber willing to act as a "rubber stamp" for the people at home.

  54. After serving six hours' notice on the city the Germans' big guns opened up, with large caliber shells at short intervals.

  55. We drove down the street to the public square and just then over on the opposite corner a large caliber shell came crashing in, striking a school building, exploding and producing a fearful effect.

  56. The grave-making went speedily on, while the burial party argued in whispers as to the caliber of the guns.

  57. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "caliber" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.