I had grown to like him, and my gratitude for his disinterested championship was warm and deep.
But what especially led to his ardent championship of the persecuted pair was, he tells us himself, the fact that most of those who complained loudly of offended morality were simply seeking a pretext for a private personal attack on Schlegel.
The stands on the Boxwood Hall diamond were filled with students, girls, men and women, for it was a big attraction, this championship contest, and drew from all over the neighborhood.
But in this case it has worked out well, for Boxwood Hall won the championshiplast year, which it never did before, and defeated the military academy two out of the three games which are an annual feature.
Boys, I want to congratulate you on your basketball victory,” said Professor Snodgrass, some days after the diamond championship had been decided.
All Hades played the Olympian eleven for the championship of the universe.
At eight o'clock the championship entrants from the Indefatigable came aboard, accompanied by many of their companions, who would be present to cheer them on.
In spite of the wabbling of the boat he fell into an attitude of defense--the old fighting form that had won for him the championship of the British navy in the squared circle.
Fisher won the Championship with all the points, except that for hits at 60 yards, which was won by Mr. W.
Several years elapsed before the championship was won with a score of over 700.
The good literature, the Christian literature, in its championship for God and the truth, will bring down the evil literature in its championship for the devil.
Had he not the right to consecrate himself to championship of one in such a deplorable position?
In the game spoken of elsewhere in this book, between Providence and Chicago, which virtually decided the championship for 1882, Hines was on first when Joe Start hit what looked like a home-run over the centre-field fence.
Start had run fast and overtaken Hines, and the result was that instead of a run scored, a man on third and no one out, both runners were put out and we lost the game by one run, and the championship by that one game.
Two distinct associations were formed, and the first regular championship contests were engaged in by the Professional Association.
For that week the Woodhull would clash with the Kennedy for the championship of the houses.
We'll organize the dressingchampionship of the school!
The Princeton championship team, too," said Stover, who was not deficient in historical athletics.
The championship of the oppressed came to be a spiritual passion with the Hebrew prophets.
I believe she'd break a needle if we won the world's championship the last inning of the deciding game.
McCarthy's absence already has cost us one game, and I greatly fear that unless he plays to-morrow the Bears are defeated in the championship contest.
They were depressed and silent, for the Panthers had won and the teams again practically were tied for the lead of the championship race.
Never for an instant had he considered the thought of permitting the championship to be surrendered by the orders of the owner.
You will restrain any demonstrative championship or vengeance in this place, of course, Mr. Copperfield?
At the same time, I must say that the generosity of her championship of poor harmless Mr. Dick, not only inspired my young breast with some selfish hope for myself, but warmed it unselfishly towards her.
Mr. Williams joined the Shire Horse Society in 1906, since when he has won all but the London Championship with his mares and fillies.
The winning of the Championshipby a yearling colt was much commented on at the time (1893), but he was altogether an extraordinary colt.
The first championship was obtained with the mare Alston Rose in 1901, which won like honours for Mr. R.
As we have seen in this incomplete review, Aurea won the championship of the London show, together with her son.
The sensation of this Show was the winning of the Championship by new tenant-farmer exhibitors, Messrs.
She won the Royal Championship at Bristol for him.
Much to the astonishment of everybody, the school won the championship of the league.
The Racer Boys At Boarding School or Striving for the Championship When the Racer Boys arrived at the school they found everything at a stand-still.
After this, the transition to lawn-tennis subscription clubs, with public grounds, and championship matches open to all comers was easy and natural.
In 1844, the English Howard Staunton defeated the French St Amant in a match which decided the championship of the world.
For a time the impromptu brush had all the appearances of a real race, and the three boats seemingly tried as hard to win as though the championship of the river depended on it.
I'm certain, in my own mind, that we have a championship boat.
We have a championshipcrew in the eight, if nowhere else.
And Fairview had summoned a number of old graduates, who had made their marks while at college, to assist in turning out a championship crew or crews.
Arrangements have been perfected for a grand free-for-all race, for the championshipof the school.
The occasion was the annual championship struggle, and the cries resulted from Ned's successful batting of the ball far over the center fielder's head.
Now he was back again, back to buoy up the spirit of his team, back to justify the confidence of his manager, back to uphold his fame, back to bring the championship of the National League once more to New York.
After the winning of the National League Championship by the Giants, came the World Series with the Boston Red Sox, who had won the title that year in the American League.
Now they were to battle for thechampionship of the world!
New York was quite sure that it was going to have one championship team.
The Giants had won the championship of the National League.
If the Giants could not fly the championship flag at the Polo Grounds, nobody cared very much whether they came in second or eighth or anywhere between.
On the other hand all the Giants had to do was to win one game of the four and they would have the championship cinched.
But his indomitable will and quick wit triumphed over all obstacles, and his magnificent pitching in the last game of the series won the World's Championship for the Giants.
Rarely, if ever, did the Times, in its now eager and avowed championship so definitely commit itself in an effort to preserve British confidence in the Southern cause[1257].
Footnote 1257: That this was very effective championship is shown by Henry Adams' letter to his brother, Dec.
Algonquin ought to get the championshipthis year--" But Lawyer Ed knew better than to let Father Tracy get off onto the subject of lacrosse.
I wish Algonquin would take the championship vote for Local Option next January, Father," he said tentatively.
When there was a championship series to be played there was just as much excitement over it as if it were a post-season contest between the Athletics and the Giants.