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Example sentences for "incentive"

Lexicographically close words:
incendio; incense; incensed; incenses; incensing; incentives; incept; inception; inceptive; incerta
  1. The conviction of this truth has a literary power and incentive not to be found in "the scientific method" or any of its corollaries.

  2. The studies of Charles Darwin, and the elaboration of the theory of evolution, have given a marvellous incentive to the new method, resulting in its wide-spread application to all the questions of nature and life.

  3. Had she lived half a century earlier she might have been one of Fichte's most ardent disciples, and found in his subjective idealism the incentive to a higher inspiration than that attained to under the leadership of Comte.

  4. And you got the incentive in your defeat?

  5. I didn't solve it before because I lacked the incentive to apply my mind to it.

  6. As every inducement to efficiency of labour had been removed there was no incentive to any man to do more than he must without a fight with his guard or overseer.

  7. The company operated a commissary store, a regular "pluck-me" concern, and I shortly understood the incentive in offering me such good wages.

  8. The proposition of buying a herd of cattle and wintering them on the range had been fully discussed between us, and prices were certainly an incentive to make the venture.

  9. Protests were made against my going, and as an incentive to have me remain, the elder Edwards offered to outfit George and me the following spring with a herd of cattle and start us to Kansas.

  10. Incentive must be provided through education which will accustom the countryman to the idea of accumulation of property in a small way, so that dependence upon charity will not be necessary in the case of a financial or economic crisis.

  11. The gratification of the sense of taste helps to remove the incentive to restlessness or discontent.

  12. There are also no crimes, because there is no incentive to jealousy, rapine, or double-dealing.

  13. A paper would be at once a pulpit, a medium for organizing effective human service, and an incentive to serious study in the preparation of scholarly articles.

  14. Now that's what I said to myself last night; if I were engaged, it would be an incentive to earning something.

  15. Old Luddy could be made to leave New York, and, once away, with the Skeeter and his gang robbed of incentive to pay any further attention to him, the stones could be secretly returned to the old man.

  16. At the present moment the Magpie had a double incentive for "getting" the Gray Seal--the Gray Seal was the only one who could prove murder against him that night in the LaSalle mansion.

  17. Because in your case the incentive will be deeper.

  18. Have you, O decrepit one, any such incentive to your failing powers?

  19. I can write nothing; and if "Adonais" had no success, and excited no interest, what incentive can I have to write?

  20. The argument usually urged against all orders of equality," remarked Remand, "is that it takes away man's incentive to work.

  21. The new order has not taken away incentives to work; it has simply changed the incentive from a low order to a higher.

  22. The Diablotini, a kind of incentive sugar-plums of the Italians, have been known to occasion the most serious accidents; and the celebrated French actor Mole lost his life in one of these experiments.

  23. As long as it is permissible to employ five women and five children to tend five machines, there is not the right incentive to make adjustments by which all five of them can be tended by one man.

  24. As long as resources are to be had for the asking, while cheap labor can be imported and utilized without restraint, and where no questions are asked in marketing the product, there is not the right incentive to do things in a scientific way.

  25. But in terms of legal machinery, these areas present problems, chief among which is the matter of incentive on the part of those who must cooperate if the programs are to work.

  26. It was no incentive to action now, as he would have gladly paid for the privilege of playing this big part in this wonderful melodrama--a melodrama which he was prepared at any time to see change into a tragedy, with him the dead hero.

  27. After long exertion they become disposed to melancholic disquietude, and often turn in disgust from a world, the beauties of which they want an incentive to examine, and taste to admire.

  28. She had not awakened to any hot ambition until she had been fired with the incentive of paralleling his own educational course.

  29. Ambition was his, and the incentive of a beacon whose light he renewed whenever he looked into the violet eyes that were not far from his own.

  30. He requires, likewise, some special incentive to good.

  31. The legislators of antiquity sought that restraint upon evil, and that incentive to good, in powerful institutions guarded by sanctity of manners.

  32. Frequent playing before others, either publicly or privately, is above everything else to be recommended to the pianist, as the greatest incentive to keeping up his repertoire and toward growing in his art.

  33. It can safely be affirmed, I think, that the principles of artistic rectitude, of exactness and thorough musicianship which were there inculcated, ever remained with the members of that class, as a constant incentive and inspiration.

  34. It means that the incentive to raise cattle will be destroyed.

  35. But if there was no scheme to control cattle there would have been no incentive to cut my fence," he said, impatiently.

  36. This super-common-law position of the Prussian official is a fatal incentive to the aggravating exaggeration of his importance, and to the indifference of his behavior to the private citizen.

  37. An army or a fleet is no more an incitement to war among reasonable men, than a policeman is an incentive to burglary or homicide.

  38. I am no believer in great wealth as an incentive to activity, but certainly solvency makes for emancipation from the more debasing forms of tyranny.

  39. Their programme may be summed up as "As you were," which is not inspiring either as an incentive or as a command.

  40. Lotteries are sanctioned by all the states, and they use this incentive to the worst form of gambling for all sorts of purposes, from repairing churches to building patriotic monuments, and replenishing the treasury.

  41. Reuchlin was a representative of the widest culture of the time, a source of inspiration and incentive to scholarship for all who came in contact with him.

  42. His great purpose was the spread of Christianity, and to this he brought every incentive from patriotism and every possible help that could be obtained from science in any way.

  43. As was true everywhere in Italy, Rome owed its musical incentive and teaching to a Fleming.

  44. Indeed, his love for letters seems to have been at least as great an incentive for the organization of the crusade as his duty as an ecclesiastic.

  45. In such scenes as those described by Boccaccio and much later by Castiglione there was no incentive to artistic reform, no impulse to creative activity.

  46. Nevertheless, what they did under the incentive of a genuine artistic impulse was in direct line with the whole intellectual progress of the Renaissance.

  47. May not a Christian, therefore, be well ashamed of making a stumbling- block of a precept, which is not only consistent with his worldly interest, but to which so noble an incentive is proposed?

  48. But you have given me such an incentive that, were it possible, I'd open my withered veins and give her half of my poor blood.

  49. I thank you for your note of alarm in regard to Miss St. John, although I must say that to my mind there is more of incentive than of warning in your words.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "incentive" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.