She spoke for fivewomen on her ship, who stood a year-watch caring for two hundred ninety-five asleep.
Nothing excited more commiseration than the dreadful state of the hospitals in the Levant, to which the sick and wounded were sent; and this terrible exigency brought women to the rescue.
Half-caste women were bought and sold, and flogged and branded.
But there is certainly something more in him than decadence; and if women and young men cannot see anything beyond it, it only proves their inability to get outside themselves.
And many of these young men and women live all the week on the thought of forgetting the world for a few hours in musical enjoyment.
Women give more weight to feeling and thought, and men to interest and passion, in balancing the right or wrong of actions in the mind.
She fairly and boldly encountered and defeated all the old women in black gowns that the university could send against her.
But as for my lord, he passed all his time at the house of an old gentleman called Beza, where fewer women got in than get into a monkery--though he used to have as gay a heart as the gayest once on a time.
He bade me engage some women to go with me as servants, saying that it might seem strange if I journeyed with you all alone.
Perhaps the lady was cold, for you women will have your whimsies.
Colonel Wilks, early in this century, saw some of the women who had been operated on.
It is even important on such a property to see that no pieces of ordinary paper find their way on to the farmyard manure heap, as, when such has been detected on my property, the women of the better castes refused to carry out the manure.
Few people have more proudly segregated themselves than the Coorgs; nowhere is the chastity of women more jealously guarded; and yet they were the first people in India who desired and petitioned for female education.
The women then took them to a large rock, and pounded them to dust.
One of the prize-takers was a widow--plainly dressed as widows should be--and as she came forward there was a loud clapping of hands from the womenspectators in the gallery.
And if the mere reading of love or sport makes men and women feel better because it takes them away from themselves (we should have no mirrors in our rooms), what must the reality of either be?
Grettir heard the breathing of the sleeping women in the adjoining chamber, and the sigh of the housewife as she turned in her bed.
They came to a small grassy plain with a gently-sloping hill rising out of it, a place where games took place, the womensitting up the slope and watching the men below.
Haflid and the rest of the merchants or chapmen who had sailed with him remained at the farm a week, whilst the women were recovering from the cold and exposure and their goods were being dried and sorted.
They had the utmost difficulty in rescuing their goods and getting the boat ready; but fortunately they were able to put all the women and the loose goods into the boat, man her, and row off before the ship went to pieces.
At that the women rushed forth, and they took Atli up, but he was dead.
Some women came out and welcomed him; they did not know who he was, or they would have been more sparing in their welcome.
Grettir spent the whole day out of doors, not in the most amiable mood at being shut out from the merry-makings, and left to keep house with the women and eight dunderheaded churls.
I can't get to think in there with women round me, but here a man can see things clearer.
The usually pleasant and easy-going smith got up and left the room abruptly, while the two women stared at one another, half-laughing and half-weeping.
Along with him he had his women and children--the hull tribe, in fact.
Hawk Eye and his women and children had taken to a cliff that was as steep as a wall, and higher than any yer ever saw.
Or men and women to be murdered without a chance of gettin' hurt yourself," added Jacob bitterly.
They can't believe that we would leave women and children alone, and even feed them ef need be.
Women with languorous glances, or carefully dropped eyelids, had little fascination for me; and so I passed through, unscathed, what would have been irresistible temptations to many.
This pleased her mightily, for she remarked that her sex would be no better off by my replacing Ivan, for whilst he ruled women with writing, I should do it with speaking.
We made many purchases there, however, and fairly loaded up the horse; the things we bought were to be divided among the men and women we had just left.
This was good news to me, for it proved that the Princess had not been so unconcerned as I had imagined her to be, and I love to see women fond of children.
Also, there had been so many womenabout to offer their sympathy and advice that hers would have been little appreciated.
Well content with their accumulated treasures, both the women and the men are in a particularly happy mood, and many a wild song is heard to echo over the placid lake.
These heroic men and women should not look down on a dwindled posterity.
The two women had been nearly facing each other; and in a moment or two Harvey put his hand upon Rose's shoulder, and with the other, motioned her to look out upon the sea at her side.
There is hardly another sight in the world so pretty as that of a company of young girls, almost women grown, at play, and so giving themselves up to their airy impulse that their tiptoes barely touch the ground.
I've got a consait that men and women ain't built out of the same kind of timber.
After they had worn out the clothing brought with them from the old settlements, both men and women were under the necessity of wearing buckskin or homespun apparel.
The waning Crescent lacks divinity: It gives me dreams of battles, and the woes Of women shut in hushed seraglios.
After that, it was ordered, that the women should go first to the sacrament, so that no man might forget the help they gave in that battle.
Not confined as in Europe to men in arms--women and children were its common victims.
During this brief conversation the front windows had been shattered, and the mob appeared to be on the point of carrying the place by storm when a voice cried: "I ain't here to fight agin women who are in the same box with ourselves.
Nearly every house was open and lighted as if for a general illumination, while the sidewalks were crowded with throngs of excitedwomen and children.
Women were calling their husbands and children by name, and as each learned her loved ones were safe, shouts of joy mingled with the wailings of those whose cries remained unanswered.
Have I been fear'd for my discoveries, And courted by all Womento conceal 'em?
Duke of Medina: And all the world shall know, a noble mind Makes women beautifull, and envie blind.
Now, dear master, you have got one friend in this house, and that is me: I know women better than you do.
The two women began to fill the relative situations of clouds and sunshine.
When I did not answer, the two women began to talk together in undertones, examining the cut of Tony's little clothes, speculating as to their price, and so forth.
Very estimable, and, we trust, very religious young women sometimes enter the house of God in a costume which makes their utterance of the words of the litany and the acts of prostrate devotion in the service seem almost burlesque.
I say, Humphreys, do you see the hungry look with which the old women follow the child?
The tone of it is given by women who are essentially impudent and vulgar, who override and overrule, by the mere brute force of opulence and luxury, women of finer natures and moral tone.
But," I resumed, breaking the long silence that followed, "your women do not care to go back to their husbands?
The toilet there displayed might have been in good keeping among showy Parisian women in an opera-house; but even their original inventors would have been shocked at the idea of carrying them into a church.
But that is the way with you gentlemen; you let the occasion slip; and we that be women never forgive that: she won't give you the same chance again, I know.
It is generally conceded that the majority of women look better in mourning than they do in their ordinary apparel; a comparatively plain person looks almost handsome in simple black.
His themes were of the ghostly sort--of phantom ships sailing against wind and tide, and women in white gliding on board in the midst of storms.
The next capture was that of the fine packet ship Tonawanda, bound from Philadelphia to Liverpool with a large cargo of grain and about seventy-five passengers, nearly half of whom were women and children.
Men, women and children were seized as with frenzy, and rushed about here, there and everywhere, asking and telling the most contradictory and unheard of things.
Anyhow, passion was not a quality that could be given to a good woman; and so the good womenof Dickens and Thackeray are conspicuously without it.
All very well to talk ofwomen working for their living, finding new channels for themselves, establishing their independence.
For her and her class, which did not speak of it, everything depended upon whether the women married or did not marry.
It may well be so, and yet Charlotte would remain above most women tender, for Emily's wealth would furnish forth a score of sisters.
HENRY VIII & HIS WIVES by Walter Jerrold In this volume Mr. Jerrold has set out to relate the personal history, so far as it is ascertainable, of the much-married Henry and the six women whom he successfully wedded.
It was life they wanted; they knew nothing of the grosser thoughts which the world with its jeers attributes to them: of such thoughts they were unconscious in a primitive innocence which, perhaps, only women understand.
Not one of Charlotte's women except Shirley could have chanted that great prose hymn of adoration in which Earth worships and is worshipped.
Must the womenwait and see their lives thrown away, and have no power to save themselves!
She was afraid of children; she was awkward with them; because such passion has shynesses, distances, and terrors unknown to the average comfortable women who become happy mothers.
Women before now have hidden a soul like a furnace under coldness and unpleasantness, and smothered shrieking nerves under an appearance of apathy.
She hid her secret even from herself, as womenwill hide these things.
The Grekes calleth Usurie Tokos, that is properlie the trauaile of women of their childe: soche is their Usurie, a daungerous gettyng.
It was that of the woman who in all companies of men and women held her fame so fair that, whatever their reputations for high deeds or ignoble vices, none was so great as she.
Several women thereupon fell jibbering prone upon the deck, and two figures in uniform crouched back in the shadow of the bulkhead.
With a hoarse cry Bras-de-Fer quelled the turmoil and sent Jacquard and the men growling back upon the deck; but it was some moments before the qualms of the women were relieved and quiet and order brought out of the tumult.
Two Spanish women fell heavily upon their knees before him, demeaning themselves in every conceivable manner for a look or a word that would lull their apprehension and alarm.
Esther at the South, she might save her country from ruin; but let the Christian womenthere arise, as the Christian women of Great Britain did, in the majesty of moral power, and that salvation is certain.
But there are other Christian women scattered over the Southern States, of whom a very large number have never seen me, and never heard my name, and feel no personal interest whatever in me.
In other words, Jewish women were sold as white women were in the first settlement of Virginia--as wives, not as slaves.
Have English women then done so much for the negro, and shall American women do nothing?
The women of the South can overthrow this horrible system of oppression and cruelty, licentiousness and wrong.
In the last passage we are told that Abimelech king of the Philistines "took sheep and oxen and men servants and women servants and gave them unto Abraham.
In other words, Jewish women were sold as white women were in the first settlement of Virginia--as wives, not as slaves.
But there are other Christian womenscattered over the Southern States, and of these, a very large number have never seen me, and never heard my name, and feel no personal interest whatever in me.
I have endeavoured to set before you the exceeding sinfulness of slavery, and to point you to the example of those noble women who have been raised up in the church to effect great revolutions, and to suffer for the truth's sake.
He added, with a rather twisted grin, "If every lady whose husband lives to enjoy himself were to commit suicide, there would be very few womenleft in our Paris world.
Women of the world, my dear sir, are more loyal the one to the other than we men may choose to believe!
Instead of crossing the road to the deserted pavement which bounds the gardens of the Tuileries, the American turned to the left, and became merged in the slowly moving stream of men and women under the arcades of the Rue de Rivoli.
So it was that Mrs. Pargeter had never fallen into the ranks of those women who become the occasion for even good-natured gossip.
Mrs. Pargeter was not used even to innocent adventure; she lived the guarded, sheltered existence which belongs of right to those women whose material good fortune all their less fortunate sisters envy.
Surely we cannot sell them the women and the men; And as for striking off their heads, we shall gain nothing then.
Ye are men to all appearance, tender women are those two; Yet in every way whatever they are worthier than you.
Rich men they all departed from the hold that they had ta'en And the Moors both men andwomen blessed them o'er and o'er again.
For my lord the great Cid of Bivár, when from Alcocér he went, The Moors both men and women made lamentation sore.
When my lord the Cid was ready from the Castle to depart, The Moors both men and women cried out in bitter woe: "Lord Cid art thou departing?
Roy Diaz entered Burgos with sixty pennons strong, And forth to look upon him did the men and women throng.
The same with utmost valor in the fight will I maintain: When we cast away the women we made our honor good.
An hundred Moorish women in that place I will set free And of the Moors an hundred.
Yet the same Manu is supposed to have taken the lowest and coarsest view of women: "It is the nature of women to seduce men; for that reason the wise are never unguarded with females .
Apart from questions of general morality, to which we shall need to refer hereafter, let us take the varying views of women as laid down in the present Sm[r.
It is also possible that the emotional traits of women are such as to favor the development of the sentiments at the expense of innate intellectual endowment.
Even of the small number of women who embark upon a professional career, a majority marry and thereafter devote a fairly large proportion of their energy to bearing and rearing children.
Accordingly it is often said that women are grouped closely about the average, while men show a wider range of distribution.
With the development of individual psychology, however, it was soon found that as far as the evidence of mental tests can be trusted the average intelligence of women and girls is as high as that of men and boys.
The Results of Mental and Physical Examination of Four Hundred Women Offenders"; in Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology (1915), pp.
Lady, which, according to Horne Tooke, means exalted, and was at first given only to the few, is now given to all women of education.
He begins the work with, after the introduction, a chapter on Arabic literature, and he especially recognizes that the tenderness of the love sentiment and the chivalric attitude towards women came from the Arabs.
As the chorus says, Bacchus is innately modest and modest women will not be corrupted at the revels.
Horrible draggled women pawed them over for whatever their pockets might yield, and murderous ruffians were ready at hand whenever a knock on the head could solve a difficulty.
It was a forbidding lane, with forbidding men and women hanging about the entrance; and far up toward the end there appeared to be a crowd and a fight; in the midst whereof a half-naked man seemed to be rushing from side to side of the street.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "women" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: femininity; woman; womanhood