Its differences from the rest are not of kind, but of degree; and any superiority that may be claimed for it must henceforth be argued upon this basis.
Perhaps no kind of superiority is more flattering or alluring than that which is conferred by the powers of conversation, by extemporaneous sprightliness of fancy, copiousness of language, and fertility of sentiment.
Such a tribute by boys to intellectual superiority was less rare in those days than it has become since: but it would not be easy to find a parallel to it at any time.
I have not passed over with affected superiority what is equally difficult to the reader and to myself, but where I could not instruct him have owned my ignorance.
We can even look without remonstrance upon our nearest and dearest attired only less frankly than Josephine when she essayed to convince the world of the superiority of her challenged charms to those of Madame Tallien.
It is not surprising that Dryden soon obtained a complete and absolute superiorityin this style of composition over all who pretended to compete with him.
The superiority of this preparation is now universally acknowledged.
But it has been customary among artists to represent the Blessed Virgin with the ring on the right hand, to signify her superiority to St. Joseph from her surpassing dignity of Mother of God.
Pushkin, comparing the Terek with Imatra, in Finland, unhesitatingly declares the superiority of the former in grandeur.
Cromwell's strength lay in his superiority to those scruples of truth and honour which hamper feebler men.
The superiority of the attack was the secret of the power of the monied class who controlled Rome, because with money a machine could be maintained which made individual resistance out of the question, and revolt difficult.
We had then the Allied forces expecting an attack in about the superiority indicated upon this diagram, where the British contingent and the two French armies are marked in full, and the supposed enemy in dotted lines.
Our masses, arriving while we resist, will give us a local superiority here which will hold up the whole German line.
Now, it so happens that Great Britain alone among the Powers of Europe depends for her existence upon supremacy at sea, and particularly upon naval superiority in the Narrow Seas to the east and the south of the British islands.
This does not mean that absolute superiorityof numbers decides a campaign necessarily in favour of the superior power.
The enemy in the first period of the war had, if anything, an even greater superiority in munitioning than in men.
Those commanders knew their overwhelming numerical superiority against the total of the Allied forces--a superiority of some 60 per cent.
The Russian superiority in numbers was very great; the German army corps was turned and divided.
That, of course, meant a heavy superiority in number for the enemy; but, as we have seen, the scheme allowed for such an inconvenience at the first contact.
All we know is that, so far from being able to hold out two or three days against a numerical superiority of a third and under the buttress of Namur, the operative corner, with Namur fallen and, not 30 per cent.
Moreover, effectual crushing requires time, even when, as in the final memorandum, a great concentration of superiority is intended on part of an enemy's order.
He knew that the French had no three-decked ships in their fleet, and he reckoned on the great superiority in close action of three batteries of guns over two.
No general has won more striking successes over superior numbers than did Napoleon; no ruler has been more careful to see that adequate superiority for his own forces was provided from the beginning.
It is upon this letter, the sagacious and well-ordered inferences of which must be candidly admitted, that a claim for superiority of discernment over Nelson has been made for its writer.
He had a general sense of superiority to his foreign born neighbors and to the workmen in the plow factory.
We have only to compare Jehovah with Moloch and Baal, or with the Egyptian gods, Ptah and Ra, or with the classical gods, Jupiter and Saturn, and the superiority of the Jewish conception of the Deity is beyond dispute.
Indeed, considering that man's superiority to lower beings lies in this very fact of his having a partly spiritual nature, the idea that higher beings may be entirely spiritual is even probable.
Fourthly, there may be some other attributes of God which miracles show, and which the ordinary course of nature does not; such as His superiority over nature itself on the one hand, and the interest He takes in man on the other.
The present state of the civilised world is a standing witness to its benefits, since nearly all our moral superiority to the nations of old is due to this religion.
Indeed, the superiority of free men who act right, though they might act wrong, to mere machines is obvious to everyone; and it may far outweigh the disadvantage that some of them should act wrong.
So confident were the marshals in the strength of their position and the belief of the superiority of their troops over the polyglot army of Marlborough, that they had made up their minds that he was about to retreat.
And yet, notwithstanding their great superiority of numbers, the enemy did not venture to attack, and for a fortnight the armies remained facing each other, without a blow being struck on either side.
The superiority of a rotary motion for a steam-engine is apparently so evident that many attempts have been made to overcome the practical difficulties to which it is subject.
Constance showed a marked superiority in the efficiency of the mechanism of her engines, when the losses by friction were compared.
At about this period the English attained some superiority over their neighbors on the Continent in the practical application of science and the development of the useful arts, and it has never since been lost.
And the superiority of the eagle is again adverted to by Hastings, in Richard III.
Their large size, powerful flight, and great muscular strength, give them a superiority which is universally admitted.
But the false position assumed by our people since the occupation of 1882, that of rulers and ruled, the rulers being aliens and affecting airs of race superiority over the natives, has destroyed all this.
I saw too little of them to learn anything of real value; and the great numerical superiority of the Hindus and Mohammedans entitles them alone to general attention.
Again, it is no less acknowledged that, in the modern conditions of Indian life, that which principally conduces to the advantage of each community is its superiority in education.
He also directed the attention of mariners to the superiority of the Lesser Bear, as a guide for the navigation of vessels, as compared with the Great Bear, by which constellation they usually steered.
Mrs. Arnot again smiled as she watched the young people, but she now came to her niece's rescue, thinking also it would be well to disturb Haldane's sense of superiority somewhat.
That the loss or gain depends on superiority of brains and of weapons and not necessarily superiority of rank and numbers of men.
The superiorityof the enemy at present is principally due to their use of tanks.
Animal superiorityover animal is based on muscle, human superiority over human is based on brain.
In mental superiority and bodily vigour they must be examples to their men.
Before war broke out in 1870 the world believed in the military superiority of France.
A road at some distance, leading through other defiles in the mountains, would enable the French to pass into his rear, intercept his supplies, and starve him into a surrender, or fight him with a superiority of three to one.
A confidence in themselves, a persuasion of superiority over the enemy, arising from the goodness of their cause, and their early and habitual use of fire arms, had been carefully encouraged.
This equality in point of numbers, rendered it a prudent precaution to maintain a superiority of position.
If the attack in front should fail, which was not even improbable, the total loss of the two thousand men in the rear must follow; and General Howe would maintain his superioritythrough the winter.
The affairs of Trenton and Princeton were magnified into great victories; and were believed by the body of the people to evidence the superiority of their army and of their general.
In this he enumerated the errors which had prevented the completion of his regiment, showed the insufficiency of the militia for any military purpose, and demonstrated the superiority of an offensive system over that which had been pursued.
The superiority of the enemy, and the expected attack, do not seem to have depressed their spirits.
If this be the true reason of America's superiority in this respect, and I am sure Mr. N.
Those of us who knew its picturesque charms were more than ever impressed with its superiority over all other cities.
We were compelled to retire, defeated not by superiority in valor, but by famine and the rigor of a Russian winter.
The Czernovese army lay encamped within sight of a force whose numerical superiority was as ten to one.
Sidenote: Political superiority of the Fijians over the other Melanesians.
Politically the Fijians shewed their superiority to all the other Melanesians in the advance they had made towards a regular and organised government.
I have tried both, and I cannot find that there is any great superiority in his plan; but, perhaps, though I have exactly followed his directions as given in the Field, I may have omitted some point of practical importance.
No perceptible shrinkage can, however, occur if the body is properly made and packed; and here is shown the vast superiority of the made body of well-wrapped tow over that made of loose cotton inserted in the skin, bit by bit.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "superiority" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.