The Republic had been declared, and Mazzini was in control of the government.
But when thou shalt be carried in thy triumphal chariot to the capitol, thou wilt find the republic disturbed by the designs of my grandson.
Immediately after this "cockade proclamation" was issued, that token of attachment to the French republic abounded.
The republic of France; may her navy clear the ocean of pirates, that the common high way of nations may no longer, like the highways of Great Britain, be a receptacle for robbers.
Shall a minister from the republic of France be received?
The republic of America; may the sentiment that impelled her to resist a British tyrant's will, and the energy which rendered it effectual, prompt her to repel usurpation in whatever shape it may assail her.
The republic of Holland; may her two sisters, the republics of France and America, form with her an invincible triumvirate in the cause of liberty.
The republic of Holland; may that fortitude which sustained her in the dire conflict with Philip the Second, and the success that crowned her struggles, be multiplied upon her in the hour of her regeneration.
This was specially manifested by an outburst of popular feeling when the proclamation of the French republic reached America, and news that French arms had made a conquest of the Austrian Netherlands.
Feeble was the arm of any man to give him liberty, especially one stretched toward him from the new republic beyond the sea.
It was also unanimously agreed that a minister from the republic of France should be received.
The republic of France; may the shores of Great Britain soon hail the tri-colored standard, and the people rend the air with shouts of 'Long live the republic!
He seemed to relish this exchange of courtesies with people who were not his subjects in this little republic of physical malady.
Less prepared, this Republichad less incentive to War.
In seeing that the republic received no detriment, you should not have regarded the army only; your highest care should have been that its good name, its moral and Christian character, received no detriment.
The war is dishonorable and cowardly, as the attack of a rich, powerful, numerous, and united republic upon a weak and defenceless neighbor, distracted by civil feud.
So now, the actual arrival of the republic found dissensions among the very "patriots" who should have served it disinterestedly and with fervour.
The new-born republic did not wait, however, for him to declare war, but sent a force into Spain, which quickly invaded the frontier and soon defeated the allied Spanish and Portuguese in several battles.
He aimed at establishing an independent republic in Spain, and perhaps might have succeeded had not some of his followers, probably bribed by Roman gold, treacherously stabbed him at a banquet.
It is said that republics are ungrateful; but if the American Republic has been open to that accusation in the past, it nobly redeemed itself during the campaign against the Spaniards.
In his capacity of State painter to the Republic it was Bellini's duty to execute the official portraits of the Doges.
These came not only from various parts of the French Republic but from nearly all the surrounding nations, the main source being London.
The Caribs were especially persistent in declaring that an Amazonian republic still existed in the centre of Guiana "in those districts which no European had ever visited.
I have had occasion more than once to allude to the controversy between the Signory and the Holy See over the witches of Brescia, when the Republic definitely refused to execute the sentences of the inquisitors.
It was his misfortune that in a republic such as Florence the temptation to take part in politics was irresistible.
David founded a "Society of the Holy League, or Christian Brotherhood," and proclaimed the coming Republic or Kingdom of God, when all property should be equally divided.
The establishment of a republic was in accordance with the wishes of a large number of the Milanese; and they called the First Consul their Savior, since he had delivered them from the yoke of the Austrians.
The Commune of Montmorency had long since lost its ancient name; but it was not until the end of November, 1813, that the Emperor legally took away the name of Emile which it had received under the republic in honor of J.
The Republic of the United States of America successfully continues its war with England.
The republic was deprived, by their mutual discord, of the service of her two most illustrious champions.
The reign of independent Barbarism is now contracted to a narrow span; and the remnant of Calmucks or Uzbecks, whose forces may be almost numbered, cannot seriously excite the apprehensions of the great republic of Europe.
The existence of the Venetian republic under the Gothic kingdom of Italy, is attested by the same authentic record, which annihilates their lofty claim of original and perpetual independence.
The protection of the republic has delivered Gaul from internal discord and foreign invasions.
The professions of Adolphus were probably sincere, and his attachment to the cause of the republic was secured by the ascendant which a Roman princess had acquired over the heart and understanding of the Barbarian king.
Yet the piercing eye of the founder of the republic must have discerned two essential imperfections, which might, perhaps, have abated his recent love of despotism.
The important secret was communicated to Innocent, the bishop of Rome; and the successor of St. Peter is accused, perhaps without foundation, of preferring the safety of the republic to the rigid severity of the Christian worship.
This announcement seemed, to say the least, premature, and the supporters of a Republic must have warmly congratulated themselves upon having to encounter an enemy who played so completely into their hands.
In the mean time they are letting Boulanger grow up into a personage whose position may be a danger to the Republic at home, even if it does not embroil the country in a foreign war.
On the other hand, the Republicans were dissatisfied because, the whole weight of the Government was not unscrupulously used for the purpose of establishing a Republic permanently, with or without the consent of the people.
The departure of neither seems to have made much apparent sensation in Paris when it took place, but I am far from certain that Prince Victor is not really a more formidable opponent to the Republic than is the Comte de Paris.
First of all, speaking on the subject of Bonapartist successes at the elections, he said that Bonapartism would die out as soon as it was realized that a moderate Republic was firmly established.
The result of these proceedings was that the attempt to make a step towards the definite establishment of a Republic and to place Thiers as President for a term of years in a position independent of the Assembly, failed.
In consequence of the election of a new President of the Republic in the person of M.
The reputation of the French Republic was not enhanced by a most discreditable incident which occurred at Paris in the autumn.
He is in particular very much afraid of the feeling in favour of the Empire which would be revived in the wine-growing districts, if under the Republic the English wine duties became less favourable to French wines.
They were intent upon doing whatever would be most hurtful to the prestige and success of the Republic in France.
Then the Republic here has lasted sixteen years, and that is about the time which it takes to make the French tired of a form of Government.
Naturally, flood-affected farmers throughout the region - from the Czech Republic to Poland - are vigorously protesting their unequal treatment and the compromises their governments are arm-twisted into making.
The situation in the Czech Republic is not much different.
Economic Advisor to the Government of the Republic of Macedonia and to the Ministry of Finance.
With the exception of Slovenia, Estonia, Croatia and the Czech Republic - the population of the countries in transition is poor, sometimes inordinately so.
The situation in the Czech Republic is not much improved.
Later on, again, the Government of the South African Republic wrote another letter to the Free State; but there had been no opportunity of meeting until the present occasion, which saw them assembled together at Vereeniging.
Did it not realize that if the case of the Republic was hopeless in Europe the deputation would send word to that effect?
Then the Orange Free State delegates went to the tent of Vice-President de Wet, whilst those of the South African Republic remained in the tent in which the meeting was held.
On the behest of the British Agent in Pretoria, the South African Republic made a proposal granting far more than was demanded by the High Commissioner.
And in the South African Republic the situation was very similar.
The British Government then closed all correspondence, and wrote to the South African Republic saying that they would make their demands later on.
It might be even said to be the Republic itself, since it is the extension of the Republic to the regime of property and labor.
The government's attitude is based on the theory that the Social Democrats are enemies of the monarchy, and are designing to overthrow it and declare a republic the moment they get into power.
In a signed statement to the unions they said: "The Republic has given the ballot into your hand, now give the Republic your instructions.
The Socialist party defends the Republic as a necessary means of liberation and education.
It rules the Republicfrom the Chamber of Deputies.
Unlimited competition has led to limitless consolidation of industries, and the financial destinies of the Republic repose in the hands of comparatively few men.
Too often the workers neglect to profit by the means of action which democracy and the Republic put into their hands.
The powers at present belonging to the President of the Republic and the Cabinet to devolve on an executive council appointed by the Parliament.
Jaures claimed for the Socialists a dominant share in the great victory won by the friends of the Republic during the Dreyfus turmoil, and made much of the multitudes of workingmen to whom the Republic was now under great obligation.
He found the President and Governor of the Argentine Republic ready to support his scheme with a liberality well fitted to impress us with a high sense of their standard of civilization.
The Lusitania went down; the Great Republic merely quivered.
But now, after the second year, through the thickening nightmare the Great Republic groaned aloud; and a new note of menace sounded in her drugged and dreary voice.
Silent in its suspense the Great Republic listened.
Of course, the Mexican trouble is due to German intrigue which is trying desperately to involve that Republic and yours and also drag in Japan.
The Tybee having departed on her homeward voyage, the one warship of the republic made its appearance in the harbor, a miserable little schooner, but one that carried a gun.
The anomalous position of a slave system in a democratic republic was beginning to make itself keenly felt.
France had dismissed her citizen king, and had established a republic in place of the monarchy.
It is clear, that to uphold this doctrine in a republic was a more difficult task, and we have already shown, that Zwingli could not be numbered among its advocates.
But with keen glance he discovers the moving spring of the diplomatic transactions, the elements of discord, and the quarter, from which the most destructive inroads on the life of the republic were to be feared.
Under the republic there was not sufficient limit to paternal power, and the pater familias was necessarily a tyrant.
But the abuse of paternal power was checked in the republic by the censors, and afterward by emperors.
But in the latter days of the republic law became the fashionable study of Roman youth, and eminent masters arose.
Where was salvation to a Republic which banished its savior, and for having saved it?
In the earliest times men sought distinction on the fields of battle, but in the latter days of the republic honor was conferred for forensic ability.
In the early age of the republic the legion was disbanded as soon as the special service was performed, and was in all essential respects a militia.
Power was in the hands of nobles, whether their ancestors were patricians or plebeians, although in the early ages of the Republic they were mostly patricians by birth.
When therepublic saw its great colony of Cyprus attacked by the Turks, it consequently appealed in the first place to Pius V.
Economy Bosnia and Herzegovina Economy - overview: Bosnia and Herzegovina ranked next to The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia as the poorest republic in the old Yugoslav federation.