The Duc de Maine was invested with the principality of Dombes and the county of Eu.
This was the condition of things when Volagases ascended the Parthian throne, and found himself in want of a principality with which he might reward the services of Tiridates, his brother.
Parthian horse-archers had been sent to the assistance of a certain Bassus, a Roman who amid the troubles of the times was seeking to obtain for himself something like an independent principality in Syria.
The eastern part of it, round Detmoldt, the present capital of the principality of Lippe, is described by a modern German scholar, Dr.
His brother's authority in theprincipality had been shaken by war and revolt: Miltiades determined to rule more securely.
They also held Ta Matarcha on the Asiatic side of the strait, a town which in the 10th and 11th centuries became the seat of the Russian principality of Tmutarakan, which in its turn gave place to Tatar domination.
We need not quote at large from the melancholy picture he gives in this and his other pamphlets of the state of the Principality in that day, as his writings have been rendered familiar to many of our readers by Dr.
Rees Pritchard, Vicar of Llandovery, in Carmarthenshire, the author of a work which has had a larger circulation in the Principality than any book except the Bible.
The Duke of Beaufort, whose authority extended over four English shires and over the whole principality of Wales, came up to Whitehall with an account not less discouraging.
The Principality has successfully sought to diversify into services and small, high-value-added, non-polluting industries.
He only succeeded in establishing for himself an independent principalitynear Hansi, which he yielded to Lord Lake in 1803.
He, we know, conquered and annexed the principality of Anga and built the city of New Rajagriha, which lies at the base of the hill below the old fort.
It was a trifle in comparison with the sunnuds gifted to omrahs of the court by many a native principality and power to those who served it well.
Just below Villefranche is Trévoux, the ancient capital of the Principality of Dombes.
Dombes, principality in little, although at first a part of the kingdom of Burgundy, later fell by favour of circumstances to the Sires of Beaugé and afterwards to the Sire de Beaujeau.
It is a somnolent little city of the ancient Principality of Dombes, that disputed ground of the Burgundians and the Savoyards in the middle ages.
The principality comprised the seigneuries of Héricourt, Blamont, Chatelet and Clémont.
In the middle ages it was one of the sentinel cities which guarded the Principality of Dombes.
The Parliament met at Trévoux and the Principality was one of the earliest and smallest political divisions of France to coin its own money.
The man who had announced his determination to manage the public and private affairs of the principality was coming to town.
Mr. Blithers was very close to the truth when he said (to himself, if you remember) that the financial situation in the far-off principality was not all that could be desired.
The great nations of Europe made it plain to the little principality that they would not put a finger in Russia's pie at this stage of the game.
He had no means of knowing that a certain Miss Guile was doing more to shape the destiny of the principality of Graustark than all the millions he had poured into its treasury.
Though Prussia had proclaimed her strict neutrality, he did not scruple to violate it by sending Bernadotte's corps through her principality of Ansbach, which lay in their path.
As a slight compensation for these grievous losses, Austria gained Salzburg, whose Elector was to receive from Bavaria the former principality of Würzburg.
But, on accepting his new dignity, Bernadotte showed his customary independence of thought by refusing to promise that he would never bear arms against France--a refusal that cost him his principality of Ponte Corvo.
Thanks to the complaisance of their Kings, the Grand Duchy of Berg and Cleves was granted to Murat, while the energetic and trusty Berthier was rewarded with the Principality of Neufchâtel and a truly princely fortune.
During the thirty years of its existence the principality had made rapid and striking progress.
In the end of the 15th century this principalitybegan to attach itself to the grand-duchy of Moscow; and by Ivan III.
While the principality formed a portion of the Turkish empire, the privileges of the capitulations were guaranteed to foreign subjects (Berlin Treaty, Art.
The organization of the church within the principality was regulated [v.
Therefore it is not altogether with regret that he leaves the Principality by the back door and makes a mental note that Menton will be his next stopping-place.
Originally these rights belonged to the Archbishop of Arles, and later to the Seigneurs de Gallifet, Princes of Martigues, when the town was made a principality by Henri IV.
The inhabitant of the Principality of Monaco is fortunate in more ways than one; he is not taxed by the impôt, and he does not contribute a sou to the civil list of the prince.
The Principalityof Monaco, like those other petty states, Andorra and San Marino, comes very near to being a burlesque of the greater powers that surround it.
Its ruler was Shah Kamran, son of that Mahmoud Shah who, after ousting his brother Shah Soojah from the throne of Cabul, had himself been driven from that elevation, and had retired to the minor principality of Herat.
His especial aspiration, industriously stimulated by his Russian advisers, urged him to the enterprise of conquering the independent principality of Herat, on the western border of Afghanistan.
Albania split off from the mass almost at once, and was a separate principality under the Balsha chiefs.
As a result of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877, in which, however, he displayed little military skill, Serbia was raised from a principality to a Kingdom.
Upon the restoration of the Elector, by the treaty of Rastadt, the principality of Mendleheim, which had been bestowed upon Marlborough after the battle of Blenheim by the Emperor Joseph, was resumed by the Elector.
The Prince and Princess were betrothed, and Prince Moufy then returned to his principality to make preparations for the marriage.
Irish king of Leinster, succeeded his father in the principality of the Hui Cinsellaigh (1115) and eventually in the kingship of Leinster.
A slip from the parent trunk was grafted on to the Dukedom of Cornwall, and the Principality of Wales, to both of which Henry's eldest son was nominated.
By drawing upon fact for some portions, and his imagination for the remainder, he contrived to get up an excellent draft abstract, which he endorsed with the words "Principality op Wales.
Until his twenty-second year he lived at Eimbeck, formerly a free city, but then in the Grubenhagen Principality of the Duchy of Brunswick-Lueneburg.
Afterward at Goettingen, though the city had its own Ordnung, originally prefaced and sent by Luther, its worship was substantially that of the Calenberg Principality of Br.
The ruins appear to occupy the site of the ancient Eupatorion of Strabo, which afterwards, under the name of Theodori, became the seat of a little Greek principalitydependent on the Lower Empire.