It has seized Labor in its clutches and wrings a ransom out of every toiler in the land.
Monopoly steals out of Uncle Sam's pocket with one hand and with the other clutches the bread-money out of the tremblin' weak fingers of the poor.
I'll shpile the thrick for Misther Payterson, the thaving baste, and take this little greenhorn out of his clutches and sind him about his business.
If uncle had fallen into the clutches of these furious people, he would undoubtedly have been lynched.
He's the first Injin that I ever got my clutches on that has got away after it, and the first one that I ever felt like lettin' go.
The clever assistance of a young detective saves the boys from the clutches of Chinese smugglers, of whose nefarious trade they know too much.
Instead he raised his voice in the call of distress common to his tribe, adding to it the warning which would prevent would-be rescuers from running into the clutches of Sabor.
You have insinuated that you ran only to overtake me, not to escape the clutches of the lion.
It is the half-conscious striving of a nature which knows not what it would attain, which deforms a true thought by gross expression, which clutches at the beautiful and soils it with foul hands.
In the meantime, Prince Robin was racing over the mountain roads in a high-power car, attended by a merry company of conspirators whose sole object was to keep him out of the clutches of that far-reaching octopus, William W.
What could be more dreadful than to fall into the clutches of that merciless foe to peace?
Connie", she said, had been left behind in the clutches of the dressmaker!
I am not going to stand by and see a man who saved my life fall into the clutches of an usurer.
I had no great love for Hugo, save for association's sake, and I had one too many servants as it was; but to rescue one slave from Grafton's clutches was charity.
Well, I confess I see no chance at the present moment; but at any rate it will be hopeless if we get into the Germans' clutches ourselves.
I quote from Doctor Ekblaw's notes again: Though we found but two clutches of eggs, we discovered many families of young birds.
The morning aurora comes out of the forest, delivers herself from the clutches of the bear, from the witch of the night, and appears drawn by horses upon a chariot full of treasure.
He had done the best he could to keep Rodney out of the clutches of that Yankee cotton-factor in St. Louis, and now the boy must look out for himself.
And as long as I keep him I'll never fall into theclutches of the Yankees.
When the Man with the Iron Jaw had whispered to the fat musician outside the dressing tent guarded by Wagner's assistants, he had asked him to get Andy out of the clutches of the constable.
To escape the clutchesof the would-be robbers was everything.
From the first piece of information he learnt that Marston was in his clutches now.
With a wild despairing cry the man flings out his hand and clutches it.
He saw the facts in their ghastly reality, and he clutched at this small offer of help as a drowning man clutches at the first thing he sees.
Afterwards when it has us surely in its clutches because of our past, it gives us only what is necessary in order to live with a certain freedom.
The men from the North who needed the burning log and alcoholic drink in order to defend their life from the clutches of the cold, were always thinking of these Mediterranean shores.
The commands of the prince are received by the people as though they longed to escape the clutches of a bandit.
Ta-den would visit his father in the valley below and Tarzan seeks entrance to A-lur in search of the mate that would be better dead than in the clutches of the Ho-don priests of Jad-ben-Otho.
I sought to bring her to Tu-lur that I might save her for him from theclutches of Ja-don, but during the night she escaped.
Thank the good God--she can't for a few days; but time passes, and Dent may have her safe in his clutches afore I know.
They had fallen into the clutches of the oppressor--they had gone.
Judas clutches a bag of money in his left hand, which he tries to hide behind his back, while his bent body and the low animal cunning in his look betray the sordid eagerness that prompts him.
She puts her hand up suddenly to her heart, and clutches at her dress nervously, as if to hide the vampire hidden there.
Meanwhile he had fallen into the clutches of Quilp a terrible dwarf, who had lent him money from time to time, until the entire contents of the shop were mortgaged.
The constables would further recall the appearance of a woman lurking in Catchpole Square on the night of the 5th, her evident alarm on being challenged, and her escape from the clutches of Constable Applebee.
If ever you get into his clutches look out for snakes.
Had his fate, if caught and in the clutches of the law, depended upon the public vote, his doom would have been sealed.
Then he reckoned up what was due to Mr. Higgins, paid and dismissed him, and repeated his caution about looking out for snakes if it should be his bad fortune to fall into the clutches of the famous detective.
I resolved not to put myself into the clutches of the Philosophers till my mission was discharged, for fear of accident; so I seated myself on one of the pavilion steps and watched the play.
All that I called to my mind as I reeled into his clutches was Tempest's directions about kicking back, which accordingly I proceeded to do, with all the vigour of which my new tan boots were capable.